A Mac application to act as a proxy between BLE devices and clients.
You can run this application from XCode. However before you start the proxy application, make sure the edit values in BLEConstants.swift to ones that match the BLE device you want to proxy to connect to.
When the proxy is active you can use PacketLogger from the additional tools for XCode to view all BLE traffic.
If you want to build something similar for yourself, or just read about how I did it, check out the section below.
The first step is to create a new MacOS App project.
After going through the new project Wizard you should have something like this:
This application does not need much of a UI, but its useful to have some. I bet we could use:
- A button to start the proxy
- A button to stop the proxy
- Some textfield where we can output useful logging
- A button to clear the logs
So let's open up the Main.storyboard of our project and add these components so that it looks like this:
Next connect the IBActions and IBOutlets for the views you added so that you get the following in the ViewController
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var startProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var stopProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var logView: NSTextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
@IBAction func startProxy(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func stopProxy(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func clearLog(_ sender: Any) {
Now that we have the project setup and UI done, the next thing we need is to create the central that will connect to your peripheral device.
So lets create a new file in our project that we call BleCentral.swift
. In this file we will add two things, the BleCentral class and a delegate protocol for this class.
Let's start with the delegate protocol. The BleCentral that we are about to make needs to be able to communicate a couple of things to its delegate, these are:
- That it has connected to the peripheral
- That it has disconnected from the peripheral, including a reason why
- That it has received data from the peripheral
- That it has written data to the peripheral
- Log messages that could be useful to print in the logView
So we create a BleCentralDelegate
protocol at the top of the BleCentral.swift
that contains the following:
protocol BleCentralDelegate {
func connected(services: [BleService])
func disconnected(reason: String)
func dataWritten(onCharacteristicWithUUID uuid: CBUUID, withResult result: CBATTError.Code)
func dataReceived(data: Data, onCharacteristicWithUUID uuid: CBUUID)
func logMessage(message: String)
Below this delegate we will create a new class BleCentral
. This class will have a var delegate
of the protocol we created. This class will also use CBCentralManager
to scan for peripherals and connect to our peripheral device, so we create a private var centralManager: CBCentralManager?
in the class for that. Don't forget to add import CoreBluetooth
at the top of BleCentral.swift
to be able to use the CoreBluetooth classes.
In order for the centralmanager to be able to communicate back to this class we also need it to be an NSObject
and implement CBCentralManagerDelegate
. This gives our class an init()
method where we can initialise the centralmanager var we added.
Also let's give this class public methods so that it can be told to:
- Connect to the peripheral
- Stop the connection to the peripheral
- Read data from a characteristic on the peripheral
- Write data to a characteristic on the peripheral
All of the above means we add the following code to BleCentral.swift
below the BleCentralDelegate
class BleCentral: NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate {
var delegate: BleCentralDelegate?
private var centralManager: CBCentralManager?
override init() {
self.centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
func connect() {
func disconnect() {
func readData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID) {
func writeData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID, data: Data, writeType: CBCharacteristicWriteType) {
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
The centralManagerDidUpdateState
method was added as it is required for classes implementing CBCentralManagerDelegate
The first thing the central needs to do when it is told to connect is to start scanning for BLE peripherals. However it is only allowed to do this when the centralmanager is in the .poweredOn
state and we should take care not to start scanning when a scan is already running. To do all this, change the connect
method to the following:
func connect() {
self.peripheralName = BleConstants.DEVICE_NAME
if self.centralManager?.state == .poweredOn && !(self.centralManager?.isScanning ?? false) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Started scanning for BLE peripherals.")
self.centralManager?.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil, options: nil)
} else {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "BLE is not powered on (yet).")
With the code above, if the centralmanager is not in the .poweredOn
state when the central is asked to connect, it will not start scanning for peripherals and therefore not connect to one. However we did tell it to do so. To fix this, we can use the centralManagerDidUpdateState
method that we were required to implement. Change this method so that it looks like this:
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
if central.state == .poweredOn && self.peripheralName != nil && !central.isScanning {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "BLE is powered on now, started scanning for BLE peripherals.")
central.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil, options: nil)
Now the central will also start scanning for peripherals when the state of centralmanager changes to .poweredOn
. It will do this only when self.peripheralName
is not nil
which indicates that the central was asked to connect and when it is not scanning already.
