Thanks for contributing to SpacegridCSS!
Fork the repo to your Github account.
Clone repo locally:
git clone <insert github ssh url>
- Checkout to your branch:
- if you’re adding a feature, prepend with “f_”
- if you’re fixing a bug, prepend with “bug_”
git checkout -b f_description_of_feature
git checkout -b bug_description_of_bug
Do some work on this branch, committing early and often. Rebase against the upstream frequently to prevent your branch from diverging significantly.
Note: Contribute in the style of the project to the best of your abilities. This may mean using indents, semi colons or comments differently than you would in your own repository, but makes it easier for the maintainer to merge, others to understand and maintain in the future.
Once you’re finished making changes, open a pull request.
Once you’ve opened a pull request a discussion will start around your proposed changes. Other contributors and users may chime in, but ultimately the decision is made by the maintainer(s). You may be asked to make some changes to your pull request, if so, add more commits to your branch and push them – they’ll automatically go into the existing pull request.