- Reads the predicted diver attention values from the
node - Publishes control command for Aqua AUV to "navigate-and-reorient" for initiating an interaction
- 2 terminals required
- Run:
roslaunch datt_controller datt_controller_aqua.launch
- Run:
roslaunch datt_controller datt_controller_record.launch my_args:="name_of_the_exp"
(eg, "attentive1", "not_attentive_left1", "not_attentive_right1", etc.)
- If the subject is attentive, the robot will perform a slight pitch down and up to indicate that it got the attention of the diver.
- If the subject is NOT attentive, the robot will try to grab its attention by slightly rolling right and left. And, then the robot will "navigate-and-reorient" itselft with respect to the subject.
- The modifications need to be done in the following script:
- To tune the parameters so we can achieve a better "navigate-and-reorient" phase, we need to go to the following functions
def right_manuever(self, pred_topic):
anddef left_manuever(self, pred_topic):
. The variables to change are
vx = 0.25
pseudo_dist = abs(pred_topic.mask)//3 # <--- if you use a larger number, the robot thinks that the subject is closer, and vice-versa
* A higher `pseudo_dist` means the robot will make a bigger semi-circle during the "navigate-and-reorient" phase
- Currently, we are making a prediciton once we see at least
consistent predictions. You may have to increase or decrease this number (very unlikely). This can be changed hereif self.attentive_meter.count > 3:
,elif self.right_not_attentive_meter.count > 3:
, andelif self.left_not_attentive_meter.count > 3:
doesn't show up and hence, the controller can not start. The controller code was fine when it was last run on September 9, 2022 in pool. Both Michael and Junaed saw this error before an outreach event in our lab, but we never found a fix. Because of this, none of the rcvm or rrcomm code work. My best guess is that the catkin_make within aqua_base_ws (whoever did that, if anyone, after Sept 9 trial) was not done properly but I am not sure about this.