Wait a minute. The BleCentral
class we have been working on so far has no self.peripheralName
and what is BleConstants.DEVICE_NAME
? You are correct to ask such questions as we have not added these two bits yet. For the first, create a private var peripheralName
of type String?
just below the existing centralmanager var that we already had. For the second we will add a new file called BLEConstants.swift
to our project and fill it with the following:
import Foundation
class BleConstants {
static let DEVICE_NAME = "<the BLE advertising name of your BLE peripheral device>"
Before we continue the connection process, let's first make sure that we can also stop scanning when the disconnect
method is called on the central. To do this, add the following:
func disconnect() {
self.peripheralName = nil
private func stopScanning() {
if (self.centralManager?.isScanning ?? false) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Stopped scanning for BLE peripherals.")
The reason that we put some of these lines in a separate private function, is that we will need to call this function more often.
If the centralmanager has found BLE peripheral devices, our central can be notified of this by implementing one of the optional methods in CBCentralManagerDelegate
, called centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI
. This method is called for every BLE peripheral that is found. When it is called and the peripheral name matches the name of our peripheral device we want to stop scanning and connect to the peripheral. We do this by adding:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) {
guard let name = peripheral.name?.lowercased(), let gapName = (advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey] as? String)?.lowercased(), let peripheralName = self.peripheralName?.lowercased() else { return }
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "BLE peripheral found with names: [\(name),\(gapName)].")
if peripheral.state != .connected && (name == peripheralName || gapName == peripheralName) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Connecting to peripheral \(peripheral).")
self.peripheral = peripheral
self.peripheral?.delegate = self
self.centralManager?.connect(peripheral, options: nil)
Just as with self.peripheralName
earlier, self.peripheral
does not yet exist. To solve this add it as private var peripheral: CBPeripheral?
below peripheralName var you added earlier.
The central we have created also does not yet implement the correct delegate for this peripheral, so let's add CBPeripheralDelegate
to the protocols this class implements.
When the centralmanager has either connected or failed to connect to the peripheral device, the central can once again be notified of this by implementing optional CBCentralManagerDelegate
methods. If the connection was a success, the next step is to start discovering services on the peripheral. If the connection fails there is not much to do but inform our delegate. Therefore below the previous method, add the following:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Connected to peripheral \(peripheral), discovering services.")
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Connection to peripheral \(peripheral) failed with error: \(error.debugDescription)")
Now that we can connect to the peripheral we should also make sure we can disconnect from it when asked to do so. To do this, change the earlier implementation of disconnect
to this:
func disconnect() {
self.peripheralName = nil
if let peripheral = self.peripheral {
if peripheral.state == .connected || peripheral.state == .connecting {
Also to inform our delegate that we did indeed disconnect from the peripheral, add the following below the existing methods of the central:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Connection to peripheral \(peripheral) closed with error: \(error).")
} else {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Connection to peripheral \(peripheral) closed.")
Discovering services once again happens through a delegate method, although this time the method is an optional method on the CBPeripheralDelegate
. Before we can start implementing this method however we need to create a way to track that all services and later characteristics were successfully discovered. To do this, add static var SERVICES_AND_CHARACTERISTICS
to your existing BleConstants class and initialise it as:
// Services
CBUUID(string: "<uuid of the service>"): [
// Characteristics
CBUUID(string: "<uuid of the characteristic>"),
CBUUID(string: "<uuid of another characteristic>"),
<additional characteristics>
<additional services>
Create a new file called BleService.swift
and give it the following contents:
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
class BleService: Hashable {
init(uuid: CBUUID) {
self.uuid = uuid
let uuid: CBUUID
var service: CBService?
var characteristics: [BleCharacteristic]?
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func == (lhs: BleService, rhs: BleService) -> Bool {
return lhs.uuid == rhs.uuid
Create another new file called BLECharacteristic.swift
and give it the following contents:
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
class BleCharacteristic {
init(uuid: CBUUID) {
self.uuid = uuid
let uuid: CBUUID
var characteristic: CBCharacteristic?
