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673 lines (472 loc) · 24.7 KB

File metadata and controls

673 lines (472 loc) · 24.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[18.0.0] - 2024-02-29

Changes in Cms AuditLogs API:

  • Added new param prev to cms.audit_log.models.Paging.
  • Added new param meta to cms.audit_log.models.PublicAuditLog.
  • Added cms.audit_logs.models.PreviousPage.

Changes in Automation Actions Definitions API:

  • Updated create() method to accept public_action_definition_egg instead of extension_action_definition_input and returned PublicActionDefinition instead ExtensionActionDefinition.
  • Updated get_by_id() method to return PublicActionDefinition instead of ExtensionActionDefinition.
  • Updated get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionDefinitionForwardPaging instead of CollectionResponseExtensionActionDefinitionForwardPaging.
  • Updated update() method to accept public_action_definition_patch instead of extension_action_definition_patch and returned PublicActionDefinition instead ExtensionActionDefinition.

Changes in Automation Actions Functions API:

  • Added new function type POST_ACTION_EXECUTION to all methods.
  • Updated create_or_replace() method to return PublicActionFunctionIdentifier instead of ActionFunctionIdentifier.
  • Updated create_or_replace_by_function_type() method to return PublicActionFunctionIdentifier instead of ActionFunctionIdentifier.
  • Updated get_by_function_type() method to return PublicActionFunction instead of ActionFunction.
  • Updated get_by_id() method to return PublicActionFunction instead of ActionFunction.
  • Updated get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionFunctionIdentifierNoPaging instead of CollectionResponseActionFunctionIdentifierNoPaging.

Changes in Automation Actions Revisions API:

  • Updated get_by_id() method to return PublicActionRevision instead of ActionRevision.
  • Updated get_page() method to return CollectionResponsePublicActionRevisionForwardPaging instead of CollectionResponseActionRevisionForwardPaging.

Changes in Automation Actions Models:

  • Added new param automation_field_type to automation.actions.models.InputFieldDefinition.
  • Added automation.actions.models.OutputFieldDefinition.
  • Added automation.actions.models.PublicExecutionTranslationRule.
  • Update params to automation.actions.models.FieldTypeDefinition:
    :'help_text' => :'String',
    :'referenced_object_type' => :'String',
    :'name' => :'String',
    :'options' => :'Array<Option>',
    :'description' => :'String',
    :'external_options_reference_type' => :'String',
    :'label' => :'String',
    :'type' => :'String',
    :'field_type' => :'String',
    :'options_url' => :'String',
    :'external_options' => :'Boolean'

Changes in CMS Blog APIs:

  • Updated attach_to_lang_group(), detach_from_lang_group() and update_langs() methods to return nil instead of Error.
  • Added new param property to cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api.get_by_id() and cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api.get_page().

Changes in Blog Models:

  • Removed EnumAttributeValidator from a few models blogs: authors, blog_posts, tags.

Changes in CMS Source Code API:

  • Renamed method from cms.source_code.content_api.get() to
  • Renamed method from cms.source_code.content_api.replace() to cms.source_code.content_api.create_or_update().
  • Added new param hash to cms.source_code.models.AssetFileMetadata.
  • Added new param properties to cms.source_code.metadata_api.get().

Changes in CRM Associations API (associations) v4:

  • Methods archive(), create() and create_default() of class BasicApi now accept parameters object_id and to_object_id of type string instead of int.
  • Method get_page() of class BasicApi now accepts parameter object_id of type string instead of int.
  • Changed the type of parameters to_object_id and from_object_id in class LabelsBetweenObjectPair to string.
  • Changed the type of parameter to_object_id in class MultiAssociatedObjectWithLabel to string.
  • Changed the type of property category in class ErrorCategory to string.

Changes in AssociationsV4 Models:

  • Changed the type of property errors in class BatchResponsePublicDefaultAssociation from StandardError1[] to StandardError[].
  • Added parameter inverseLabel to classes PublicAssociationDefinitionCreateRequest and PublicAssociationDefinitionUpdateRequest.

Changes in AssociationsV3 Models:

  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in class StandardError.

Changes in Schema API Methods:

  • Method delete() renamed to archive() in class DefinitionsApi.

Changes in Oauth Models:

  • Removed params scope_to_scope_group_pks, trial_scopes, trial_scope_to_scope_group_pks from AccessTokenInfoResponse.

Changes in CRM Imports Model:

  • Added import_template and import_source params to class PublicImportResponse.

Changes in CRM Lists Memberships API:

  • Renamed method add_remove() to add_and_remove().

