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Neural SLAM Evaluation Benchmark

This repo contains evaluation code for Co-SLAM: Joint Coordinate and Sparse Parametric Encodings for Neural Real-Time SLAM, a neural SLAM method that perform real-time camera tracking and dense reconstruction based on a joint encoding.

Co-SLAM: Joint Coordinate and Sparse Parametric Encodings for Neural Real-Time SLAM
Hengyi Wang*, Jingwen Wang*, Lourdes Agapito
CVPR 2023


In this repo we also provide a comprehensive comparison for existing open-sourced RGB-D Neural SLAM methods under the same evaluation protocol. We hope this will benefit the research in the area of Neural SLAM.

Table of Contents
  1. Installation
  2. Datasets
  3. Evaluation Protocol
  4. Run Evaluation
  5. Benchmark
  6. Acknowledgement
  7. Citation


This repo assumes you already configured the environment from Co-SLAM main repository. You then also need the following dependencies:

  • Open3D
  • pyglet
  • pyrender

You can install those dependencies by running:

conda activate coslam
pip install -r requirements.txt


Following iMAP and NICE-SLAM we evaluate our method on Replica, ScanNet and TUM RGB-D datasets. We perform further experiments on the synthetic dataset from NeuralRGBD which contains many thin structures and simulates the noise present in real depth sensor measurements. We provided the download links in our main repo.

In addition to those sequences and the apartment sequences captured by the authors of NICE-SLAM, we also collected our own real-world indoor scenes (MyRoom) using RealSense D435i depth camera, which is more popular among robotics community and whose depth quality is slightly worse than Azure Kinect. You can download MyRoom sequences (~15G) from here.

Evaluation Protocol

Mesh Culling

As stated in Section 1.2 of our supplementary material, for neural SLAM methods mesh culling is required for evaluating the reconstruction quality due to the extrapolation ability of neural networks. This extrapolation property brings the hole-filling ability to neural SLAM methods but also could potentially produce unwanted artefacts outside the region of interest (ROI). Ideally we want a culling strategy that could remove unwanted part outside the ROI and leave all other parts unchanged.

Existing culling methods used in neural SLAM/reconstruction systems are either based on frustum (NICE-SLAM and iMAP) or frustum+occlusion (Neural-RGBD and GO-Surf) strategy. The first might leave artefacts outside the ROI (such as artefacts behind the wall) while the second remove the occluded parts inside the ROI. In Co-SLAM, we propose to further use frustum+oclusion+virtual cameras that introduces extra virtual views that cover the occluded parts inside the region of interest. Please refer to Section 1.2 of our supplementary material for more explanation and details.

We provide our culling script that subsumes all three culling strategies mentioned above in case you want to follow the other two protocols. Here is an example usage:

python --config configs/Replica/office0.yaml --input_mesh $INPUT_MESH --remove_occlusion --virtual_cameras --gt_pose  # Co-SLAM strategy
python --config configs/Replica/office0.yaml --input_mesh $INPUT_MESH --remove_occlusion --gt_pose  # Neural-RGBD/GO-Surf strategy
python --config configs/Replica/office0.yaml --input_mesh $INPUT_MESH --gt_pose  # iMAP/NICE-SLAM strategy

Command line arguments

  • --config $CONFIG_FILE config file for the scene of input mesh
  • --input_mesh $INPUT_MESH path to the mesh to be culled
  • --output_mesh $OUTPUT_MESH path to save the culled mesh (optional)
  • --remove_occlusion remove self-occlusion or not
  • --virt_cam_path path to virtual cameras directory (optional)
  • --virtual_cameras use virtual cameras or not
  • --gt_pose use GT poses or not
  • --ckpt_path path to reconstructed checkpoint (optional)

Note that to use Co-SLAM culling strategy you need virtual camera views. We provide data required to evaluate Co-SLAM on both Replica and Neural-RGBD dataset.

Virtual Camera Views

The purpose of virtual views is just to cover regions that might not be observed by existing views, so their selection is very flexible. To give you a flavour of how it can be done, here we also provide a simple example Python script to create virtual cameras for Replica sequences in an interactive fashion:

python --config configs/Replica/office0.yaml --data_dir data/Replica/office0

It will first create TSDF-Fusion mesh with GT poses. Once the mesh is created an Open3D window will pop up, you can adjust the view-point using your mouse to cover the unobserved regions. Press . button on the keyboard to save the view-point.

Run Evaluation


To evaluate reconstruction quality, first download the data needed for evaluation:

which contains virtual camera views, GT camera meshes culled with those virtual views using our proposed culling strategy (for 3D-metric) and unseen points on the GT meshes (for 2D-metric). For reproducibility purpose we also included the sampled 1000 camera poses for 2D evaluation.

├── virtual_cameras             # virtual cameras
    ├── 0.txt     
    ├── 0.png
    ├── 1.txt
    ├── 1.png
├── sampled_poses_1000.npz      # sampled 1000 camrera poses
├── gt_pc_unseen.npy            # point cloud of unseen part
├── gt_unseen.ply               # mesh of unseen part
├── gt_mesh_cull_virt_cams.ply  # culled ground-truth mesh

Then run the culling script to cull the reconstructed mesh

# Put your own path to reconstructed mesh. Here is just an example
python --config configs/Replica/office0.yaml --input_mesh $INPUT_MESH --remove_occlusion --virtual_cameras --virt_cam_path $VIRT_CAM_PATH --gt_pose  # Co-SLAM strategy

Once you've got the culled reconstructed mesh, the evaluation follows similar pipeline as iMAP/NICE-SLAM.

python python --rec_mesh $REC_MESH --gt_mesh $GT_MESH --dataset_type Replica -2d -3d


We follow exactly the same evaluation protocol for evaluating average trajectory error (ATE). Please refer to NICE-SLAM or our main repo for more details.