Back in the central add private var services: [BleService]?
to the existing vars. Also change the connected
method of the BleCentralDelegate
to be connected(services: [BleService])
and add the following method to the BleCentral class:
private func setupServicesAndCharacteristics() {
self.services = BleConstants.SERVICES_AND_CHARACTERISTICS.map({ (key: CBUUID, value: [CBUUID]) -> BleService in
let service = BleService(uuid: key)
service.characteristics = value.map({ (uuid) -> BleCharacteristic in
return BleCharacteristic(uuid: uuid)
return service
This method should be called in the centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
we already implemented, right before calling self.peripheral?.discoverServices(nil)
. With this done, we can implement the CBPeripheralDelegate
method peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverServices:(nullable NSError *)error
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Peripheral \(peripheral) service discovery failed with error: \(error).")
} else if let services = peripheral.services, let expectedServices = self.services {
for service in services {
if let expectedService = expectedServices.first(where: { (expectedService) -> Bool in
service.uuid == expectedService.uuid
}) {
expectedService.service = service
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Service \(service.uuid.uuidString) found, discovering characteristics.")
peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, for: service)
} else {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Peripheral \(peripheral) has no services.")
In the implementation above we do a couple of things. First we check if there was an error and disconnect from the peripheral if this is the case. We also check if any services were found on the peripheral. If this is not the case it probably means something went wrong so we also disconnect from the peripheral. If there was no error and services were discovered, we check each of those services to see if they match the services we expected. When this is true we add the CBService instance to the BleService object and start discovering characteristics for the service.
Like with services, discovered characteristics are also received though a callback on the CBPeripheralDelegate
. In this case peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:(CBService *)service error:(nullable NSError *)error
. Let's implement this method as well with the following contents:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: CBService, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Peripheral \(peripheral) and service \(service.uuid.uuidString) characteristic discovery failed with error: \(error).")
} else if let characteristics = service.characteristics {
if let expectedService = self.services?.first(where: { (expectedService) -> Bool in
service.uuid == expectedService.uuid
}) {
for characteristic in characteristics {
if let expectedCharacteristic = expectedService.characteristics?.first(where: { (expectedCharacteristic) -> Bool in
characteristic.uuid == expectedCharacteristic.uuid
}) {
expectedCharacteristic.characteristic = characteristic
if (characteristic.properties.contains(.notify) || characteristic.properties.contains(.indicate)) {
self.peripheral?.setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic)
if let services = self.services, self.servicesAndCharacteristicsComplete(services) {
self.delegate?.connected(services: services)
} else {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Peripheral \(peripheral) and service \(service.uuid.uuidString) have no characteristics.")
Once again we first check if there was an error and disconnect if this is the case. We also check if we were able to discover any characteristics for the service and if not, we treat it as an error and disconnect. If there was no error and characteristics were discovered we check them to see if they match characteristics we expect. If so we add the CBCharacteristic instance to the BleCharacteristic object.
In the case that the characteristic has the .notify
or .indicate
property, we also register the central to receive updates whenever the value of this characteristic changes. I had originally planned to do this only when the app connecting to my proxy registered for notifications. In my case however one of the characteristics that my app registers on for notifications is secured with a password which needs to be entered in the proxy when it registers for notifications on that characteristic. By already registering for notifications on all characteristics that support it when making the connection to the peripheral I can enter the passwords at that time before even connecting my app to the proxy. The peripheral we create later ensures that the proxy only sends updates to centrals that have registered themselves, so the only downside is that our proxy receives a bit more information from the peripheral device than it strictly needs to, but that should not be a problem.
In the end of the method we check if servicesAndCharacteristicsComplete()
returns true. If this is the case, we can notify our delegate that we are fully connected to the periperhal. The method servicesAndCharacteristicsComplete()
is one we do not yet have in the central, so lets add it:
private func servicesAndCharacteristicsComplete(_ services: [BleService]) -> Bool {
return services.allSatisfy({ (bleService) -> Bool in
return bleService.service != nil && bleService.characteristics?.allSatisfy({ (bleCharacteristic) -> Bool in
return bleCharacteristic.characteristic != nil
}) ?? false
Now that our central is able to connect to the peripheral device, it is mostly done. You have probably noticed however that we have left a few of the public methods we created in the beginning unimplemented so far. So let's add implementations for these methods to finish up the central.
