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carsakiller edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 36 revisions


The language server does its best to infer types through contextual analysis, however, sometimes manual documentation is necessary to improve completion and signature information.

Annotations are prefixed with ---, like a Lua comment with one extra dash. To learn more, check out Formatting Annotations.

Note The annotations used by the server are based off of EmmyLua annotations but a rename is in progress.

⚠️ Warning: The annotations used by the server are no longer cross-compatible with EmmyLua annotations since v3.0.0.

The annotations are also described in script.lua which can be found in multiple languages in locale/. Corrections and translations can be provided in these script.lua files and submitted through a pull request.


  • If you type --- one line above a function, you will receive a suggested snippet that includes @param and @return annotations for each parameter and return value found in the function.

Documenting Types

Properly documenting types with the language server is very important and where a lot of the features and advantages are. Below is a list of all recognized Lua types (regardless of version in use):

  • nil
  • any
  • boolean
  • string
  • number
  • integer
  • function
  • table
  • thread
  • userdata
  • lightuserdata

You can also simulate classes and fields and even create your own types.

Adding a question mark ? after a type like boolean? or number? is the same as saying boolean|nil or number|nil. This can be used to specify that something is either a specified type or nil. This can be very useful for function returns where a value or nil can be returned.

Below is a list of how you can document more advanced types:

Type Document As
Union Type TYPE_1 | TYPE_2
Array <VALUE_TYPE>[]
Dictionary { [string]: VALUE_TYPE }
Key-Value Table table<KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE>
Table Literal { key1: VALUE_TYPE, key2: VALUE_TYPE }

Understanding This Page

To get an understanding of how to use the annotations described on this page, you'll need to know how to read the Syntax sections of each annotation.

Symbol Meaning
<value_name> A required value that you provide
[value_name] Everything inside is optional
[value_name...] This value is repeatable
value_name | value_name The left or right side are valid

Any other symbols are syntactically required and should be copied verbatim.

If this is confusing, take a look at a couple examples under an annotation and it should make more sense.

Annotations List

Below is a list of all annotations recognized by the language server:


An alias can be useful when re-using a type. It can also be used to provide an enum. If you are looking for an enum and already have the values defined in a Lua table, take a look at @enum.


---@alias <name> <type>


---@alias <name>
---| '<value>' [# description]

Note The above pipe character (|) on the left is necessary for each line and does not signify an "or".


Simple Alias
---@alias userID integer The ID of a user
Custom Type
---@alias modes "r" | "w"
Custom Type with Descriptions
---@alias side
---| '"left"' # The left side of the device
---| '"right"' # The right side of the device
---| '"top"' # The top side of the device
---| '"bottom"' # The bottom side of the device
---| '"front"' # The front side of the device
---| '"back"' # The back side of the device

---@param side side
local function checkSide(side) end
Literal Custom Type
local A = "Hello"
local B = "World"

---@alias myLiteralAlias `A` | `B`

---@param x myLiteralAlias
function foo(x) end
Literal Custom Type with Descriptions
local A = "Hello"
local B = "World"

---@alias myLiteralAliases
---|`A` # Will offer completion for A, which has a value of "Hello"
---|`B` # Will offer completion for B, which has a value of "World"

---@param x myLiteralAliases
function foo(x) end



Force a type onto an expression.

⚠️ Warning: This annotation cannot be added using ---@as <type> - it must be done like --[[@as <type>]].

Note When marking an expression as an array, such as string[], you must use --[=[@as string[]]=] due to the extra square brackets causing parsing issues.


--[[@as <type>]]

Note The square brackets in the above syntax definition do not refer to it being optional. Those square brackets must be used verbatim.


Override Type
---@param key string Must be a string
local function doSomething(key) end

local x = nil

doSomething(x --[[@as string]])



Mark a function as being asynchronous. When hint.await is true, functions marked with @async will have an await hint displayed next to them. Used by diagnostics from the await group.




Asynchronous Declaration
---Perform an asynchronous HTTP GET request
function http.get(url) end



Cast a variable to a different type or types


---@cast <value_name> [+|-]<type|?>[, [+|-]<type|?>...]


Simple Cast
---@type integer
local x

---@cast x string
print(x) --> x: string
Add Type
---@type integer
local x

---@cast x +boolean
print(x) --> x: integer | boolean
Remove Type
---@type integer|string
local x

---@cast x -integer
print(x) --> x: string
Cast multiple types
---@type string
local x --> x: string

---@cast x +boolean, +number
print(x) --> x:string | boolean | number
Cast unknown
---@type string
local x

---@cast x +?
print(x) --> x:string?


Define a class. Can be used with @field to define a table structure. Once a class is defined, it can be used as a type for parameters, returns, and more. A class can also inherit from a parent class.


---@class <name>[: <parent>]


Define a Class
---@class Car
local Car = {}
Class Inheritance
---@class Vehicle
local Vehicle = {}

---@class Plane: Vehicle
local Plane = {}


Mark a function as deprecated. This will trigger the deprecated diagnostic, displaying it as struck through.




