- Bugfix for additional whitespaces added when there is no using directives to format
- Bugfix for accidental deletion of comment blocks immediately after using directives
- Bugfix for when the newline separator for sort group is enabled, the first separator is mistakenly removed
- Bugfix for always duplicating the first using directive if there is no namespace declarations
- Bugfix for accidental deleting comment blocks before a class declaration
- Bugfix for exceptions when there is no using statements
- Bugfix for the accidental deletion of header comments
- Bugfix for blank line separation for sort groups when some groups are empty
- Added suppport for separating sort groups with a blank line
- Added more filter standards for sort groups (NotStartsWith, NotEndsWith, NotContains and NotMatchRegex)
- Added support for sort groups; sort groups can force absolute orders among the groups and apply sorting only within each group
- Fixed a bug where new lines are not correctly added when moving using directives
- General bug fixes
- Added support for placing using directives inside and outside namespace declarations
- Added support for multiple sorting options