We start with reading data from a characteristic. To do this we added the public method readData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID)
which we can implement like this:
func readData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID) {
if let peripheral = self.peripheral, let characteristic = findCharacteristic(characteristicUUID) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Reading from peripheral on characteristic: \(characteristicUUID.uuidString)")
peripheral.readValue(for: characteristic)
private func findCharacteristic(_ characteristicUUID: CBUUID) -> CBCharacteristic? {
if let services = self.services {
for service in services {
if let bleCharacteristic = service.characteristics?.first(where: { (bleCharacteristic) -> Bool in
return bleCharacteristic.uuid == characteristicUUID
}) {
return bleCharacteristic.characteristic
return nil
We also have the option to write data to a characteristic, for which we added the method writeData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID, data: Data, writeType: CBCharacteristicWriteType)
. Implement that as:
func writeData(characteristicUUID: CBUUID, data: Data, writeType: CBCharacteristicWriteType) {
if let peripheral = self.peripheral, let characteristic = findCharacteristic(characteristicUUID) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Writing to peripheral on characteristic: \(characteristicUUID.uuidString) -> \(data.hexEncodedString())")
peripheral.writeValue(data, for: characteristic, type: writeType)
Adding this will give you a compiler error that Value of type 'Data' has no member 'hexEncodedString'
. We can add that by creating a new file called Data+Hex.swift
and giving it the following contents:
import Foundation
extension Data {
struct HexEncodingOptions: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int
static let upperCase = HexEncodingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)
func hexEncodedString(options: HexEncodingOptions = []) -> String {
let format = options.contains(.upperCase) ? "%02hhX" : "%02hhx"
return map { String(format: format, $0) }.joined()
In the case of a confirmed write in BLE, the delegate of our central needs to know that the write request was completed and what the result was. Our central can be informed of this through the CBPeripheralDelegate
method peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(nullable NSError *)error
, so let's implement that as well:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didWriteValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Writing data to peripheral on characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString) failed with error: \(error).")
self.delegate?.dataWritten(onCharacteristicWithUUID: characteristic.uuid, withResult: CBATTError.unlikelyError)
} else {
self.delegate?.dataWritten(onCharacteristicWithUUID: characteristic.uuid, withResult: CBATTError.success)
Just like we have already seen many times in this central, there is a CBPeripheralDelegate
method that can give us feedback on the notification registration. In this case this is the method peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(nullable NSError *)error
. Apart from handling an error, the delegate of our central cannot really do much with this information, but we should implement the method to at least log the results:
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateNotificationStateFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.disconnected(reason: "Notification state update failed for characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString) with error: \(error).")
} else if (characteristic.isNotifying) {
delegate?.logMessage(message: "Now receiving notifications for characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString)")
} else {
delegate?.logMessage(message: "No longer receiving notifications for characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString)")
And with this, the central is done.
Now that we have created the class that implements the central for us, we need to integrate it into our application so that we can launch and test it. Open up ViewController.swift
and change the contents to this:
import Cocoa
import CoreBluetooth
class ViewController: NSViewController, BleCentralDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var startProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var stopProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var logView: NSTextField!
var bleCentral: BleCentral?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bleCentral = BleCentral()
self.bleCentral?.delegate = self
@IBAction func startProxy(_ sender: Any) {
startProxyButton.isEnabled = false
stopProxyButton.isEnabled = true
@IBAction func stopProxy(_ sender: Any) {
startProxyButton.isEnabled = true
stopProxyButton.isEnabled = false
@IBAction func clearLog(_ sender: Any) {
self.logView.stringValue = ""
func connected(services: [BleService]) {
log("Connected to peripheral")
func disconnected(reason: String) {
log("Stopped because: \(reason)")
func dataWritten(onCharacteristicWithUUID: CBUUID, withResult: CBATTError.Code) {
log("Data written from central to peripheral on characteristic \(onCharacteristicWithUUID.uuidString) with result: \(withResult)")
func dataReceived(data: Data, onCharacteristicWithUUID: CBUUID) {
log("Received \(data) from peripheral to pass to central on characteristic \(onCharacteristicWithUUID.uuidString)")
func logMessage(message: String) {
private func log(_ message: String) {
As you can see, we declare and initialise the BleCentral and we register the ViewController as delegate. At the moment we cannot yet do much when the delegate methods are called except log that it happens. What we can do is tell the BleCentral to connect when the proxy is started and disconnect when it is stopped and this means we can start our proxy for the first time to test if we can connect to the peripheral device.