Changes in CRM Pipelines Pipelines API :

  • Added param validate_deal_stage_usages_before_delete to archive(), replace() and update() methods.

Changes in CRM Pipelines Model:

  • Added write_permissions param to class PipelineStage.

Changes in CRM Schemas Models:

  • Added description param to class ObjectTypeDefinitionPatch.
  • Added new params: option_sort_strategy, show_currency_symbol, form_field, referenced_object_type, text_display_hint, searchable_in_global_search and number_display_hint to class ObjectTypePropertyCreate.

Changes in CRM Timeline Events API:

  • Updated create_batch() method to return nil insted BatchResponseTimelineEventResponse.

Changes in CRM Timeline Model:

  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in class StandardError.

Changes in CRM Extensions Cards API:

  • Changed parameter order in archive() method from (app_id, card_id) to (card_id, app_id).
  • Changed parameter order in get_by_id() method from (app_id, card_id) to (card_id, app_id) and method return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Changed parameter order in update() method from (app_id, card_id, card_patch_request) to (card_id, app_id, card_patch_request) and method return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Updated create() method to return PublicCardResponse instead CardResponse.
  • Updated get_all() method to return PublicCardListResponse instead CardListResponse.

Changes in CRM Extensions Card Models:

  • Added new params serverless_function and card_type to CardFetchBody and CardFetchBodyPatch.
  • Added new param audit_history to PublicCardResponse.
  • Added new allowable value marketing_events to CardObjectTypeBody.

Changes in CRM Extensions Videoconferencing API:

  • Added developer_hapikey

Changes in CRM Extensions Videoconferencing Model:

  • Added new param fetch_accounts_uri to ExternalSettings.

Changes in Events Send API:

  • Renamed behavioral_events_tracking_api to custom_event_data_api.

Changes in Events Model:

  • Added new param prev to Paging.

Changes in Files Files API:

  • Added new method get_metadata().

Changes in Files Models:

  • Added new param expires_at to File and FileUpdateInput.
  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in class StandardError.

Changes in Files Client:

  • Moved client from files.files to files.

Changes in Marketing Events APIs:

  • Moved methods archive(), create(), do_cancel(), get_by_id(), replace() and update() from to
  • Moved method do_upsert() from to
  • Moved and renamed method archive_batch() to archive() from to
  • Moved methods do_email_upsert_by_id() and do_upsert_by_id() from to
  • Renamed Api to

Changes in Marketing Events Models:

  • Added new param is_large_value to PropertyValue.
  • Changed the type of parameter category from ErrorCategory to string in class StandardError.

Changes in Marketing Forms Models:

  • Added new param lifecycle_stages to HubSpotFormConfiguration.

Changes in Settings Users Model:

  • Added new params role_ids, send_welcome_email and super_admin to PublicUser.

Changes in All Models PublicObjectSearchRequest:

  • Changed the type of parameter after from int to string.

Changes in All Models SimplePublicObjectBatchInput:

  • Added new param id_property.

Changes in Crm Objects:

  • Removed crm.objects.associations_api.

Changes in Crm Objects Postal Mail BasicAPI:

  • Renamed param postal_mail to postal_mail_id

Added new Client APIs:

  • Added crm.extensions.calling.recording_settings_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.line_items.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.products.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.quotes.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added Api.
  • Added crm.objects.calls.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.emails.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.meetings.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.notes.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.postal_mail.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.tasks.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.feedback_submissions.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added crm.objects.communications.gdpr_api Api.
  • Added Api.
  • Added Api.
  • Added Api.

Removed hapikey from

  • cms.audit_logs Api.
  • cms.site_search Api.
  • cms.url_redirects Api.
  • cms.source_code Apis.
  • cms.blogs.blog_posts Api.
  • communication_preferences Apis.
  • conversations.visitor_identification Api.

[17.2.0] - 2023-12-19


  • cms.pages Api client.
  • crm.lists Api client.
  • crm.objects.goals Api client.
  • crm.objects.taxes Api client.
  • events.send Api client.
  • settings.business_units Api client.

[17.1.1] - 2023-09-28


  • fix initializing developer_hapikey

[17.1.0] - 2023-08-07

Removed hapikey from

  • automation.actions.callbacksApi Api.
  • cms (all Api clients).
  • communicationPreferences (all Api clients).
  • conversations (all API clients).
  • crm (all Api clients).
  • events (all Api clients).
  • files (all Api clients).
  • Api.
  • marketing.transactional Api client.


