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Transposition tests

Ed Lee edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Data sets:

  1. FEN dataset: All positions from (12'582'379 positions).
  2. Tree nodes after go nodes 1000000 from startpos with network id42482.
  3. Tree nodes after go nodes 1000000 from (middlegame) r2br3/ppq2pkp/2b2np1/4p3/6N1/2PB1Q1P/PP1B1PP1/R3R1K1 w - - 1 2 with network id42482.
  4. Tree nodes after go nodes 1000000 from (late middlegame) br5r/2bpkp2/B6p/2p4q/1PN1np2/P3P3/1BQ3PP/R4RK1 w - - 0 26 with network id42482.
  5. Tree nodes after go nodes 1000000 from (endgame) 8/8/1p1n2k1/3P2p1/3P1b2/1P1K1B2/8/4B3 w - - 2 55 with network id42482.
  6. Same as dataset 2 (startpos), but with 10'000'000 nodes (10 times more).
  7. Perpetual check position r6k/pp4pp/2p5/5Q2/1q5P/8/2P2PP1/1K1R3R w - - 1 25 from Leko vs Kramnik game. go nodes 1000000 with network id42482.
  8. KRN vs KR draw enggame, 6r1/6k1/8/8/8/8/3N4/2KR4 w - - 0 1. go nodes 1000000 with network id42482.


Note: Ignore MaterialKey for now, that was crem's idea for Lc2

  • Percentage of positions requiring MaterialKey to be computed:
    • Dataset 1: 29.8%
    • Dataset 2: 46.7%
    • Dataset 3: 48.1%
    • Dataset 4: 33.1%
    • Dataset 5: 7.1%
    • Dataset 6: 46.6%
  • Bucket size distribution (Remaining bits encode pawns at ranks 2 and 3):
    • Dataset 1: (just for completeness; not really useful stats as positions are sampled from different games).
      • 2312346 buckets. 5.44 positions per bucket (4.7 if only unique).
      • Fun fact: 4.8% of all positions in training data is RKvsRK.
    • Dataset 6 (unique only):
      • 313978 buckets, 11.8 posisions per bucket.
      • Top bucket countains 0.672% of nodes (24951).
  • Bucket size distribution (Remainig bits encode hash of pawns)
    • Dataset 6 (unique only): 388226 buckets (9.5)
      • 98.5% of larger buckets contain 50% of nodes (remaining 50% nodes are contained in size < 100 buckets).
      • Size < 16 buckets still contain 25% of Nodes.
    • Dataset 5 (unique only): 573 buckets, (240.0)
    • Dataset 1 (unique only): 2491831 buckets, (4.36)

Number of transpositions with exact and non-exact history


  • Keeping one copy of unique position leads to 50% tree reduction in most cases (and closer to endgames even more).
  • Including history into the position key destroys large part of benefit.
  • On the other hand, including rule50 counter into the position key doesn't spoil things much, and removes need of an NN cache (also adds a nice benefit of non-loop PV, e.g. move graph becomes DAG, although it's not really needed).
  • Threefold and twofold repetitions are very rare, and it's worthwhile to have slower logic when handling them. Also it's fine to only support threefold and not twofold.
  • Memory footprint for handling repetitions ("pseudonodes") is very reasonable.
Dataset 3 midg. 4 late midg. 5 endg. 6 startp. 8 shuf.
Positions 1000350 1000107 1000000 10111141 1000145
Unique positions 537946 (53.8%) 692459 (69.2%) 103738 (10.4%) 3290287 (32.5%) 243723
Unique pos with history 702473 (70.2%) 875692 (87.6%) 897186 (89.7%) 4535616 (44.9%) 949180
Unique pos rep2 history 538307 (53.8%) 700134 (70.0%) 111754 (11.2%) 3291930 (32.6%) 245762
Unique +rule50 584265 (58.4%) 750441 (75.0%) 129460 (12.9%) 3685536 (36.5%) 278887
Threefold 69 3128 404 323 33
Twofold 413 3438 20606 3794 6853
Norep 999223 (99.9%) 970586 (97.0%) 918339 (91.8%) 10097097 (99.9%) 983750
Pseudonodes 878 8002 21020 2651 10415
Dataset 2 startp. 7 perpet.
Positions 1000232 1001502
Unique positions 409988 (41.0%) 23244
Unique pos with history 535639 (53.6%) 64001
Unique pos rep2 history 410229 (41.0%) 34520
Unique +rule50 449766 (45.0%) 29254
Threefold 60 109884
Twofold 355 99294
Norep 999036 (99.9%) 88295
Pseudonodes 363 436
  • Dataset -- title of dataset.
  • Positions -- number of positions in the set.
  • Unique positions -- number of unique positions in the set (what makes a cache hit in Lc0).
  • Unique positions with history -- number of unique positions in the set, where all positions from the last capture or pawn move (in any order) are included into positions.
  • Unique positions with rep2 history -- the same, but only history positions which appeared more than once are included into the position.
  • Unique +rule50 -- Number of unique positions (without history) if rule50 count is included into position hash.
  • Threefold -- Number of three-fold repetition positions.
  • Threefold -- Number of exact two-fold repetition positions.
  • Norep -- Number of positions which do not include any repetitions in PV.
  • Pseudonodes -- Number of additional "pseudo nodes" due to repeptition handles.
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