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158 lines (125 loc) · 5.1 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (125 loc) · 5.1 KB


chunk ::= block

block ::= {stat} [retstat]

stat ::=  ‘;’ | 
    var_list ‘=’ exp_list | 
    func_call | 
    label | 
    break | 
    goto Name | 
    do block end | 
    while exp do block end | 
    repeat block until exp | 
    if exp then block {elseif exp then block} [else block] end | 
    for Name ‘=’ exp ‘,’ exp [‘,’ exp] do block end | 
    for name_list in exp_list do block end | 
    function func_name func_body | 
    local function Name func_body | 
    local name_list [‘=’ exp_list] 

retstat ::= return [exp_list] [‘;’]

label ::= ‘::’ Name ‘::’

func_name ::= Name {‘.’ Name} [‘:’ Name]

var_list ::= var {‘,’ var}

var ::=  Name | prefix_exp ‘[’ exp ‘]’ | prefix_exp ‘.’ Name 

name_list ::= Name {‘,’ Name}

exp_list ::= exp {‘,’ exp}

exp ::=  nil | false | true | Number | String | ‘...’ | functiondef | 
    prefix_exp | table_constructor | exp binop exp | unop exp 

prefix_exp ::= var | func_call | ‘(’ exp ‘)’

func_call ::=  prefix_exp args | prefix_exp ‘:’ Name args 

args ::=  ‘(’ [exp_list] ‘)’ | table_constructor | String 

functiondef ::= function func_body

func_body ::= ‘(’ [param_list] ‘)’ block end

param_list ::= name_list [‘,’ ‘...’] | ‘...’

table_constructor ::= ‘{’ [field_list] ‘}’

field_list ::= field {field_sep field} [field_sep]

field ::= ‘[’ exp ‘]’ ‘=’ exp | Name ‘=’ exp | exp

field_sep ::= ‘,’ | ‘;’

binop ::= ‘+’ | ‘-’ | ‘*’ | ‘/’ | ‘^’ | ‘%’ | ‘..’ | 
    ‘<’ | ‘<=’ | ‘>’ | ‘>=’ | ‘==’ | ‘~=’ | 
    and | or

unop ::= ‘-’ | not | ‘#’

uh, some info

from AST:
  bind labels and gotos
    error if unmatched gotos
    warn if unmatched labels
  fold constants in expressions
  collapse constant ifs??
  replace control structures with bound goto/label sets
binop => left op right
unop => ex op
concat => exp_list
number|string|true|false|nil => value
constructor => fields
functiondef => index
call => ex args
selfcall => ex suffix args
index => ex suffix

To Add

  • continue keyword
  • != for ~=
  • += -= *= /= %= ^= composite assignment ops no multiple-assignment with these? parse to tree equivalent of LHS = LHS op ( RHS ) ..= can compose with a line of ..
  • i++
  • :[]() operator for self-call by non-ident index
  • expr?.ident expr?[expr] expr?() for safe-chaining expr?:ident?(exp_list) for SELF
  • ^. for getmetatable()?.
  • @ @[] for rawget()/rawset()
  • condition ?? exp_list :: exp_list ternary op single ? causes parsing difficulty with safe chaining ops single : causes parsing difficulty with self-call op foo?(bar):baz():baz()
  • local {foo, bar} = exp table unpack as name in local statement declare extra local (unpack) for the table after all names with scope only until it's been used unpack the named fields into locals, discard intermediate table foo as foo_bar to rename?
  • (name_list)=>exp_list for function(name_list) return exp_list end
  • if name_list = exp_list then use first var as condition if name_list = exp_list; condition then explicit condition while name_list = exp_list; condition do while too? switch/case? implement as (({})[case] or default)() ? allow return switch?
  • const name_list ‘=’ exp_list, compile-time constant folding? prevent re-assignment, allow reuse of common sub_expressions
  • inline function or macro at file or smaller scope not assignable no upvals?
  • static foo vars for upvals only in scope for closure LOADNIL statics, then CLOSURE, then JMP to close them
  • string interpolation? evaluate it all then do one big concat $"" or $[[]] like a function call of $ turn into concat series, expressions in {} break out as code or `` and ${} like TS? tostring() sub expressions? or just let it error on non-string?
  • branch annotations for coverage testing?
  • compile time regex? builds to a function that uses patterns?
  • numbers with _

type annotations, somehow? steal a bunch from TypeScript? compile time warning on assignment of incompatible types expr! to override deduction with assertion that T is not-nil <T>expr to override deduction with assertion that expr is T Name:T - this works fine in local, and in/after param lists. some way to declare type of a global? global name:T? or generally to declare a typed field into an existing table? _ENV = <T>_ENV with an interface? T?, T|T, T&T, any interface T [extends U] { }

Maybe Add

break :label: and continue :label: where is somehow identifying a loop potentially by a label being the first thing in a loop or by there being a special way to "name" a block/loop

--- @param field=1 number would be a great way to show default optional values - Nexela --- @todo look pretty and doesn't show up in hovers, the separation just irks me - Nexela ---@usage adds blank line above, indents following lines until empty comment line - Nexela ---@deprecated more support for table fields (strikethrough when using) - Nexela