As of 03/17/2016, this module/example is fully integrated to the examples application which has been moved to the main Rajawali repository: This repository will remain for historical reference but it is effectively abandoned and no responses from the maintainers should be expected.
Vuforia SDK is a product of Qualcomm Austria Research Center GmbH. is a product of Qualcomm Austria Research Center GmbH.
This project integrates the (Rajawali 3D framework)[] and the Vuforia Augmented Reality SDK. It is currently using Vuforia 3.0.9.
- Frame Markers
- Image Targets
- Cloud Recognition Targets
- Cylinder Targets
- Multi-Targets
#How To Run The Example
You need a local build of the latest RajawaliVuforia Framework. Currently RajawaliVuforia is not available on maven so a local build must be created. To build a local release of RajawaliVuforia simply perform a checkout of the library then run the gradle tasks clean assembleRelease uploadArchives
git clone
./RajawaliVuforia/RajawaliVuforia/gradlew clean assembleRelease uploadArchives
git clone
./RajawaliVuforia/RajawaliVuforia/gradlew.bat clean assembleRelease uploadArchives
Make sure to copy the library (.so) files to app/src/main/jniLibs.