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Releases: bryanjclark/SwiftTweaks

v4.1.2: Fix tweaks-not-persisting issue

19 Jan 18:14
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Fixes #153, where tweaks weren't persisting between app launches. (Thank you for the ticket, @vburojevic!)

v4.1.1: Dark Mode!

14 Jan 18:12
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Now SwiftTweaks looks/works much better when Dark Mode is enabled. (#151)

Also, uh, "bug fixes and performance improvements" like:

  • fixed a crasher (#152)
  • fixed retain cycle (#127)


v4.1.0: UI Fixes, SwiftPM support, and more

13 Jan 20:25
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Lots to enjoy in this release!

This release changes the minimum-supported iOS version to iOS 10.

v4.0.3: Bugfix with floating-tweak-window

03 Jan 00:00
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Only a small change in v4.0.3: @erikpoort's excellent bug-fix for calling closure tweaks from the floating tweak window.


v4.0.2: Lil improvements!

02 Jan 23:18
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Hey there! v4.0.2 includes:

  • Layout Improvements to the FloatingTweakWindow, including a "re-open Tweaks" button
  • Haptics for "action/closure" tweaks (to help you know that something happened)
  • iPad layout improvements (using a modal form sheet)

Swift 4.2, Xcode 10, Tweak<String>

11 Oct 18:12
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(Creating a new point release to include relevant Travis/Cocoapods changes!)

This release includes support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10 (thank you, @mjarvis!), as well as support for String as a tweakable type (thanks @ikesyo!)

Swift 4.0

01 Jun 17:32
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Hey there!

It’s been a while since we did a release -- things have been improving on the master branch, but it’s been a long time since we did a good Cocoapods update. So! Here’s what’s in this release:

  • Swift 4.0 syntax/support
  • Tweak<StringOption> aka “choose from [String]” (we use this at Khan Academy when we need a more-complex feature flag than Tweak<Bool>)
  • Add TweakWindow.GestureType.twoFingerDoubleTap for an easy alternative to .shake-ing your device; useful in apps that use a shake gesture for undo, React Native menu, etc.

Swift 3.0 Support - Beta 1

30 Oct 16:44
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This beta release includes support for Swift 3!

There aren't any API changes (aside from Swift 3 syntax), but since this is a breaking change for syntax, we're bumping the version number.

v1.1: Swift 2.3 Support

05 Oct 20:04
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This release includes support for Swift 2.3.

(After this, we'll keep a swift2.3 branch around to help out projects that haven't made the jump to Swift 3.0. master will focus on Swift 3.0 development, with a v2.0 release to indicate it's a breaking change to Swift 3.0)

v1.0: Hello, World!

09 May 15:35
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We've been using SwiftTweaks in production for a few months now, and we're ready to open-source it!