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Jerome Lelong edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 26 revisions


If you want to format a file on save, you have to set "editor.formatOnSave": true. See an official document.

LaTeX files

Install for formatting support if it is not provided by your LaTeX distribution.

Relevant settings


Define the path of the latexindent executable. If latexindent is in the PATH, setting this variable to the executable name is fine.

type default value
string "latexindent"


Define the command line arguments for latexindent. In the addition to the placeholders defined for recipes, the following placeholders are accepted

  • %TMPFILE%: The full path of the raw TeX file to be formatted. At this moment you need to use it as an input file of latexindent.
  • %INDENT%: The indent character of the file, typically \t, ' ', ' '.

Note: For the moment the -c option requires trailing slash."

type default value
Array of strings [ "-c", "%DIR%/", "%TMPFILE%", "-y=defaultIndent: '%INDENT%'" ]

Bibtex files

BibTeX files can be formatted either by using the VSCode Format Document or Format Selection commands or by calling one of the following three commands

  • latex-workshop.bibsort: to sort the file,
  • latex-workshop.bibalign: to align fields,
  • latex-workshop.bibalignsort: to perform both at once.

These commands can be accessed through Visual Studio Code's Command Palette (default ctrl+shift+p or +shift+p).

Whether to sort the file when calling VSCode formatting commands is set by latex-workshop.bibtex-format.sort.enabled. When formatting bibtex entries, you can decide to keep the trailing comma of the last field in each entry by setting latex-workshop.bibtex-format.trailingComma to true

Sorting entries


The commands latex-workshop.bibsort and latex-workshop.bibalignsort will sort a .bib file according to an array of sorting keys specified in latex-workshop.bibtex-format.sortby. Valid keys are either a bibtex field name (title, author, year, etc.), or \"year-desc\" to sort by year in descending order, or \"key\" for the entry key, or \"type\" for the entry type (article, book, misc, etc.). E.g. [\"author\", \"year-desc\", \"title\"].". For example, set this to ["author", "year-desc", "title"] to sort by author, then year in descending order, then title

Type Default Value
array of strings [ "key" ]


When sorting BibTeX files, how to handle duplicates that appear. Duplicates are decided by latex-workshop.bibtex-format.sortby.

Type Default Value Possible Values
enum of string "Highlight Duplicates" "Ignore Duplicates", "Highlight Duplicates", "Comment Duplicates"


Sort content when calling VSCode formatter on a .bib file.

Type Default Value
boolean false


When latex-workshop.bibtex-fields.sort.enabled is true, these fields are put at the top, in the order defined by the array.

Type Default Value
array of strings [ "xdata", "string" ]

Aligning fields

The commands latex-workshop.bibalign and latex-workshop.bibalignsort provide basic alignment of bibliography entries. This action can be configured through the following options.

What kind of indentation to use before each field.

Type Default Value
string "2 spaces"

The possible values are: "tab", "X spaces" or simply "X" where X is a number.


Align equal signs inside each entry.

Type Default Value
boolean true


Whether to surround each field value in quotation marks or curly braces.

Type Default Value Possible Values
enum of string "Curly braces" "Curly braces", "Quotation marks"

Whether to use upper- or lowercase field names. (E.g. AUTHOR = ... vs author = ...).

Type Default Value Possible Values
enum of string "lowercase" "UPPERCASE", "lowercase"


Keep the trailing comma of the last field item.

Type Default Value
boolean false

Sorting fields


Sort fields inside every entry. The sorting order is defined by latex-workshop.bibtex-fields.order. This variable only has effect when formatting bibtex aligns fields. It is not possible to sort entries without aligning them.

Type Default Value
boolean false


When latex-workshop.bibtex-fields.sort.enabled is true, sort fields according the order defined here and then alphabetically for not listed fields."

Type Default Value
array of strings [ ]

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