The project uses: -
- pre-commit to enforce linting of files prior to committing them to the upstream repository
- Commitizen to enforce a Conventional Commit commit message format
- Black as a code formatter
You MUST comply with these choices in order to contribute to the project.
To get started review the pre-commit utility and the conventional commit style and then setup your local clone by following the Installation and Quick Start sections: -
pip install -r build-requirements.txt
pre-commit install -t commit-msg -t pre-commit
Now the project's rules will run on every commit, and you can check the current health of your clone with: -
pre-commit run --all-files
Create a virtual environment if you're going to develop code.
It's a standard Python package, controlled by
so familiarity
with Python packaging will help. The project is built and published
to PyPI automatically from the main branch using GitHub Actions.
To build the package distribution manually run: -
python -m pip install --upgrade build
python -m build --sdist --wheel --outdir dist/
Because you're building outside the CI process the version number of the package will be fixed at 1.0.0. DO NOT change this behaviour.
To install the local build, without needing to publish the package run: -
pip install dist/im_data_manager_job_decoder-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl