Get a working Drupal website locally in minutes with this fine-tuned template.
Based on the great Drupal Composer project.
Install Lando on your machine.
git clone myproject
cd myproject
# Delete git reference.
rm -rf .git/
# Replace the project name (i.e. 'myproject').
code .env.example # -> DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI=
code .lando.yml # -> name: myproject
# Create your env file now
cp .env.example .env
# Commit your changes
git init && git add . && git commit -m "Init project"
# Start the project
lando start
# Download dependencies
lando composer install -o
# Install Drupal
lando drush site:install --existing-config -y
lando drush user:password admin admin
lando drush user:login # -> Ctrl+Click the URL to open your site :)
Helpful commands:
# Get local environment info (e.g. your site's URL)
lando info
# Enter the app container to run commands.
lando ssh
|__ www-data@xxx:/app$ ./vendor/bin/drush cache-rebuild
|__ www-data@xxx:/app$ exit # or CTRL+D
# Common Drush commands
lando drush core-status # check current installation
lando drush cache-rebuild # clear caches
lando drush config-export # export config changes to codebase
lando drush config-import # import config changes to database
lando drush en mymodule # enable module(s)
lando drush php # interactive PHP CLI
# Composer commands.
lando composer code-fix # fix/format files with uncommitted changes...
lando composer code-fix -- web/themes/custom/project/ # ...or specify a folder
lando composer code-fix -- web/modules/custom/mymodule/mymodule.module # ...or a file
lando composer code-check # log coding standards issues
lando composer code-check -- themes/custom/mytheme # ...or specify a folder
lando composer code-check -- themes/custom/mytheme/ # ...or a file
Be eco-friendly, reduce your digital footprint before deployment.
# Delete unncessary files and test directories.
chmod +x scripts/
lando composer code-clean
Be human and list all the people involved in your project:
# Edit `web/humans.txt`.
code humans.txt