  • Cnange type from object to string in cms/hubdb/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from StandardError[] to StandardError1[] in crm/associations/v4/models/BatchResponseSimplePublicObjectWithErrors::errors.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/companies/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/contacts/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/deals/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/lineitems/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/calls/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/communications/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/emails/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/feedback_submissions/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/meetings/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/notes/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/postal_mail/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/objects/tasks/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/products/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/properties/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/quotes/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in crm/tickets/models/StandardError::category.
  • Cnange type from ErrorCategory to string in webhooks/models/StandardError::category.


  • Hubspot::Helpers::Path.require_with_codegen_mapping()

[17.0.0] - 2023-06-14


  • Fix Hubspot::OAuthHelper.authorize_url() (don't add empty scopes or optional scopes to OAuth url)

[17.0.0.pre.beta.4] - 2023-05-17


  • added custom exceptions for Signature
  • add associations types


  • remove deprecated validate_signature

[17.0.0-beta.3] - 2023-05-12


  • crm.associations.v4.basic_api Api.
  • crm.objects.communications Api client


  • crm.associations.types_api => crm.associations.schema.types_api.
  • crm.associations.v4.definitions_api => crm.associations.v4.schema.definitions_api.

[17.0.0-beta.2] - 2023-04-28


-Add new event types to webhooks.

[17.0.0-beta.1] - 2023-04-11


  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_clone_draft_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.clone_draft_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_create_draft_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.create_draft_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_purge_draft_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.purge_draft_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_ReadDrafttable_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.read_draft_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_read_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.read_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_replace_draft_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.replace_draft_table_rows.
  • Rename cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.batch_update_draft_table_rows => cms.hubdb.rows_batch_api.update_draft_table_rows.
  • cms.hubdb.tables_api.get_draft_table_details_by_id => cms.hubdb.tables_api.get_draft_table_details_by_id(+include_foreign_ids: bool)
  • cms.hubdb.tables_api.get_table_details => cms.hubdb.tables_api.get_table_details(+include_foreign_ids: bool)
  • cms.hubdb.tables_api.update_draft_table => cms.hubdb.tables_api.update_draft_table(+include_foreign_ids: bool)
  • Removed crm.companies.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.contacts.associations_api.
  • Removed
  • Removed crm.line_items.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.calls.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.emails.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.feedback_submissions.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.meetings.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.notes.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.postal_mail.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.objects.tasks.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.products.associations_api.
  • Removed crm.quotes.associations_api.
  • Removed
  • crm.companies.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.companies.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.contacts.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.contacts.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.line_items.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.line_items.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.calls.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.calls.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.emails.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.emails.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.feedback_submissions.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.feedback_submissions.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.meetings.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.meetings.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.notes.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.notes.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.postal_mail.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.postal_mail.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.tasks.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.tasks.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.products.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.products.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.quotes.basic_api.create(SimplePublicObjectInput => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • crm.objects.quotes.batch_api.create(BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInput => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • => SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • => BatchInputSimplePublicObjectInputForCreate)
  • =>
  • Rename oauth.access_tokens_api.get_accessToken => oauth.access_tokens_api.get.
  • Rename oauth.refresh_tokens_api.archive_refresh_token => oauth.refresh_tokens_api.archive.
  • Rename oauth.refresh_tokens_api.get_refreshToken => oauth.refresh_tokens_api.get.
  • Rename oauth.tokens_api.create_token => oauth.tokens_api.create.


  • Added param properties to
  • Added param properties to
  • Added high_value param to all Filters.

[16.4.0] - 2023-03-02


  • Update models for API client

[16.3.0] - 2023-02-21


  • crm.associations.v4 API client


  • Fix auth.oauth.refresh_tokens_api.archive_refresh_token method

[16.2.1] - 2023-01-24


  • Added missing modules

[16.2.0] - 2023-01-09


  • Signature's util 'HubSpot.utils.signature'


  • webhook's util 'HubSpot.utils.webhooks'

[16.1.1] - 2022-12-23


  • Added pipelineAuditsApi and pipelineStageAuditsApi to crm.pipelines discovery

[16.1.0] - 2022-12-22


  • crm.objects.postal_mail API client

[16.0.4] - 2022-12-08


  • Added Private App access token to (
    • crm.imports
    • crm.objects.emails
    • )


  • Fix all association APIs

[16.0.3] - 2022-11-23


  • auth_names => debug_auth_names

[16.0.2] - 2022-11-22


  • added missing public_object_api classes

[16.0.1] - 2022-11-16


  • remove passing params with snake case

[16.0.0] - 2022-11-10


  • update generated code
  • (breaking changes)

