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TSP Feature Extraction

Follow the data preprocessing instructions described here before extracting features. We provide scripts for feature extraction using the released pretrained models or using a local checkpoint.

From Released Pretrained Models

Use the script to extract features from the official released models. You need to manually set the following variables:

  • DATA_PATH: Path to the video folder.
  • METADATA_CSV_FILENAME: Path to a metadata CSV file. For ActivityNet and THUMOS14, use the CSV files precomputed in the data folder. If you want to extract features for other video datasets, first standardized the videos and then generate the metadata files as per the instructions here, specifically step 2 and 4.
  • RELEASED_CHECKPOINT: Name of the one of the 13 released pretrained model. Refer to the tables below for more details.
  • STRIDE: Choose the stride between clips, e.g., 16 for non-overlapping clips and 1 for dense overlapping clips.
  • (Optional) SHARD_ID, NUM_SHARDS, DEVICE: Split the videos in the CSV into multiple shards for parallel feature extraction. Increase the number of shards and run the script independently on separate GPU devices, each with a different SHARD_ID from 0 to NUM_SHARDS-1. Each shard will process num_videos / NUM_SHARDS videos.

From a Local Checkpoint

Use the script to extract features from a local checkpoint. You need to manually set the same variables above plus the following 2 variables instead of RELEASED_CHECKPOINT:

  • LOCAL_CHECKPOINT: Path to the local checkpoint .pth file.
  • BACKBONE: The backbone used in the local checkpoint: r2plus1d_34, r2plus1d_18, or r3d_18.

Post Processing Output

The feature extraction script will output a .pkl file for each video. Merge all the .pkl files into one .h5 file as follows:

python --features-folder <path/to/feature/output/folder/> --output-h5 <features_filenames.h5>

Released Pretrained Models

Main TSP models

Name Description Weights
r2plus1d_34-tsp_on_activitynet R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TSP on ActivityNet checkpoint
r2plus1d_34-tsp_on_thumos14 R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TSP on THUMOS14 checkpoint

Main TAC baseline models

Name Description Weights
r2plus1d_34-tac_on_activitynet R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TAC on ActivityNet checkpoint
r2plus1d_34-tac_on_thumos14 R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TAC on THUMOS14 checkpoint
r2plus1d_34-tac_on_kinetics R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TAC on Kinetics checkpoint

Other models from the GVF and backbone architecture ablation studies

Name Description Weights
r2plus1d_34-tsp_on_activitynet-avg_gvf R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TSP on ActivityNet (average GVF) checkpoint
r2plus1d_34-tsp_on_activitynet-no_gvf R(2+1)D-34 pretrained with TSP on ActivityNet (without GVF) checkpoint
r2plus1d_18-tsp_on_activitynet R(2+1)D-18 pretrained with TSP on ActivityNet checkpoint
r2plus1d_18-tac_on_activitynet R(2+1)D-18 pretrained with TAC on ActivityNet checkpoint
r2plus1d_18-tac_on_kinetics R(2+1)D-18 pretrained with TAC on Kinetics checkpoint
r3d_18-tsp_on_activitynet R3D-18 pretrained with TSP on ActivityNet checkpoint
r3d_18-tac_on_activitynet R3D-18 pretrained with TAC on ActivityNet checkpoint
r3d_18-tac_on_kinetics R3D-18 pretrained with TAC on Kinetics checkpoint