pyb00st requires python 3 and pygatt
As of today, my 3 linux systems already include pyhton 3:
- Ubuntu 17.04
- ev3dev
- Raspberry Pi's Raspbian
To install pygatt:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pexpect
sudo pip3 install pygatt
To use pyb00st:
mkdir pyb00st
cd pyb00st
cd pyb00st-master
BlueZ backend requires root privileges so when running my python script on Ubuntu and ev3dev I get a request for sudo password. On Raspbian I don't.
I found 2 workarounds for this requirement:
By default, scanning with gatttool requires root privileges.
If you don't want to require root, you must add a few
'capabilities' to your system. If you have libcap installed, run this to
enable normal users to perform LE scanning:
setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcitool`
If you do use root, the hcitool subprocess becomes more difficult to
terminate cleanly, and may leave your Bluetooth adapter in a bad state.
setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcitool`
setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which gatttool`
sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/hcitool
sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/gatttool
I tried both on my Ubuntu and it didn't work :(
Also I've noticed that sometimes, after a few runs my Ubuntu laptop, the HCI device gets stalled and I need to reboot to fix it.
The BlueGiga backend doesn't requires sudo password (at least not on my Ubuntu laptop). And never noticed stability or performance problems.