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Intro to KnpPaginatorBundle

Friendly Symfony paginator to paginate everything

Build Status

Generally this bundle is based on Knp Pager component. This component introduces a different way of pagination handling. You can read more about the internal logic on the given documentation link.

Note: Keep knp-components in sync with this bundle. If you want to use older version of KnpPaginatorBundle - use v3.0 or v4.X tags in the repository which is suitable to paginate ODM MongoDB and ORM 2.0 queries

Latest updates

For details regarding changes please read about the releases.


  • Knp Pager component >=2.0.
  • KnpPaginatorBundle's master is compatible with Symfony >=6.4 versions.
  • Twig >=3.0 version is required if you use the Twig templating engine.


  • Does not require initializing specific adapters.
  • Can be customized in any way needed, etc.: pagination view, event subscribers.
  • Possibility to add custom filtering, sorting functionality depending on request parameters.
  • Separation of concerns, paginator is responsible for generating the pagination view only, pagination view - for representation purposes.

Note: using multiple paginators requires setting the alias in order to keep non conflicting parameters.

More detailed documentation:

Installation and configuration:

Pretty simple with Composer, run

composer require knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle

Add PaginatorBundle to your application kernel

If you don't use flex (you should), you need to manually enable bundle:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return [
        // ...
        new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(),
        // ...

Configuration example

You can configure default query parameter names and templates


    page_range: 5                       # number of links shown in the pagination menu (e.g: you have 10 pages, a page_range of 3, on the 5th page you'll see links to page 4, 5, 6)
        page_name: page                 # page query parameter name
        sort_field_name: sort           # sort field query parameter name
        sort_direction_name: direction  # sort direction query parameter name
        distinct: true                  # ensure distinct results, useful when ORM queries are using GROUP BY statements
        filter_field_name: filterField  # filter field query parameter name
        filter_value_name: filterValue  # filter value query parameter name
        pagination: '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/sliding.html.twig'     # sliding pagination controls template
        rel_links: '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/rel_links.html.twig'    # <link rel=...> tags template
        sortable: '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/sortable_link.html.twig' # sort link template
        filtration: '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/filtration.html.twig'  # filters template


// config/packages/paginator.php

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $configurator): void
    $configurator->extension('knp_paginator', [
        'page_range' => 5,                        // number of links shown in the pagination menu (e.g: you have 10 pages, a page_range of 3, on the 5th page you'll see links
        'default_options' => [
            'page_name' => 'page',                // page query parameter name
            'sort_field_name' => 'sort',          // sort field query parameter name
            'sort_direction_name' => 'direction', // sort direction query parameter name
            'distinct' => true,                   // ensure distinct results, useful when ORM queries are using GROUP BY statements
            'filter_field_name' => 'filterField', // filter field query parameter name
            'filter_value_name' => 'filterValue'  // filter value query parameter name
        'template' => [
            'pagination' => '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/sliding.html.twig',     // sliding pagination controls template
            'rel_links' => '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/rel_links.html.twig',    // <link rel=...> tags template
            'sortable' => '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/sortable_link.html.twig', // sort link template
            'filtration' => '@KnpPaginator/Pagination/filtration.html.twig'   // filters template

Additional pagination templates

That could be used out of the box in knp_paginator.template.pagination key:

  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/sliding.html.twig (by default)
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bootstrap_v5_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v4_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v3_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/foundation_v6_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/foundation_v5_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bulma_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/semantic_ui_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/materialize_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/tailwindcss_pagination.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/uikit_v3_pagination.html.twig

Sample rel link tag template

That could be used out of the box in knp_paginator.template.rel_links key:

  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/rel_links.html.twig (by default)

Additional sortable templates

That could be used out of the box in knp_paginator.template.sortable key:

  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/sortable_link.html.twig (by default)
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bootstrap_v5_bi_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bootstrap_v5_fa_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bootstrap_v5_md_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v3_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v4_font_awesome_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v4_material_design_icons_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/semantic_ui_sortable_link.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/uikit_v3_sortable.html.twig

Additional filtration templates

That could be used out of the box in knp_paginator.template.filtration key:

  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/filtration.html.twig (by default)
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/bootstrap_v5_filtration.html.twig
  • @KnpPaginator/Pagination/twitter_bootstrap_v4_filtration.html.twig

Usage examples:


Currently paginator can paginate:

