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Seth Shaw edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 6 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Alan Stanley
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Natkeeran
  • Seth Shaw
  • Minnie Rangel
  • Paul Clifford 🌠
  • Racel Tillay
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Bethany Seeger


  1. CLAW Roadmap
  6. Some fun ones for UX
  7. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


CLAW Roadmap

  • tech advise group will help create CLAW roadmap
  • Danny will convert into github issues soon
  • Board of Directors strategic goals is pushing this
  • blog post to come
  • Drupal 8.6 was released last week, bug with features module
  • it's patched
  • we can maybe ditch some code after this
  • we can maybe use Drupal's REST to upload a file
  • some rough stuff already set up here
  • dates are plain textfields because Drupal date relies on UNIX time stamps so doesn't work pre 1970 Update: This proved to be incorrect; the Drupal date field does support dates before 1970-01-01. Thanks to @Natkeeran for clarifying this. What Drupal dates don't support is uncertainty (which LOC EDTF does support). Also, using a text field allows us to store dates we can't easily parse; either because they use unidentified or inconsistent formats.
  • uses LOC extended date/time format (EDTF)
  • we don't know how this will work with Search API
  • we need to figure out how to make this work
  • some wonkiness with Features
  • we need to support PBCore because of PBS's grant
  • you can "clone" features by renaming a couple of files


  • demo module is helpful, it's in the latest playbook
  • might be good to destroy the vagrant box, or rename the box name in virtual box
  • long conversation here
  • basically breaking fields apart
  • taxonomy terms are used for access
  • we have to be very explicit in the README about how this all works
  • you have to have 3 or 4 fields in every content type
  • it will help a little bit to know what to do (but still lots of work to do)

UX stuff

  • autocomplete fields are gone with 888
  • try to install content browser and file browser
  • better UI hopefully
  • need masonry.js for the grid system, if composer won't do it for you


  • Danny is working on these PRs then wants to work on promo
  • YouTube vids, blog post
  • show more of the 7.x migrate stuff

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