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File metadata and controls

245 lines (154 loc) · 12.1 KB

An overview of files in the LUMI-SoftwareStack repository and where they are being used

As GitHub markdown has pretty poor tables we currently use a list layout.

CrayPE subdirectory

LMOD subdirectory

  • The LMOD subdirectory itself is set as the value of the environment variable LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH in the system setup.

  • admin.list: Set as the value of the environment variable LMOD_ADMIN_FILE in the system setup.

  • lmodrc.lua: Set as the value of the environment variable LMOD_RC in the system setup.

  • LUMIstack_yy.mm_modulerc.lua files: Added to the list of modulerc files in the LMOD_MODULERCFILE environment variable by the modules/LUMIstack generic module files for the LUMI/ modules.

    Sets the default versions for the CPE release in a way that is independent of everything the cpe/ modules might do (unless they really overwrite LMOD_MODULERCFILE).

  • LUMIstack_modulerc.lua files: Added to the list of modulerc files in the LMOD_MODULERCFILE environment variable by the modules/LUMIstack generic module files for the LUMI/ modules.

    Used to hide a number of modules that are of no use to ordinary users when using the LUMI software stacks, and provide some user-friendly aliases for the partition modules.

  • SitePackage.lua: Referred to indirectly by the LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH system environment variable.

    Additional information on this file

modules subdirectory

  • CraEnv.lua: Module providing the plain nearly unmodified Cray Programming Environment.

    We do overwrite a number of CPE files in the modules/CrayOverwrite subdirectory to work around problems in some of the Cray module files.

  • EasyBuild-config: A generic EasyBuild configuration module that instantiates into the EasyBuild-production, EasyBuild-infrastructure and EasyBuild-user modules in the relevant partitions of the LUMI software stacks.

  • EasyBuild-unlock: A module that has to be loaded before any of the EasyBuild-production or EasyBuild-infrastructure modules can be loaded as additional protection to not accidentally overwrite a system installation.

  • init-lumi: The module called from the Cray PE intialisation process (in /etc/cray-pe.d/ to do the final steps of enabling the LUST software stacks.

  • LUMIstack: Generic implementation(s) of the LUMI software stack modules. The actual modules can simply link to the right version of the generic module file.

  • LUMIpartition: Generic implementation(s) of the LUMI partition modules. The actual modules can simply link to the right version of the generic module file.

  • CrayOverwrite: A directory with modulefiles that should overwrite standard CPE module files that have behaviour that conflicts with our setup.

    The process of overruling a Cray module may not be easy: If one of those modules is set as default in the original CPE subdirectory, one should make sure that that is overruled in the CrayOverwrite subdirectory for that module.

  • StyleModifiers: A set of small modules that change the presentation of the module display by module avail. These modules simply set one or more environment variables, one LUMI-specific one and the other LMOD configuration variables.

    These modules include:

    • ModuleColour: Switch between colour and black-and-white display of the modules

    • ModuleExtensions: Show or hide the display of extensions in the output of module avail.

    • ModuleLabel: Switch between three ways of displaying the module subdirectories:

      • label: Give the module subdirectories meaningful names and collapses all directories in the CPE module hierarchy.

      • PEhierarcy: Give the module subdirectories meaningful names but do not collapse the directories in the CPE module hierarchy

      • system: Show the directory names of all modules subdirectories

    • ModulePowerUser: Enables the power user view of the module system: Less modules are hidden, but using those modules that are otherwise hidden is not supported by the LUMI User Support Team. These modules may not work under a regular user account or are their use is not documented in the regular LUMI documentation as they are only meant for support staff.

    • ModuleStyle: Used to return to the situation at login or the default for the system.

For the EasyBuild-config, LUMIstack and LUMIpartition modules we adopted a special version numbering: They are numbered in the same way as CPE releases and a particular module for any LUMI stack we use the most recent version that is not younger than the correpsonding CPE/LUMI stack.

easybuild/config subdirectory

The files are referred to by the EasyBuild-config generic module file.

easybuild/easyblocks subdirectory

This is the subdirectory for the LUMI custom EasyBlocks. We use a scheme with subdirectories as in the main EasyBlock repository.

easybuild/easyconfigs subdirectory

EasyConfig repository for LUMI.

easybuild/hooks subdirectoruy

This directory contains the custom hooks for EasyBuild on LUMI.

The file names end on the first version of the software stack that they support. As such we can drop old code from hooks while still being able to regenerate old configirations.

easybuild/toolchains subdirectoruy

This directory contains the custom Cray toolchain code for EasyBuild.


  • Custom toolchain definition files:

    • Toolchain based on the Cray compiler

    • Toolchain based on the GNU compilers provided by Cray

    • Toolchain based on the AMD AOCC compiler provided by Cray.

  • Compiler definitions to use compilers through the Cray wrappers:

    • compiler/ Definitions for the Cray CCE compiler with the Cray wrappers.

    • compiler/ Definitions for the GNU compilers with the Cray wrappers.

    • compiler/ Definitions for the AMD AOCC compilers with the Cray wrappers.

easybuild/tools subdirectory

  • module_naming_scheme subdirectory: LUMI uses a customised flat EasyBuild naming scheme. The links by moduleclass are omitted as they are not used in our module system.

    Note that the EasyBuild-config generic module also sets the environment variable EASYBUILD_SUFFIX_MODULES_PATH to the empty string to omit the all level in the EasyBuild modules directory structure.

The etc subdirectory

This directory contains the motd.txt and [lumi_fortune.txt``]( files that are used by the init-lumi` module to augment the message of the day and to display a random tip about LUMI.

The scripts and scripts/lumitools subdirectories

The scripts subdirectory contains a number of shell scripts to initialise a new installation, new software stack in the installation, or various substeps of this. Several of those scripts are just wrapper scripts that call a Python routine to do the work.

The Setup subdirectory

A directory where we keep our preferred setup of the system configuration files for the HPE Cray PE, useful to communicate with the sysadmins who maintain those files.

The tools subdirectory

This directory contains scripts that are useful to any user of EasyBuild of LUMI, e.g., to bump EasyConfig files to a new release of the Cray PE.

  • Bump the version of the Cray PE in an EasyConfig file, also adapting the name of the file. Note that the regular dependencies are not updated to a new version.

The Testing subdirectory

This directory contains various files to be used in component tests.

  • is a script to install a very recent version of LMOD to test compatibility of the module system agains more recent versions than the one that comes with a HPE-Cray system.

Note: Files and directories referred to from outside the LUMI software structure

  • LMOD subdirectory itself as the value of the environment variable LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH

  • LMOD/admin.list as the value of the environment variable LMOD_ADMIN_FILE

  • LMOD/lmodrc.lua as the value of the environment variable LMOD_RC

  • Not a reference to a file, but the system should set LMOD_AVAIL_STYLE to <label>:PEhierarchy:system.