  • array
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder
  • Doctrine\ORM\Query
  • Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
  • Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Query
  • Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Builder
  • Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Query\Query
  • Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Query\Builder\QueryBuilder
  • Doctrine\Common\Collection\ArrayCollection - any Doctrine relation collection including
  • ModelCriteria - Propel ORM query
  • array with Solarium_Client and Solarium_Query_Select as elements
// App\Controller\ArticleController.php

public function listAction(EntityManagerInterface $em, PaginatorInterface $paginator, Request $request)
    $dql   = "SELECT a FROM AcmeMainBundle:Article a";
    $query = $em->createQuery($dql);

    $pagination = $paginator->paginate(
        $query, /* query NOT result */
        $request->query->getInt('page', 1), /* page number */
        10 /* limit per page */

    // parameters to template
    return $this->render('article/list.html.twig', ['pagination' => $pagination]);


In <head>:

{# rel links for pagination #}
{{ knp_pagination_rel_links(pagination) }}

In <body>:

{# total items count #}
<div class="count">
    {{ pagination.getTotalItemCount }}
        {# sorting of properties based on query components #}
        <th>{{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Id', '') }}</th>
        <th{% if pagination.isSorted('a.title') %} class="sorted"{% endif %}>
            {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Title', 'a.title') }}
        <th{% if pagination.isSorted(['', 'a.time']) %} class="sorted"{% endif %}>
            {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Release', ['', 'a.time']) }}

    {# table body #}
    {% for article in pagination %}
        <tr {% if loop.index is odd %}class="color"{% endif %}>
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td>{{ article.title }}</td>
            <td>{{ | date('Y-m-d') }}, {{ article.time | date('H:i:s') }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
{# display navigation #}
<div class="navigation">
    {{ knp_pagination_render(pagination) }}

Translation in view

For translating the following text:

  • %foo% name with translation key table_header_name. The translation is in the domain messages.
  • {0} No author|{1} Author|[2,Inf] Authors with translation key table_header_author. The translation is in the domain messages.

translationCount and translationParameters can be combined.

       {# sorting of properties based on query components #}
       <th>{{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Id'|trans({foo:'bar'},'messages'), '' )|raw }}</th>
       <th{% if pagination.isSorted('a.Title') %} class="sorted"{% endif %}>{{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Title', 'a.title')|raw }}</th>
       <th>{{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Author'|trans({}, 'messages'), '' )|raw }}</th>

    <!-- Content of the table -->

Adding translation files

You can also override translations by creating a translation file in the following name format: domain.locale.format. So, to create a translation file for this bundle you need to create for instance file under project_root/translations/ and add your translations there:

label_previous: "Önceki"
label_next: "Sonraki"
filter_searchword: "Arama kelimesi"

If you set default translation for configuration accordingly:

    default_locale: tr

Symfony will pick it automatically.

Dependency Injection

You can automatically inject a paginator service into another service by using the knp_paginator.injectable DIC tag. The tag takes one optional argument paginator, which is the ID of the paginator service that should be injected. It defaults to knp_paginator.

The class that receives the KnpPaginator service must implement Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\Definition\PaginatorAwareInterface. If you're too lazy you can also just extend the Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\Definition\PaginatorAware base class.

⚠ Warning using PaginatorAwareInterface is discouraged, and could be removed in a future version. You should not rely on setter injection, but only on proper constructor injection. Using Symfony built-in autowiring mechanism is the suggested way to go.

Lazy service

The knp_paginator service will be created lazily if the package symfony/proxy-manager-bridge is installed.

For more information about lazy services, consult the Symfony documentation on dependency injection.

XML configuration example
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<container xmlns=""

        <parameter key="my_bundle.paginator_aware.class">MyBundle\Repository\PaginatorAwareRepository</parameter>

        <service id="my_bundle.paginator_aware" class="my_bundle.paginator_aware.class">
            <tag name="knp_paginator.injectable" paginator="knp_paginator" />


  • Make sure the translator is activated in your Symfony config:
    translator: { fallbacks: ['%locale%'] }
  • If your locale is not available, create your own translation file in translations/KnpPaginatorBundle.en.yml (substitute "en" for your own language code if needed). Then add these lines:
label_next: Next
label_previous: Previous
  • Note that <rel> links are only meaningful when using pagination, they are not relevant to sorting or filtering.


Please read this post first.

This library is maintained by the following people (alphabetically sorted) :

  • @garak
  • @polc