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Toggle Box

Milko Venkov edited this page May 14, 2018 · 17 revisions


Toggle Box is a toggable container.

User Stories

As an end user, I want to:

  • open the Toggle Box.
  • interact with it the content in it.
  • close it.

User Interface

As a developer, I want to:

  • allow the user to open it, interact with it and close it.
  • apply animation.

Acceptance criteria

The Toggle Box should provide intuitive defaults which allow end users to:

  1. Open it.
  2. Interact with it.
  3. Close it.


Following the


  • Events
    • onOpening
    • onOpened
    • onClosing
    • onClosed
  • Methods
    • open
    • close
    • toggle
  • Inputs
    • collapsed
    • id
    • closeOnOutsideClick
    • IgxToggleAction(target)
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