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273 lines (141 loc) · 7.54 KB
  • chapters split

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Learn Lojban

  • charts for space
  • improve sensory channels section


  • mostly learnlojban


Alice: Hey Bob, are you okay? You look a little pale.

Bob: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit under the weather. coughs

Alice: Are you sure? You seem to be coughing a lot.

Bob: Yeah, I think I caught a cold. sneezes

Alice: Bless you! Maybe you should go see a doctor if it's that bad.

Bob: Yeah, maybe. I also keep feeling this sharp pain in my stomach. groans

Alice: Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all. Maybe it's something you ate?

Bob: Possibly. I did have that spicy burrito earlier. burps

Alice: Ugh, I think I can smell it. Gross!

Bob: Sorry about that. blushes And speaking of gross, I think I might need to... you know... use the restroom.

Alice: Oh, go ahead. I'll wait here.

Bob: sighs Thanks. I'll be quick. exits

(A few moments later...)

Bob: returns, looking relieved Ah, much better.

Alice: Feeling better now?

Bob: Yeah, but now I'm sweating like crazy. wipes forehead

Alice: Maybe it's because you were in there for so long?

Bob: Could be. And hey, at least I didn't faint this time.

Alice: Yeah, that's a plus. But you still look like you're in pain.

Bob: It's not too bad. Just a dull ache now. grimaces

Alice: Well, let me know if it gets worse. I don't want you to suffer.

Bob: Thanks, Alice. You're always so caring.

Alice: smiles It's the least I can do for a friend. kisses Bob on the cheek

Bob: blushes Uh, thanks. That means a lot. sniffs

Alice: Are you crying?

Bob: No, it's just my allergies acting up. sniffles

Alice: Well, let me know if you need anything else, okay?

Bob: Will do. Thanks, Alice. You're the best.

Alice: notices goosebumps on Bob's arms Hey, are you cold?

Bob: Yeah, a little. shivers

Alice: Here, take my jacket. wraps it around Bob

Bob: Thanks, Alice. You're too kind.

Alice: Anytime, Bob. Now let's get you home and cozy. smiles


Alice and Bob sat on the park bench, enjoying the warm sunshine filtering through the trees.

Alice: (sneezes) "Excuse me!"

Bob: "Bless you! Are you feeling alright?"

Alice: "Just a little cold, I think."

Bob: "Well, take it easy. (laughs) Wouldn't want you to cough up a storm."

Alice: (blushes) "Thanks. (smiles) So, what did you think of the movie last night?"

Bob: "I loved it! That scene where they kissed under the stars was so romantic."

Alice: (laughs) "Yeah, it was sweet."

Bob: "But then there was that scene where the character had to urgently defecate in the woods. That was unexpected."

Alice: "I know, right? It was quite the plot twist."

Bob: "I couldn't help but laugh."

Alice: "Me too. And remember the part where the guy burped so loudly?"

Bob: "Oh, yeah. It was hilarious!"

Alice: (yawns) "Sorry, I'm feeling a bit tired."

Bob: "No worries. We've been here for hours. Let's head home."

As they got up from the bench, Bob suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

Bob: "Ouch! What was that?"

Alice: "Are you okay?"

Bob: "I think so, just a sudden pain. Probably something I ate."

Alice: "Maybe you're allergic to something."

Bob: "Maybe. (sniffs) Do you smell that?"

Alice: "Yeah, it smells like something's burning."

They turned to see smoke rising from a nearby trash can.

Alice: "Oh no, it's on fire!"

Bob: "Quick, let's get out of here before we suffocate!"

They ran away from the smoke, coughing and wheezing as they tried to breathe.

Alice: "I can't believe this is happening!"

Bob: "I know, it's like something out of a movie."

As they reached a safe distance, they watched as firefighters arrived to put out the flames.

Bob: "Well, that was certainly unexpected."

Alice: "Yeah, but at least we're okay."

Bob: "True. (chews on his lip) Hey, are you alright? You're trembling."

Alice: "I think I'm just in shock."

Bob: "Me too. But hey, at least we have a story to tell now."

Alice: (sniffs) "Yeah, a crazy one at that."

Bob: "Come on, let's go home and relax."

They walked away from the park, still shaking their heads in disbelief at the events that had just unfolded.


Bob: Hey, are you feeling okay? You look a bit flushed.

Alice: Yeah, I think I caught a cold. sniff I can't stop sneezing.

Bob: laughs Well, you sound like a symphony of sneezes. Bless you!

Alice: blushes Thanks. Ugh, and I can't seem to stop coughing either.

Bob: Maybe you should sit down. You're starting to tremble.

Alice: I'm fine. Just a little chilly. yawns

Bob: You should bundle up. I don't want you getting goosebumps.

Alice: Too late for that. And I'm sweating, too.

Bob: Are you in pain? You're gripping your stomach.

Alice: Yeah, I think it's something I ate. I might gag.

Bob: Don't faint on me! Here, have some water. And try not to vomit.

Alice: Thanks. sips Ugh, I feel like I might suffocate.

Bob: Take deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Alice: hiccup Sorry, it's not helping. gags

Bob: Maybe you're allergic to something. Let me get you some tissues.

Alice: sniffs Thanks. I think I need to lie down.

Bob: Don't faint on me now. I can't carry you.

Alice: laughs weakly I won't. But I might cry.

Bob: It's okay to cry. Just don't forget to breathe.

Alice: sobs I won't. sniffles My eyes hurt.

Bob: Maybe you should blink more. And try not to sob too hard.

Alice: groans I feel terrible.

Bob: It's okay. I'm here for you. frowns

Alice: smiles weakly Thanks. You always know how to make me feel better.

Bob: chews on his lip I just hate seeing you like this.

Alice: sniffles I know. sighs But I'll be okay. snaps eyes shut

Bob: Just rest. I'll be right here.


Bob: Hey there, Alice. Are you feeling alright?

Alice: coughs Yeah, I think I caught a cold.

Bob: Oh, that's no good. burps Excuse me.

Alice: sneezes Bless you! And sorry, I think I farted.

Bob: laughs No worries, happens to the best of us. blushes Um, would you like some tissues?

Alice: Yes, please. kisses Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better.

Bob: smiles Anything for you. yawns Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night.

Alice: It's okay. goosebumps Did you feel that draft?

Bob: Yeah, it's giving me the chills. sweats And it's making me sweat, too.

Alice: winces Are you in pain?

Bob: Yeah, my back's been acting up lately. gags Ugh, the smell of that food is making me nauseous.

Alice: sighs Maybe we should go somewhere else to eat.

Bob: snoring Sorry, did I fall asleep?

Alice: faints Oh no, I think I just fainted.

Bob: cries Alice, wake up! trembles Are you okay?

Alice: gasping I couldn't breathe for a moment there. hiccup And now I have the hiccups.

Bob: vomits Oh no, I think that food didn't agree with me.

Alice: faints Again?

Bob: shivers Yeah, I think I caught a chill.

Alice: chewing Let's eat something else before we both get sick.

Bob: spasms Agreed. sniffs I think I'm allergic to something here.

Alice: Let's get out of here before things get worse. breathes deeply

Bob: blinks Yeah, good idea. sobbing I'm sorry our date turned out like this.

Alice: snaps It's not your fault. groans Let's just get through this together.

Bob: frowns I hate seeing you in pain. sniffs Are you feeling any better?

Alice: smiles weakly A little. Thanks for being here for me.