SimTaDyn code source gots its inspiration from the following documents and code source:
Excel GIS The project with the closest idea to my project but here used as rasterized map.
Map Algebra The algebra used in rasterized maps.
SimCity Game Engine SimCity GlassBox Game Engine (pdf).
SimCity Game Engine SimCity Insider's Look GlassBox Game Engine Introduction (videos).
MultiAgentSimulation Simple implementation of the technology behind SimCity 5 (GlassBox)
- A very basic textual spreadsheet calculator made in Java with circular references detection. Formuleas use the reverse polish notation.
- Explain how cells use the pattern observer for notifying other their value changed.
- A scripting language built on top of VBA for Excel based on the Forth language.
pforth: Portable Forth in C. SimTaDyn Forth mainly inspires of its code.
reforth: Lot of good ideas for upgrading the Forth syntax.
4th The crashproof Forth
JonesForth: Tutorial explaining how a (ligth) Forth is implemented with better explanations than the book Walid P. Salman, Olivier Tisserand, Bruno Toulout.
wikiversity (french only) Clear explanations conserning the CREATE word. Reused examples for my unit tests.
Book Forth: Walid P. Salman, Olivier Tisserand, Bruno Toulout. Edition: Eyrolles 1984 (french), Edition: Macmillan 1983 (english). Excellent book describing how a Forth is implemented with lot of Forth words coded in Forth.
rocs Rocs is the closest graph IDE to SimTaDyn. Written in C++ and QT mixing a drawn interface with a scripting module manipulating the drawn graph. The script is QtScript Java Script.
The Stanford slib A complete class for graph written in C++.
VivaGraphJS Powerful graph vizualisation in JS and WebGL.
Gephi The Open Graph Viz Platform.
graphosaurus A graph viewer powered by WebGL with three.js
RTree The inventor's page (C code and PDF).
RTree explanation in postgis tutorial
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.
PostGIS spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL.
QGIS A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
ESRI shapefile ESRI shapefiles technical description
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap formalism
AequilibraE A transportation modeling toolbox for QGIS
TRAFFIC_RECON Virtualized Traffic: Reconstructing Traffic Flows from Discrete Spatio-Temporal Data
SUMO Simulation of Urban MObility
volkhin 3D Traffic demo
lo-th Fork of the previous link (better look)
City Building and the github Creating a City Building Game with SFML
glosm C++ and OpenGL legacy for displaying in 3D Openstreet map files with french pdf docs.
- Real-Time WebGL Maps
- Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
glumpy Python + Numpy + modern OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization. SimTaDyn mainly inspired of its class hiearchy, which is in my opinion the best and simplest OpenGL wrapper.
Programming for Games Tutorials from the module on Programming for Games of the Newcastle University. SimTaDyn uses their implementation of Scene graph.
SFML Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
ThinMatrix Modern OpenGL tutorials on Youtube.
- Modern OpenGL tutorials.
PDF Forth and GTK
Forth and Legacy OpenGL tutorials
PDF Forth and SQL and sources
Ganv Gtk widget for interactive graph-like environments.
jucipp Code source Editor with gtksourceviewmm.
Moteur3D More than a tutorial on 3D game engine, it explains manager classes in C++ which can used for a more general projects.
POCO Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
- RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus Make a C code to mimic the behavior of an interpreted language (hot compile and load C code).
Backward-cpp Abeautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++. Used with success for this project.
Stacktrace A light tool made in few line.
Mutual Registration: A Pattern for Ensuring Referential Integrity in Bidirectional Object Relationships: (
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