Before we can do our first test run we need to set one more thing. Open the .xcodeproj
for your project and on the tab Signing and capabilities
under App Sandbox
check Bluetooth
. This allows our application to access the Bluetooth connection of your Mac when running from XCode. If we do not select this, Bluetooth will seem powered off for the app.
Now run the app. If you have specified the BLEConstants the right way for your peripheral device, you should see a series of log statements that ends with Connected to peripheral
During testing of the app on my Macbook I noticed that the centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
method was called twice, even though my code only asked to connect to the peripheral once. This would be a problem further on in our app. If you have the same, we can easily make a little workaround for that. Add a new private var connected: Bool = false
to the BleCentral class and add self.connected = false
as the first line of the connect()
method. Then change the implementation of the didConnect method to be:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
if (!self.connected) {
self.connected = true
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Connected to peripheral \(peripheral), discovering services.")
At this point we have done most of the work for our proxy application already, as the BLEPeripheral is quite simple to implement compared to the BLECentral.
Lets create another new file in our project that we call BLEPeripheral.swift
. Just like in the central file, we will add two things, the BlePeripheral class and a delegate protocol for this class.
Let's start with the delegate protocol again. The BlePeripheral that we are about to make needs to be able to communicate a couple of things to its delegate, these are:
- That it has started advertising
- That it has stopped advertising, including a reason why
- To read data from a characterstic
- To write data to a characteristic
- Log messages that could be useful to print in the logView
So we create a BlePeripheralDelegate
protocol at the top of the BlePeripheral.swift
that contains the following:
protocol BlePeripheralDelegate {
func advertisingStarted()
func advertisingStopped(reason: String)
func read(fromCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID)
func write(data: Data, toCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID)
func logMessage(message: String)
Below this delegate we will create a new class BlePeripheral
. This class will have a var delegate
of the protocol we created. This class will also use CBPeripheralManager
to advertise as a peripheral and offer services to centrals, so we create a private var peripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager?
in the class for that. Don't forget to add import CoreBluetooth
at the top of BLEPeripheral.swift
to be able to use the CoreBluetooth classes.
In order for the peripheralmanager to be able to communicate back to this class we also need it to be an NSObject
and implement CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
. This gives our class an init()
method where we can initialise the peripheralmanager var we added.
Also let's give this class public methods so that it can be told:
- To start advertising
- To stop advertising
- To confirm a write request
- That data was received on a characteristic
All of the above means we add the following code to BLEPeripheral.swift
below the BlePeripheralDelegate
class BlePeripheral: NSObject, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
var delegate: BlePeripheralDelegate?
private var peripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager?
override init() {
self.peripheralManager = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
func startAdvertising(services: [BleService]) {
func stopAdvertising() {
func confirmWriteRequest(onCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID, withResult result: CBATTError.Code) {
func dataReceived(data: Data, onCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID) {
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
The peripheralManagerDidUpdateState
method was added as it is required for classes implementing CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
The first thing we set up in the BlePeripheral is advertising, but before we can advertise our peripheral and offer services on it, we need to create CBMutableService
and CBMutableCharacteristic
instances for all services and characteristics we wish to offer. So we add private var services: [CBMutableService] = []
and private var characteristics: [CBMutableCharacteristic] = []
and we create a few private methods that set this up for us:
private func initialiseServicesAndCharacteristics(services: [BleService]) {
self.services = []
for bleService in services {
var characteristics:[CBMutableCharacteristic] = []
if let bleCharacteristics = bleService.characteristics {
for bleCharacteristic in bleCharacteristics {
if let characteristic = bleCharacteristic.characteristic {
let mutableCharacteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: characteristic.uuid, properties: characteristic.properties, value: nil, permissions: self.getPermissions(fromProperties: characteristic.properties))
let service = CBMutableService(type: bleService.uuid, primary: bleService.service?.isPrimary ?? false)
service.characteristics = characteristics
private func getPermissions(fromProperties: CBCharacteristicProperties) -> CBAttributePermissions {
if fromProperties.contains(.write) || fromProperties.contains(.writeWithoutResponse) {
return .writeable
} else {
return .readable
I must admit that the implementation of the getPermissions
method is a bit of a guess on my end. The characteristics we have discovered in our central do not have permissions (that we can see), so we have to base them on the properties instead with some guesswork. The possible options for permissions are:
- readable
- writeable
- readEncryptionRequired
- writeEncryptionRequired
Since we are making a debug tool, encryption seems unnecessary to me so the last two options can be disregarded. It is only possible to specify a single CBAttributePermissions
value for a characteristic and it made sense to me that any allowed to write would also be allowed to read, which lead to the implementation above.
Now that the services and characteristics are ready, we can register our services and start advertising by changing the startAdvertising
method to:
func startAdvertising(services: [BleService]) {
self.initialiseServicesAndCharacteristics(services: services)
for service in self.services {
CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey : self.services.map({ (service) -> CBUUID in
return service.uuid
CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey: BleConstants.DEVICE_NAME,
To get notified that our service was in fact registered, we can add:
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didAdd service: CBService, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.advertisingStopped(reason: "There was an error when adding the service \(service.uuid.uuidString), error: \(error)")
} else {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "The service \(service.uuid.uuidString) was added.")
To get notified that advertising has started or that an error has occured during the call to start, we can add:
func peripheralManagerDidStartAdvertising(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
self.delegate?.advertisingStopped(reason: "There was an error: \(error)")
} else {
We should also implement the required method on CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
. There is no need to do anything special here since we know Bluetooth is powered on, after all we are already connected to the peripheral device. However just in case that somehow the peripheral state is not .poweredOn
, we should at least notify our delegate.
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
if peripheral.state != .poweredOn {
self.delegate?.advertisingStopped(reason: "Bluetooth is turned off.")
To stop advertising and offering services when stopAdvertising
is called, change that method to:
func stopAdvertising() {
self.delegate?.advertisingStopped(reason: "Stop requested")
With the above methods implemented our peripheral is already live and offering services and characteristics. The only problem is that when a central would connect and try to send requests, that central would be ignored. Let's fix that.
In order to receive requests to read data, we can implement the method peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveRead request: CBATTRequest)
of CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
. We can implement that as follows:
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveRead request: CBATTRequest) {
self.delegate?.read(fromCharacteristicUUID: request.characteristic.uuid)
The property self.openReadRequests
is not yet know, so we should add it as private var openReadRequests: [CBATTRequest] = []
. We should also add the line self.openReadRequests = []
to the beginning of startAdvertising
to ensure this array is cleared when we (re)start advertising our peripheral.
In order to receive requests to write data, we can implement the method peripheralManager:(CBPeripheralManager *)peripheral didReceiveWriteRequests:(NSArray<CBATTRequest *> *)requests
of CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
as follows:
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveWrite requests: [CBATTRequest]) {
for request in requests {
if let data = request.value {
self.delegate?.write(data: data, toCharacteristicUUID: request.characteristic.uuid)
For self.openWriteRequests
, do the same as we just did for openReadRequests
With those steps we have registered the incoming requests and we have instructued our delegate to read and write when requests come in. What we have not yet done is reply to the requests, let's do that now.
