Here all configuration options of adaguc-server are listed. The configuration is done in XML. The hierarchical structure of the configuration is reflected in this document. XML elements can be configured with attributes and values.
- (name1,name2) - Indicates the possible attributes of an XML element
- Indicates that a value can be assigned to the XML element.
- Path (value) - Mandatory, this is the basepath of the server where it searches for e.g it's templates.
- TempDir (value) - Mandatory, directory where cache-files are stored.
- OnlineResource (value) - Mandatory, the external address of the server, usually ends with a ? token.
- DataBase (parameters) - Mandatory, parameters is the attribute where database settings can be configured.
- CacheDocs (enabled) - Defaults to false. Set enabled to "true" to enable caching of GetCapabilities documents.
- AutoResource (enableautoopendap,enablelocalfile,enablecache)
- Dir (basedir,prefix)
- Dataset (enabled,location) - Allows to load additional configuration files via the URL using the dataset keyword
- Include - (location) - Include additional configuration files to the service
- Logging - (debug) - Configure the type of logging
- Settings - (enablemetadatacache, enablecleanupsystem, cleanupsystemlimit, cache_age_cacheableresources, cache_age_volatileresources) - Configure global settings of the server / Dataset
- Environment - (name, default) - For within dataset configuration, specify which values should be substituted
- OgcApiEdr - Configuration options to enable EDR collections
- Title - Mandatory, the title of the service
- Abstract - Mandatory, service description
- RootLayer
- Title - Mandatory, the title of the root layer
- Abstract - Mandatory, the abstract of the root layer
- TitleFont (location,size) - see Font configuration
- SubTitleFont (location,size) - see Font configuration
- DimensionFont (location,size) - see Font configuration
- ContourFont (location,size) - see Font configuration
- GridFont (location,size) - see Font configuration
- WMSFormat (name,format)
- Inspire - Optional, for inspire configuration, see
[Configuration of an INSPIRE View Service](Configuration of an INSPIRE View
- ViewServiceCSW - The global view service document (CSW service) describing the view services
- DatasetCSW - The dataset CSW service describing the dataset
- AuthorityURL - The name and URL of the Authority offering the data
- Identifier - The identifier of the Authority
- Title - Mandatory, the title of the service
- Label - Mandatory, the description of the service
- WCSFormat (name, driver, mimetype, options)
- OpenDAP (enabled, path) - Settings for the ADAGUC OpenDAP server
- Projection (id,proj4) - Mandatory, defines the projections
supported by the services.
- LatLonBox (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
- Legend (name, type, file) - Color palette definitions
- palette (index,min,max,red,green,blue,alpha,color)
- Style - Style definitions used within Watch Lock
Rename Delete History
- Legend (tickinterval, tickround, fixed)
- Specifies which legend to use - Min
- The minimum value of the image to display, corresponds with the first colors in the legend. - Max
- The minimum value of the image to display, corresponds with the last colors in the legend. - Log
- Scale the colors using log transformation - ValueRange (min,max) - Values between min and max are visible, outside this range is transparent
- RenderMethod
- The way to render the image, e.g. contour, nearest or bilinear. - ContourLine (width,linecolor,textcolor,textformatting,interval,classes) - Draw contourlines in the images, if the appropriate RenderMethod is selected.
- ShadeInterval (min,max,label,bgcolor, fillcolor) - Draw the image using shading.
- FeatureInterval (match, matchid, label, bgcolor, fillcolor) - Draw GeoJSON features and select features based on regular expressions.
- SymbolInterval (min, max, binary_and, file, offset_x, offset_y) - Draw symbols according to point value
- SmoothingFilter
- Optional, defaults to 1. The filter to smooth the image when using contour lines and shading. - NameMapping (name,title,abstract) - Optional, Provide detailed descriptions and human readable names for every style.
- StandardNames (standard_name, variable_name, units) - Optional, assigns this style to layers matching the standard_name and optionally the units.
- Point (min,max,pointstyle,fillcolor,linecolor,textcolor,textformat,fontfile,fontsize,discradius,textradius,dot,anglestart,anglestop,plotstationid)) Configuration of rendering point data. See also [[Point data rendering]].
- Vector (linecolor, linewidth,scale,vectorstyle,plotstationid) Configuration of rendering point data as vector. See also [[Point data rendering]].
- FilterPoints (skip, use) Definition of set of points to skip or to use
- Thinning (radius) Thinning of points to make sure that drawn points do not overlap
- LegendGraphic (value) Override legendgraphic request URL with custom image
- Stippling (distancex, distancey, discradius) Configuration of stippling renderer.
- RenderSettings (settings, striding, renderer, scalewidth, scalecontours, renderhint, rendertextforvectors) Configuration of renderers
- Legend (tickinterval, tickround, fixed)
- Layer (type,hidden)
- Name (force)
- Recommended, provide a name for the layer. Use the force="true" attribute to display the name as configured, otherwise the name is adjusted to become unique within groups. - Title
- Optional, provide a title for the layer. If not configured it is derived from long_name, standard_name or variable names of the selected variable from the file. - Group (value) - Optional, layers are hierarchically nested based on the value attribute set in the Group element. The "/" token nests the layer further.
- Variable
- Mandatory, The variable from the file to use in the Layer. Multiple can be used for e.g. wind vector plotting. - FilePath (filter, maxquerylimit, ncml, retentionperiod, retentiontype)
- Mandatory, The directory to scan files with additional filter, or the file to use, or the OpenDAP url to use. - Dimension
- Optional, Configure the dimensions (time, elevation, member) used. If none given the server tries to autodetect the dimensions. - Styles
- Optional, A comma separated list of styles to use for this layer. - Projection (proj4) - Override the projection defined in the file
- Cache (enabled) - Set enabled to "true" to enable caching of this layer. Useful when visualizing OpenDAP resources.
- ImageText (attribute)
- Optional, print text in the bottom of the map. - MetadataURL
- TileSettings - Configuration settings for tiling high resolution layers
- DataPostProc (algorithm, a, b, c, units, name, mode)
- DataBaseTable
Override the auto assigned database table - AdditionalLayer (replace, style)
- Configure a new layer which is a composition of multiple other layers. - WMSFormat (name, quality) - Force the image format for this layer.
- *All Style elements are accessible in Layer and can be overridden
- Name (force)