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gcbtcbendorsement CLI tool

Endorsements produced by the CLI tool in cmd/nonprod can be interpreted with this tool. The output is in the form of a binary-serialized VMLaunchEndorsement defined in proto/endorsement.proto, which for now is only used for providing measurements of the Open Virtual Machine Firmware (OVMF) UEFI implementation.

This tool provides commands for fetching and interpreting the UEFI endorsement.

What is endorsed

A VMLaunchEndorsement contains signed reference values to compare with trusted execution environment (TEE) attestation reports (AKA quotes) that include a measurement of the machine state at power-on. For GCE VMs this is includes the firmware ROM, vCPU state, and TEE-specific configuration options.

An endorsement file contains the binary serialization of the VMLaunchEndorsement message that the firmware vendor created offline prior to the firmware deployment. It is a pair of bytes that were signed, and the signature itself. The signing key's certificate is contained within the signed bytes, but the certificate's signature comes from the root key.

The signed bytes themselves are another serialized protocol buffer, VMGoldenMeasurement. This includes the timestamp the endorsement was created, very basic provenance information, and further information about the firmware and TEE-specifics.

message VMGoldenMeasurement {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;

  // The changelist number this UEFI was built from.
  uint64 cl_spec = 2;

  // The commit hash this UEFI was built from.
  bytes commit = 3;

  // DER format certificate of the key that signed this document.
  bytes cert = 4;

  // SHA-384 digest of the UEFI binary without TEE-specifics about launch.
  bytes digest = 5;

  // A sequence of PEM-encoded certificates of keys used in cert in Root ...
  // final intermediate order. The last certificate will have signed cert.
  bytes ca_bundle = 6;

  VMSevSnp sev_snp = 7;

The commit and ca_bundle fields are currently unused.

SEV-SNP specifics

Google Compute Engine does not use the IDBLOCK structure for SEV-SNP VM launch endorsement. Instead the fields that would be included there are in the VMSevSnp message.

message VMSevSnp {
  // The Google-reported security version number of this UEFI on SEV-SNP.
  uint32 svn = 1;
  // Expected MEASUREMENT report field values given [key]-many VMSAs at launch.
  map<uint32, bytes> measurements = 2;  // bytes size 48
  // A UUID that Google uses for its CVM UEFIs
  bytes family_id = 3;  // size 16
  // A UUID to name this specific release of the UEFI image.
  bytes image_id = 4;  // size 16
  // The launch policy that verifiers should expect with this UEFI.
  uint64 policy = 5;
  // Optional. PEM-encoded certs for Identity..Author..Root. If a singleton,
  // only an Id-key is used.
  bytes ca_bundle = 6;

The family_id and image_id fields are for attestation verifiers to interpret, but the corresponding fields of the SEV-SNP attestation report should be expected to be zeros.

The launch policy for SEV-SNP VMs (AKA guest policy) is not user-configurable on Google Compute Engine and should always match the reference value.

Common uses

Check the authenticity of the endorsement file

gcetcbendorsement verify "${ENDORSEMENT_PATH?}"

Extract the endorsement for the VM you're running on

Every firmware measurement possible on Google Compute Engine should be accounted for with an endorsed measurement, so a user in a TEE with permissions to get an attestation report can run the following to get a local or remote copy of the endorsement for the firmware the VM is running.

gcetcbendorsement extract --out="${ENDORSEMENT_PATH?}"

Extract the endorsement from a GCE VM attestation report

If not on the node itself, the measurement itself is enough to identify a copy of the firmware's endorsement in Google Cloud Storage.

gcetcbendorsement extract "${ATTESTATION_PATH?}" --out="${ENDORSEMENT_PATH?}"

Check an attestation report against an endorsement

You may want to augment your own attestation report appraisal logic to check the signed firmware measurement.

gcetcbendorsement sev validate "${ATTESTATION_PATH?}" \
  --endorsement="${ENDORSEMENT_PATH?}" \


  • extract: Outputs the endorsement from an input attestation, or attempts to download it if unavailable.
  • inspect: offers options to output the contents of specific fields of the endorsement, such as the payload that is signed, the (encoded) signature, and fields of the payload when decoded as a VMGoldenMeasurement.
  • verify: checks cryptographic signatures. The first is the root key's signature of the signing key's certificate and the second is the signing key's signature of the serialized VMGoldenMeasurement.
  • sev: offers options for amending a base go-sev-guest checking policy with an endorsement's reference values and simply checking an endorsement against an attestation and optional base policy.


gcetcbendorsement extract [FILE] [--out=FILE]

Reads the given file as any of the output formats of go-sev-guest’s attest tool, a go-tpm-tools attestation, or the contents of the auxblob attribute from configfs-tsm and outputs the embedded UEFI endorsement to the given path. Default is --out=endorsement.binarypb since the contents aren't easily human-readable in any form.