Our peripheral should respond to write requests when its confirmWriteRequest
method is called. Implement that as such:
func confirmWriteRequest(onCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID, withResult result: CBATTError.Code) {
let requestsToRespondTo = self.openWriteRequests.filter { (request) -> Bool in
request.characteristic.uuid == uuid
for request in requestsToRespondTo {
self.peripheralManager?.respond(to: request, withResult: result)
self.openWriteRequests.removeAll { (request) -> Bool in
The response to read requests should be sent when dataReceived
is called. Implement that as such:
func dataReceived(data: Data, onCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID) {
if let characteristic = self.allCharacteristics.first(where: { (characteristic) -> Bool in
characteristic.uuid == uuid
}) {
characteristic.value = data
let requestsToRespondTo = self.openReadRequests.filter { (request) -> Bool in
request.characteristic.uuid == uuid
for request in requestsToRespondTo {
self.peripheralManager?.respond(to: request, withResult: .success)
self.openWriteRequests.removeAll { (request) -> Bool in
self.peripheralManager?.updateValue(data, for: characteristic, onSubscribedCentrals: nil)
This method does a little more than only respond to requests. It also ensure that the value is set onto the characteristic. Through the last line of the method, self.peripheralManager?.updateValue(data, for: characteristic, onSubscribedCentrals: nil)
, it also ensures that any central that has subscribed to updates to this characteristics value gets notified.
As I mentioned earlier when we were creating the central, our proxy will have already registered itself for notifications on all characteristics that support this. The documentation for the updateValue
method we called just now promises to only send notifications to centrals that have registered to receive them. This means there is no need for our proxy to track for itself which centrals have registered for notifications and which have not. There is no harm however in implementing the two CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
methods below and logging that centrals did in fact register.
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Central \(central.identifier) has registered for notifications on characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString)")
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didUnsubscribeFrom characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
self.delegate?.logMessage(message: "Central \(central.identifier) has unregistered from notifications on characteristic \(characteristic.uuid.uuidString)")
With that, our peripheral should be ready to go.
Finally, to use the peripheral we created means we have to update the ViewController. So open up ViewController.swift
and change the contents to this:
import Cocoa
import CoreBluetooth
class ViewController: NSViewController, BleCentralDelegate, BlePeripheralDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var startProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var stopProxyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var logView: NSTextField!
var bleCentral: BleCentral?
var blePeripheral: BlePeripheral?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bleCentral = BleCentral()
self.bleCentral?.delegate = self
self.blePeripheral = BlePeripheral()
self.blePeripheral?.delegate = self
@IBAction func startProxy(_ sender: Any) {
startProxyButton.isEnabled = false
stopProxyButton.isEnabled = true
@IBAction func stopProxy(_ sender: Any) {
startProxyButton.isEnabled = true
stopProxyButton.isEnabled = false
@IBAction func clearLog(_ sender: Any) {
self.logView.stringValue = ""
func connected(services: [BleService]) {
log("Connected to peripheral")
self.blePeripheral?.startAdvertising(services: services)
func disconnected(reason: String) {
log("Stopped because: \(reason)")
func advertisingStarted() {
log("Started advertising peripheral")
func advertisingStopped(reason: String) {
log("Stopped advertising because: \(reason)")
func read(fromCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID) {
log("Reading data from characteristic \(uuid.uuidString)")
self.bleCentral?.readData(characteristicUUID: uuid)
func write(data: Data, toCharacteristicUUID uuid: CBUUID) {
log("Writing data \(data.hexEncodedString()) from central to peripheral on characteristic \(uuid.uuidString)")
self.bleCentral?.writeData(characteristicUUID: uuid, data: data, writeType: .withResponse)
func dataWritten(onCharacteristicWithUUID uuid: CBUUID, withResult result: CBATTError.Code) {
log("Data written from central to peripheral on characteristic \(uuid.uuidString) with result: \(result.rawValue)")
self.blePeripheral?.confirmWriteRequest(onCharacteristicUUID: uuid, withResult: result)
func dataReceived(data: Data, onCharacteristicWithUUID uuid: CBUUID) {
log("Received \(data.hexEncodedString()) from peripheral to pass to central on characteristic \(uuid.uuidString)")
self.blePeripheral?.dataReceived(data: data, onCharacteristicUUID: uuid)
func logMessage(message: String) {
private func log(_ message: String) {
This should be the last thing you need to get the proxy application up and running, so go ahead and start it up. You should see the proxy connect to the peripheral device and you should then be able to fire up your application and connect to the proxy just as it would normally connect to the peripheral device. With all traffic going over the proxy you can now use PacketLogger to inspect that traffic to your heart's content.