In this section we compare other methods on reconstruction quality, tracking accuracy and performance analysis. All performance analysis were conducted on the same computing platform: a desktop PC with a 3.60GHz Intel Core i7-12700K CPU and a single NVIDIA RTX 3090ti GPU. To rule out the effect of method-dependent implementation details such as data loading, different multi-processing strategy, we only report the time needed to perform tracking/mapping iterations and the corresponding FPS. We also report total time needed to process each sequence in individual dataset page under each section.


Methods Acc↓
[ms x it]
[ms x it]
iMAP 3.62 4.93 80.51 4.64 16.8x6 44.8x10 9.92 2.23 0.26M
NICE-SLAM 2.37 2.64 91.13 1.90 7.8x10 82.5x60 13.70 0.20 17.4M
Vox-Fusion 1.88 2.56 90.93 2.91 15.8x30 46.0x10 2.11 2.17 0.87M
ESLAM 2.18 1.75 96.46 0.94 6.9x8 18.4x15 18.11 3.62 9.29M
Co-SLAM 2.10 2.08 93.44 1.51 5.8x10 9.8x10 17.24 10.20 0.26M

Here tracking/mapping FPS indicates how fast a complete tracking/mapping optimization cycle can run, thus do not correspond to the actual runtime FPS of the system. For the overall system runtime we report the total time needed to process an entire sequence in benchmark/replica. Also note that on Replica mapping happens ~every 5 frames for iMAP*, NICE-SLAM and Co-SLAM. Vox-Fusion adopts different multi-processing strategy and mapping is performed as frequently as possible.

Please refer to benchmark/replica for more details and breakdown of each scene.


Methods Acc↓
[ms x it]
[ms x it]
iMAP* 18.29 26.41 20.73 47.22 31.0x50 49.1x300 0.64 0.07 0.22M
NICE-SLAM 5.95 5.30 77.46 6.32 12.3x10 50.4x60 8.13 0.33 3.11M
Vox-Fusion 4.10 4.81 81.78 6.13 16.6x30 46.2x10 2.00 2.16 0.84M
Co-SLAM 2.95 2.96 86.88 3.02 6.4x10 10.4x10 15.63 9.62 0.26M

Here tracking/mapping FPS indicates how fast a complete tracking/mapping optimization cycle can run, thus do not correspond to the actual runtime FPS of the system. For the overall system runtime we report the total time needed to process an entire sequence in benchmark/rgbd. All experiments are done with Replica seetings of each method.

Please refer to benchmark/rgbd for more details of each scene.


Methods ATE↓
w/o align
[ms x it]
[ms x it]
iMAP* 36.67 - 30.4x50 44.9x300 0.66 0.07 0.2M
NICE-SLAM 9.63 23.97 12.3x50 125.3x60 1.63 0.13 10.3M
Vox-Fusion 8.22 - 29.4x30 85.8x15 1.13 0.78 1.1M
ESLAM 7.42 - 7.4x30 22.4x30 4.54 1.49 10.5M
Co-SLAM 9.37 18.01 7.8x10 20.2x10 12.82 4.95 0.8M
Co-SLAM† 8.75 - 7.8x20 20.2x10 6.41 4.95 0.8M

Here tracking/mapping FPS indicates how fast a complete tracking/mapping optimization cycle can run, thus do not correspond to the actual runtime FPS of the system. For the overall system runtime we report the total time needed to process an entire sequence in benchmark/scannet. Also note that on ScanNet mapping happens ~every 5 frames for iMAP*, NICE-SLAM and Co-SLAM. Vox-Fusion adopts different multi-processing strategy and mapping is performed as frequently as possible.

Please refer to benchmark/scannet for more details of each scene.


Methods ATE↓
[ms x it]
[ms x it]
iMAP 4.23 - - - - -
iMAP* 6.10 29.6x200 44.3x300 0.17 0.08 0.2M
NICE-SLAM 2.50 47.1x200 189.2x60 0.11 0.09 101.6M
Co-SLAM 2.40 7.5x10 19.0x20 13.33 2.63 1.6M
Co-SLAM† 2.17 7.5x20 19.0x20 6.67 2.63 1.6M

Here tracking/mapping FPS indicates how fast a complete tracking/mapping optimization cycle can run, thus do not correspond to the actual runtime FPS of the system. For the overall system runtime we report the total time needed to process an entire sequence in benchmark/tum. Also note that on TUM-RGBD mapping happens ~every frame for NICE-SLAM and iMAP*, and ~every 5 frames for Co-SLAM.

Please refer to benchmark/tum for more details of each scene.


This repository adapted codes from some awesome repositories, including NICE-SLAM, NeuralRGBD and GO-Surf. Thanks for making the code available. We also thank Zihan Zhu of NICE-SLAM, Edgar Sucar of iMAP for quick response of details of their methods.

The research presented here has been supported by a sponsored research award from Cisco Research and the UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Foundational AI under UKRI grant number EP/S021566/1. This project made use of time on Tier 2 HPC facility JADE2, funded by EPSRC (EP/T022205/1).


If you find our code/work useful in your research or wish to refer to the benchmark results, please consider citing the following:

  title={Co-SLAM: Joint Coordinate and Sparse Parametric Encodings for Neural Real-Time SLAM},
  author={Wang, Hengyi and Wang, Jingwen and Agapito, Lourdes},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.14377},

  author={Wang, Jingwen and Bleja, Tymoteusz and Agapito, Lourdes},
  booktitle={2022 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
  title={GO-Surf: Neural Feature Grid Optimization for Fast, High-Fidelity RGB-D Surface
  pages = {433-442},


Contact Hengyi Wang and Jingwen Wang for questions and reporting bugs.