[15.0.2] - 2022-11-04


  • pass params with snake case

[15.0.1] - 2022-10-17


  • codegen path mapping for requiring models

[15.0.0] - 2022-10-12


  • requiring only codegen files that is using to optimize memory usage


  • old client syntax support

[14.5.2] - 2022-10-05


  • passing params with existing model

[14.5.1] - 2022-09-30


  • with_http methods were added to the discovery classes

[14.5.0] - 2022-09-30


  • handling ApiError with retries

[14.4.0] - 2022-09-27


  • handling ApiError by passing a block

[14.3.0] - 2022-08-31


  • using hash instead of model object for Hubspot::Client with body param

[14.2.0] - 2022-08-25


  • using new separate configurations for Hubspot::Client

[14.1.0] - 2022-08-23


  • using default ruby StandardError

[14.0.0] - 2022-08-11


  • required ruby version was increased to 2.7

[13.2.0] - 2022-08-09


  • models updates


  • query properties param

[13.0.0] - 2022-06-29

Changed (Breaking changes)

  • crm.objects.feedback_submissions API


  • crm.contacts.basic_api id_property

[12.0.0] - 2022-06-09


  • cms.source_code API client
  • crm.objects.calls API client
  • crm.objects.emails API client
  • crm.objects.meetings API client
  • crm.objects.notes API client
  • crm.objects.tasks API client
  • marketing.forms API client
  • API client
  • settings.users API client

Changed (Breaking changes)

  • cms.blogs.authors.author_api => cms.blogs.authors.blog_authors_api
  • cms.blogs.blog_posts.default_api => cms.blogs.blog_posts.blog_posts_api
  • cms.blogs.tags.default_api => cms.blogs.tags.blog_tags_api

[11.2.0] - 2022-05-12

  • added discovery classes

[11.1.1] - 2021-11-10

  • fixed type for the file collection response

[11.1.0] - 2021-09-10

  • added GDPR api modules
  • updated generated code

[11.0.0] - 2021-08-20

  • new generated code with updated class names

[10.1.0] - 2021-06-08

  • added CommunicationPreferences api module

[10.0.0] - 2021-04-15

  • retry fix
  • search method was changed to do_search

[9.6.0] - 2021-03-31

  • License was added

[9.5.1] - 2021-03-17

  • fixed Files::Files api module

[9.5.0] - 2021-02-19

  • added Events api module
  • added Conversations::VisitorIdentification api module

[9.4.0] - 2021-02-08

  • added Crm::Extensions::Accounting api module
  • added Crm::Extensions::Calling api module
  • added Crm::Extensions::Videoconferencing api module
  • added Crm::Objects::FeedbackSubmissions api module
  • added Files::Files api module
  • added Marketing::Transactional api module

[9.3.0] - 2021-01-20

  • Add automation actions client
  • Update blogs clients

[9.2.0] - 2020-12-16

  • Add blogs clients
  • Update hubdb client
  • Update OAuth client
  • Typhoeus was added

[9.0.0] - 2020-11-02

  • Upgrade clients to 4.3.1 version of openapi-generator

[8.0.1] - 2020-10-23

  • Update Hubdb client

[8.0.0] - 2020-10-20

  • Add hubdb client
  • Add missing clients to main config

[7.3.0] - 2020-10-09

  • Add timeline events sample app

[7.2.0] - 2020-10-05

  • Add Objects client
  • Add Schemas client

[7.1.1] - 2020-08-17

  • Fix sample apps API call bugs

[7.1.0] - 2020-08-17

  • Add Trello integration sample app

[7.0.0] - 2020-08-04

  • Regenerate clients

[6.0.0] - 2020-07-24

  • Regenerate clients

[5.0.0] - 2020-06-23

  • Fix methods of default_api (Site-search client)

[4.0.0] - 2020-06-09

  • Add Add search sample app
  • Add AuditLogs client
  • Add Domains client
  • Add Perfirmance client
  • Add SiteSearch client
  • Add UrlRedirects client

[3.3.0] - 2020-06-01

  • Add webhooks contacts sample app
  • Add imports contacts sample app
  • Add webhook signature verification helper

[3.2.0] - 2020-05-06

  • Rename imports#get_all to get_page method
  • Update Webhooks client

[3.1.1] - 2020-05-04

  • Add Imports api client to common configuration

[3.1.0-beta] - 2020-04-23

  • Add new models to main client

[3.0.0-beta] - 2020-04-20

  • This file.
  • Regenerate clients
  • Update sample apps according to regenerated clients
  • Update Gemfile