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@fankes fankes released this 07 Oct 11:10
· 41 commits to master since this release

YukiHookAPI 1.2.0 Released


  • The license agreement has been changed from MIT to Apache-2.0, subsequent versions will be distributed under this license agreement, you should change the relevant license agreement after using this version
  • This is a breaking update, please refer to Migrate to YukiHookAPI 1.2.x for details
  • Adapted to Android 14, thanks to BlueCat300 for PR
  • Fixed findAllInterfaces related issues, thanks to buffcow for PR
  • Fixed the delayed callback problem in the Hook process, thanks to cesaryuan for his Issue
  • Added support for Resources Hook related functions, please refer to this Issue for details
  • Added YukiHookAPI.TAG
  • Deprecated YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_NAME, YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_CODE, merged into YukiHookAPI.VERSION
  • Added YukiHookAPI.TAG
  • Deprecated YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_NAME, YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_CODE, merged into YukiHookAPI.VERSION
  • Deprecated useDangerousOperation method in YukiMemberHookCreator
  • Deprecated instanceClass function in YukiMemberHookCreator, it is no longer recommended
  • Modify instanceClass in HookParam to be a null safe return value type
  • Detach all Hook objects created using injectMember to LegacyCreator
  • Modify appClassLoader in PackageParam to be a null safe return value type
  • Refactor all logger... methods to new usage YLog
  • Removed the --> style behind the print log function
  • Fixed and improved the problem that the module package name cannot be obtained through KSP after using namespace
  • Functions such as whether to enable module activation status have now been moved to the InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation
  • Detached FreeReflection will no longer be automatically generated and will be automatically imported as a dependency
  • Added a warning log that will be automatically printed when the same Hook method is repeated
  • The findClass(...) method in PackageParam is obsolete, please migrate to the "...".toClass() method
  • The String.hook { ... } method in PackageParam is obsolete, and it is recommended to use a new method for Hook
  • AppLifecycle can now be created repeatedly in different Hookers
  • The old version of Hook priority writing is obsolete and migrated to YukiHookPriority
  • Removed the tag function in the Hook process
  • Refactored remendy functionality in find methods, which now prints exceptions in steps
  • The multi-method find result type is changed from HashSet to MutableList
  • Added method(), constructor(), field() to directly obtain all object functions in the class
  • constructor() no longer behaves like constructor { emptyParam() }
  • Added lazyClass and lazyClassOrNull methods to lazily load Class

For more details, please check the changelog.

YukiHookAPI 1.2.0 已发布

⚠ 重大更新

  • 许可协议由 MIT 变更为 Apache-2.0,在此之后的版本将由此许可协议进行分发,您在使用此版本后应变更相关许可协议
  • 这是一次重大更新,详情请参考 迁移到 YukiHookAPI 1.2.x
  • 适配 Android 14,感谢 BlueCat300PR
  • 修复 findAllInterfaces 相关问题,感谢 buffcowPR
  • 修复 Hook 过程中的延迟回调问题,感谢 cesaryuanIssue
  • 新增 Resources Hook 相关功能支持,详情请参考这个 Issue
  • 新增 YukiHookAPI.TAG
  • 作废了 YukiMemberHookCreator 中的 useDangerousOperation 方法
  • 作废了 YukiMemberHookCreator 中的 instanceClass 功能,不再推荐使用
  • 修改 HookParam 中的 instanceClass 为空安全返回值类型
  • 分离全部使用 injectMember 创建的 Hook 对象到 LegacyCreator
  • 修改 PackageParam 中的 appClassLoader 为空安全返回值类型
  • 重构全部 logger... 方法到新用法 YLog
  • 移除了打印日志功能后方的 --> 样式
  • 修复并改进在使用 namespace 后通过 KSP 无法获取模块包名的问题
  • 是否启用模块激活状态等功能现已移动到 InjectYukiHookWithXposed 注解中
  • 分离 FreeReflection 不再自动生成,将作为依赖自动导入
  • 新增重复 Hook 同一个方法时将自动打印警告日志
  • 作废了 PackageParam 中的 findClass(...) 方法,请迁移到 "...".toClass() 方法
  • 作废了 PackageParam 中的 String.hook { ... } 方法,推荐使用新方式进行 Hook
  • AppLifecycle 现在可以在不同 Hooker 中重复创建
  • 作废了旧版 Hook 优先级写法,统一迁移到 YukiHookPriority
  • 移除了 Hook 过程中的 tag 功能
  • 重构方法查找中的 remendy 功能,现在可以对其进行分步打印异常
  • 多重方法查找结果类型由 HashSet 改为 MutableList
  • 新增使用 method()constructor()field() 可直接获取到类中的所有对象功能
  • constructor() 的行为不再是 constructor { emptyParam() }
  • 新增 lazyClasslazyClassOrNull 方法,可延迟装载 Class
