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Customisable Dashboard built with:

  • Angular
  • Angular Material for some UI components such as dialog box and drap-drop
  • TailwindCSS for styling
  • Ngrx for central state management
  • Highcharts for the beautiful charts
  • json-server for converting local JSON file into fake REST API
  • Karma-jasmine for unit testing

My Learnings along the way

  • Learnt angular, typescript and ngrx completely from scratch (had 0 knowledge of Angular ecosystem before this) in 2 days. Never learnt anything faster than this. If I knew Angular beforehand I could've completed the assignment sooner with better implementation.
  • Angular is awesome. Everything comes out of the box :)
  • Never really liked Material UI, and the verdict stands same after using Angular Material. Testing mat components is so complicated
  • Learnt unit testing as well, never did unit testing before this
  • Came across Gridster package for dragging and resizing sections on the page. Seemed like an overkill for me (because I'm a total beginner) but experienced folks may be able to create highly interactive dashboards with it

Challenges I faced while working on the assignment

  • My code as well as architecture is jumbled up, and had to make multiple refactors along the way. As I spend more time working on these I will get better at how to write cleaner code as well as design my app more efficiently.
  • Still confused about how to implement the search feature. A very basic way that I thought of was: have a variable named searchQuery in the settings state, and if this query appears as substring of the title of any card/chart, show that particular card/chart using *ngIf="searchQuery.length == 0 || title.contains(searchQuery)". However this will only match with title, not sure how to match chart data and properties
  • Couldn't figure out how to test Angular Material components such as radio button
  • I'm guessing there are a lot of testcases I have missed to unit test
  • Reordering whole sections works, but not exactly correct on mobiles
  • Not perfectly responsive on mobiles and tablets
  • DataLabel contrast color in donut charts (black text over black pie slice) is not working

Installation Guide

Step 0

Make sure node is installed and updated. Install Angular CLI if not already installed.

npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 1

Clone the repository to your local machine and cd into root directory once ready

git clone
cd angular-dashboard

Step 2

Install npm packages

npm install

This will install all the necessary dependencies

Step 3

Start json-server

npx json-server --watch db.json

This will start the json-server on localhost port 3000 by default. It will use db.json file as a fake API endpoint. If json-server is already installed globally in your machine, you can omit npx

Step 4

Launch the angular app in a separate terminal

ng serve

This will serve the angular app on localhost port 4200 by default.

Step 5

Unit testing in a separate terminal

ng test --code-coverage

This will run unit tests and show the report on localhost port 9876 by default. Make sure that json-server is running before testing

To kill any process, press Ctrl+C in corresponding terminal


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