If no input file is given, it expects to be running as a guest and attempts to get the certificate locally from an extended report, and then attempts via network.


gcetcbendorsement inspect CMD FILE [options]

Options for all inspect commands:

  • --out=FILE: where to write the output. Default is stdout, i.e., --out=-.
  • --bytesform=bin|hex|base64|auto: selects whether bytes fields should be output as raw binary, or encoded as hex or base64. Default is auto, which chooses base64 for terminal outputs and binary otherwise.

CMD specifies what part of the endorsement to inspect:

  • signature: outputs the signature bytes.
  • payload: outputs the serialized VMGoldenMeasurement bytes.
  • mask: outputs the fields of the VMGoldenMeasurement selected by the paths in the repeatable flag --path, e.g., --path=timestamp, --path=sev_snp.svn, or --path=sev_snp.measurements[8].


gcetcbendorsement verify FILE [--show|--root_cert=FILE]

Checks cryptographic signatures. The first is the root key's signature of the signing key's certificate and the second is the signing key's signature of the serialized VMGoldenMeasurement.

If run with --show, outputs a shell command that uses Openssl which is equivalent to running the command without --show:

$ gcetcbendorsement verify FILE --show
openssl dgst -verify <(gcetcbendorsement inspect mask FILE --path=cert) \
 -signature <(gcetcbendorsement inspect signature FILE) \
 <(gcetcbendorsement inspect payload FILE)
openssl verify -CAfile <(curl \
  -untrusted <(gcetcbendorsement inspect mask FILE --path=cert)


$ gcetcbendorsement verify FILE --show --root_cert=root.crt
openssl dgst -verify <(gcetcbendorsement inspect mask FILE --path=cert) \
 -signature <(gcetcbendorsement inspect signature FILE) \
 <(gcetcbendorsement inspect payload FILE)
openssl verify -CAfile root.crt \
  -untrusted <(gcetcbendorsement inspect mask FILE --path=cert)

The shell command can therefore be run directly with

$ $(gcetcbendorsement verify FILE --show)

Without --show, gcetcbendorsement verify FILE returns the functional equivalent of running the openssl commands, but with the Golang crypto library. On success, the command will return a 0 exit code. On failure, it will log an error message and exit with a non-zero exit code.


gcetcbendorsement sev CMD FILE [options]

Options for both sev subcommands:

  • --overwrite: If --overwrite=false or --nooverwrite, it is an error for populated base policy fields to be overwritten. Default is false.
  • --base=FILE: Path to base go-sev-guest check.Policy. Default is "", equivalent to &Policy{Policy: 0x70000, MinimumVersion: "0.0"}
  • --launch_vmsas=#: Number of VMSAs measured at launch. This should be the number of vCPUs the VM was created with. If running with an SVSM, it should be 1. Default 0 for unspecified, which is an error without --allow_unspecified_vmsas.
  • --allow_unspecified_vmsas: If true, then commands will not error when --launch_vmsas=0. See individual commands for the impact on behavior. Default false.

policy subcommand:

Produces a check.Policy with reference values from an endorsement. It may amend an optional --base policy. If fields conflict, the command will fail unless overwrite is true. If --launch_vmsas=0 and --allow_unspecified_vmsas, then the base policy's measurement field will not be changed.

The FILE mandatory argument is expected to be a binary-serialized VMLaunchEndorsement.


  • --out=FILE: A path to the output location for the updated policy. Default is stdout, i.e., -out=-.
  • --outform=textproto|bin|hex|base64|auto: selects the output format of the policy. Use textproto for human-readable format or one of bin, hex, base64, or auto (default). If auto and the output is a terminal, the output format is textproto, otherwise bin. The bin, hex, and base64 output forms are raw or encoded forms of the serialized binary protocol buffer.

validate subcommand:

Returns the results of comparing endorsed values (and optional base policy) against an attestation report. If --launch_vmsas=0 and --allow_unspecified_vmsas, then an attestation is valid only if its measurement is in the endorsement for any number of VMSAs.

The FILE mandatory argument is expected to be an attestation report (and optional collateral) in one of the supported formats.


  • --endorsement=FILE: A path to a binary serialized VMLaunchEndorsement to supplement or replace the endorsement collateral of the attestation report. Default "" and will not attempt to extract an endorsement from the local environment as with extract.
  • --root_cert=FILE: A path to the endorsement root signing certificate. If empty, defaults to attempting to download the GCE-cc-tcb-root_1.crt root certificate from

Returns exit code 0 if all fields of the given attestation pass go-sev-guest validation against the given endorsement.