Mark function as deprecated
function outdated() end


Toggle diagnostics for the next line, current line, or whole file.

Syntax ---@diagnostic <state>:<diagnostic>

state options:

  • disable-next-line (Disable diagnostic on the following line)
  • disable-line (Disable diagnostic on this line)
  • disable (Disable diagnostic in this file)
  • enable (Enable diagnostic in this file)


Disable diagnostic on next line
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local

Enable spell checking in this file
---@diagnostic enable:spell-check


Mark a Lua table as an enum, giving it similar functionality to @alias, only the table is still usable at runtime.

View Original Request


---@enum <name>


Define table as enum
---@enum colors
local COLORS = {
	black = 0,
	red = 2,
	green = 4,
	yellow = 8,
	blue = 16,
	white = 32

---@param color colors
local function setColor(color) end




Define a field within a table. Should be immediately following a @class. As of v3.6.0, you can mark a field as private, protected, public, or package.


Note \[ and \] below mean literal [ and ]

---@field [scope] <name> <type> [description]
---@field [scope] \[<type>\] <type> [description]


Simple documentation of class
---@class Person
---@field height number The height of this person in cm
---@field weight number The weight of this person in kg
---@field firstName string The first name of this person
---@field lastName string The last name of this person
---@field age integer The age of this person

---@param person Person
local function hire(person) end


Mark field as private
---@class Animal
---@field private legs integer
---@field eyes integer

---@class Dog:Animal
local myDog = {}

---Child class Dog CANNOT use private field legs
function myDog:legCount()
	return self.legs
Mark field as protected
---@class Animal
---@field protected legs integer
---@field eyes integer

---@class Dog:Animal
local myDog = {}

---Child class Dog can use protected field legs
function myDog:legCount()
	return self.legs
Typed field

Note Named fields must be declared before typed field if type is string

---@class Numbers
---@field named string
---@field [string] integer
local Numbers = {}


Generics allow code to be reused and serve as a sort of "placeholder" for a type. Surrounding the generic in backticks (`) will capture the value and use it for the type. Generics are still WIP.


---@generic <name> [:parent_type] [, <name> [:parent_type]]


Generic Function
---@generic T : integer
---@param p1 T
---@return T, T[]
function Generic(p1) end

-- v1: string
-- v2: string[]
local v1, v2 = Generic("String")

-- v3: integer
-- v4: integer[]
local v3, v4 = Generic(10)
Capture with Backticks
---@class Vehicle
local Vehicle = {}
function Vehicle:drive() end

---@generic T
---@param class `T` # the type is captured using `T`
---@return T       # generic type is returned
local function new(class) end

-- obj: Vehicle
local obj = new("Vehicle")
How the Table Class is Implemented
---@class table<K, V>: { [K]: V }
Array Class Using Generics
---@class Array<T>: { [integer]: T }

---@type Array<string>
local arr = {}

-- Warns that I am assigning a boolean to a string
arr[1] = false

arr[3] = "Correct"

See #734

Dictionary class using generics
---@class Dictionary<T>: { [string]: T }

---@type Dictionary<boolean>
local dict = {}

-- no warning despite assigning a string
dict["foo"] = "bar?"

dict["correct"] = true

See #734


Marks a file as "meta", meaning it is used for definitions and not for its functional Lua code. Used internally by the language server for defining the built-in Lua libraries. If you are writing your own definition files, you will probably want to include this annotation in them. If you specify a name, it will only be able to be required by the given name. Giving the name _ will make it unable to be required. Files with the @meta tag in them behave a little different:

  • Completion will not display context in a meta file
  • Hovering a require of a meta file will show [meta] instead of its absolute path
  • Find Reference ignores meta files


---@meta [name]


Mark Meta File


Simulates require-ing a file.


---@module '<module_name>'


"Require" a File
---@module 'http'

--The above provides the same as
require 'http'
--within the language server
"Require" a File and Assign to a Variable
---@module 'http'
local http

--The above provides the same as
local http = require 'http'
--within the language server


Mark a function as having return values that cannot be ignored/discarded. This can help users understand how to use the function as if they do not capture the returns, a warning will be raised.




Prevent Ignoring a Function's Returns
---@return string username
function getUsername() end


Provides type declarations for an operator metamethod.

View Original Request


---@operator <operation>[(input_type)]:<resulting_type>

ℹ️ Note: This syntax differs slightly from the fun() syntax used for defining functions. Notice that the parentheses are optional here, so @operator call:integer is valid.


Declare __add Metamethod
---@class Vector
---@operator add(Vector): Vector

---@type Vector
local v1
---@type Vector
local v2

--> v3: Vector
local v3 = v1 + v2
Declare Unary Minus Metamethod
---@class Passcode
---@operation unm:integer

---@type Passcode
local pA

local pB = -pA
--> integer
Declare __call Metamethod
---@class URL
---@operator call:string
local URL = {}


Define an additional signature for a function. This does not allow descriptions to be provided for the new signature being defined - if you want descriptions, you are better off writing out an entire function with the same name but different @param and @return annotations.


