The BlueBoard is a small form-factor "all-in-one" electronic board for 2 wheels robots.
The board features the following items:
- Compact size: 10 cm x 10 cm
- Single input power-supply (+14V min)
- Integrated Power-Supplies for logic domains using efficient DC/DC step-down regulators:
- +12V/1A (industrial sensors)
- +5V/1A (quadrature encoders, other 5V logic)
- +3/3V/1A (most of digital logic)
- Integrated Power-Supplies for heavy loads:
- +12V/3A (generic purpose)
- +7.4V/3A (dynamixel digital servos ~ can be adjusted)
- +5V/3A (analog servos)
- Secure and robust Power-pack connector
- Main ON/OFF + Emergency switch connectors
- 2x Full H-Bridge output controls for DRV8842 (2.5A)
- 8x Opto-coupled analog-servos interface (PWM)
- 2x Connectors + 1x terminal for XL-320 digital servos interface
- 2x Quadrature encoders inputs
- 10x Opto-coupled Industrial sensor inputs (NPN/PNP types selectable)
- 8x Digital Inputs
- RS485 connector for sensor-bus (to be used with ProxTof boards or other)
- UART with RTS/CTS signals
- USB 2.0 OTG connector
- ST-Link with SWD + SWO programming / debugging connector
- Expander connector (to be used with microBoard_HMI):
- 1x SPI
- 1x CAN
- 6x Digital inputs (user selections switches)
- 1x Digital outputs
- Mimimum input voltage (TEN / PTN modules) is high for 4S batteries (error due to 6S -> 4S design migration)
- Not working 4S battery cell monitoring analog circuit (to be further checked)