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99 lines (80 loc) · 2.33 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (80 loc) · 2.33 KB

Configuration files for several applications and keyboard mappings ready to use with stow and home-manager.


The configuration files outside of the stow directory cannot be installed simply using stow or manual symbolic links to the home folder because their files reside in other locations or they need additional instructions. Please read the file of those directories to install/uninstall them.

To re-apply the configuration files managed by stow for all folders use the command


To delete the dotfiles for them use

make delete

home-manager and NixOS

Nix flakes do not handle git submodules well, so the best manner to include this repository is as an additional non-flake input:

inputs = {
  dotfiles = {
    url = "github:Martin1887/dotfiles";
    flake = false;

Then, you can pass the input to home-manager as a extraSpecialArg. For example, if using home-manager as a module:

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, dotfiles, ...}:
  nixosConfigurations = {
    "myhost" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      modules = [
        home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager {
          home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = {
            dotfiles = dotfiles;

To link the files from dotfiles you can use home.file as follows:

home.file."<file>" = {
    source = "${dotfiles}/stow/<program>/<file>";

And for subtrees of .config something like:

xdg.configFile."<program>" = {
    source = "${dotfiles}/stow/<program>/.config/<program>";
    recursive = true;

A handy function to automatically read all files in the stow subdirectory of the dotfiles repository with low priority (to give more priority to your Nix configurations) is:

{ lib, dotfiles, ... }:

  home.file = with builtins; with lib; pipe "${dotfiles}/stow" [
    (filter (file: ! hasSuffix ".nix" file))
    (filter (file: ! hasSuffix "" file))
    (map (file: {
      # remove the prefix and the first folder after that (application name)
      name = unsafeDiscardStringContext (concatStringsSep "/" (tail (splitString "/" (removePrefix "${dotfiles}/stow/" (toString file)))));
      value = { source = mkOverride 2000 file; };