---@overload fun([param: type[, param: type...]]): [return_value[, return_value]]


Define Function Overload
---@param objectID integer The id of the object to remove
---@param whenOutOfView boolean Only remove the object when it is not visible
---@return boolean success If the object was successfully removed
---@overload fun(objectID: integer): boolean
local function removeObject(objectID, whenOutOfView) end


Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function cannot be accessed from another file.




Mark a function as package-private
---@class Animal
---@field private eyes integer
local Animal = {}

---This cannot be accessed in another file
function Animal:eyesCount()
    return self.eyes


Define a parameter for a function. This tells the language server what types are expected and can help enforce types and provide completion. Putting a question mark (?) after the parameter name will mark it as optional, meaning nil is an accepted type. The type provided can be an @alias, @enum, or @class as well.


---@param <name[?]> <type[|type...]> [description]


Simple Function Parameter
---@param username string The name to set for this user
function setUsername(username) end
Parameter Union Type
---@param setting string The name of the setting
---@param value string|number|boolean The value of the setting
local function settings.set(setting, value) end
Optional Parameter
---@param role string The name of the role
---@param isActive? boolean If the role is currently active
---@return Role
function, isActive) end
Variable Number of Parameters
---@param index integer
---@param ... string Tags to add to this entry
local function addTags(index, ...) end
Generic Function Parameter
---@class Box

---@generic T
---@param objectID integer The ID of the object to set the type of
---@param type `T` The type of object to set
---@return `T` object The object as a Lua object
local function setObjectType(objectID, type) end

--> boxObject: Box
local boxObject = setObjectType(1, "Box")

See @generic for more info.

Custom Type Parameter
---@param mode string
---|"'immediate'"  # comment 1
---|"'async'" # comment 2
function bar(mode) end
Literal Custom Type Parameter
local A = 0
local B = 1

---@param active integer
---| `A` # Has a value of 0
---| `B` # Has a value of 1
function set(active) end

Looking to do this with a table? You probably want to use @enum


Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only from within their class and are not accessable from child classes.




Mark a function as private
---@class Animal
---@field private eyes integer
local Animal = {}

function Animal:eyesCount()
    return self.eyes

---@class Dog:Animal
local myDog = {}



Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be accessed only from within their class or from child classes.




Mark a function as protected
---@class Animal
---@field private eyes integer
local Animal = {}

function Animal:eyesCount()
    return self.eyes

---@class Dog:Animal
local myDog = {}

---Permitted because function is protected, not private.


Define a return value for a function. This tells the language server what types are expected and can help enforce types and provide completion.


---@return <type> [<name> [comment] | [name] #<comment>]


Simple Function Return
---@return boolean
local function isEnabled() end
Named Function Return
---@return boolean enabled
local function isEnabled() end
Named, Described Function Return
---@return boolean enabled If the item is enabled
local function isEnabled() end
Described Function Return
---@return boolean # If the item is enabled
local function isEnabled() end
Optional Function Return
---@return boolean|nil error
local function makeRequest() end
Variable Function Returns
---@return integer count Number of nicknames found
---@return string ...
local function getNicknames() end


Currently has no function other than allowing you to add a basic comment. This is not shown when hovering and has no additional functionality yet.




Basic Usage
---@see http.get
function request(url) end


Document a source that is in another language. Used internally but is not recommended for use by users.


---@source <filename>


Link to a file
---@source lmathlib.c:220:11
function math.max(...) end

math.max(1, 2)


Mark a variable as being of a certain type. Union types are separated with a pipe character |. The type provided can be an @alias, @enum, or @class as well. Please note that you cannot add a field to a class using @type, you must instead use @class.


---@type <type>


Basic Type Definition
---@type boolean
local x
Union Type Definition
---@type boolean|number
local x
Array Type Definition
---@type string[]
local names
Dictionary Type Definition
---@type { [string]: boolean }
local statuses
Table Type Definition
---@type table<userID, Player>
local players
Union Type Definition
---@type boolean|number|"yes"|"no"
local x
Function Type Definition
---@type fun(name: string, value: any): boolean
local x



This annotation has been deprecated and is purely for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations.

You should instead use @param for documenting parameters, variable or not.

Mark a function as having variable arguments. For variable returns, see @return.


---@vararg <type>


Basic Variable Function Arguments
---@vararg string
function concat(...) end


Mark the required Lua version for a function or @class.


---@version [<|>]<version> [, [<|>]version...]

Possible version values:

  • 5.1
  • 5.2
  • 5.3
  • 5.4
  • JIT


Declare Function Version
---@version >5.2, JIT
function hello() end
Declare Class Version
---@version 5.4
---@class Entry

See @class for more info


Found an issue? Report it on the issue tracker.

Unit tests for the annotations can be found in test/definition/luadoc.lua.

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