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Python Scripts to Create/Convert M99 Cartridge Roms

Python 3.10 or above is required to run these scripts
As always, run these scripts on files you have backups for.

What is M99

M99 is a rom header and format to create a single "ROM" file for TI-99/4A Cartridges that have multiple rom/grom files (i.e. c/d/g files).
Since MiSter cores only have access to filename extensions only, using existing naming conventions (_8.bin, _9.bin ...) is not possible, so M99, with the help of Tmop, was created.
It can also be used to tell the TI-99/4A core what Cartridge Type/Paging to use with the Rom.
The header has room for future expansion (ex. Tell the core to Enable/Disable SAMS or pre-select NTSC/PAL video modes.)
The following Scripts help with creating M99 rom files, either from seperate C/D/G files, from Mame Rom sets or converting the legacy "full" 288k .bin romsets.

Edited version from GHPS's pyTIrom

Syntax: --Crom cartC.bin --Drom cartD.bin --Grom cartG.bin -p -i -c -v OUTPUTFILE
Options:     --Crom          [Optional*] Specifies the Cartridge's C rom file.
             --Drom          [Optional]  Specifies the Cartridge's D rom file.
             --Grom          [Optional*] Specifies the Cartridge's G rom file.
             -p              [Optional]  Specify the Paging System it uses 0=Normal, 7=Paged7, 8=378, 9=379, M=MBX, MM=MiniMem.
             -i              [Optional]  Attempt to base the rom name on Cartridge's System Menu name/title.  If not, defaults to OUTPUTFILE
             -c              [Optional]  Display Checksums for each file used.
             -v              [Optional]  Verbose.  Spew a bunch of processing info.  Mostly useful for debugging.
             OUTPUTFILE      [Required]  The filename of the resulting ROM.
(*) Must specify at least one Crom or Grom file.

Edited version from GHPS's pyTIrom
This script goes through romPath, identifies roms and calls to generate the roms. Great for a folder full of C/D/G roms.

Syntax: --romPath {path} --imagePath {path} --simulate -l -n -c -p -i -t -v
Options:     --romPath       [Optional]  Specifies the folder/path of rom files to convert to M99.  Defaults to current folder.
             --imagePath     [Optional]  Specifies the output folder where the converted roms will be stored.  Defaults to current folder.
			 --simulate      [Optional]  Doesn't actually create the roms, but goes through the steps.
			 -l | --listing  [Optional]  Specifies an output file to list roms processed either in CSV or TXT format depending on file extension.
			 -n | --naming   [Optional]  Specifies the input rom naming convention. None, Standard, Timrad and Tosec are supported.
			 -c | --check    [Optional]  Generate Checksums for Input and Output files.
			 -p | --paging   [Optional]  Specify the Paging System it uses 0=Normal, 7=Paged7, 8=378, 9=379, M=MBX, MM=MiniMem.  (Ideal if all the roms use the same Paging System)
			 -i              [Optional]  Attempt to base the rom name on Cartridge's System Menu name/title.  If not, defaults to original rom's name.
			 -t              [Optional]  If a rom can't be identified, treat it as a C-Rom.
			 -v              [Optional]  Verbose.  See

If you have the Mame rom set for TI-99/4A, use this script to generate the System Roms, Groms and DSRs to use with the core.
Files it will look for:,,*),, and
(*) While groms for this system will be generated, the core doesn't currently support it.

Syntax: --romPath OUTPUTPATH
Options:     --romPath       [Optional]  Specifies the folder/path to the Mame Roms.  Defaults to current folder.
             OUTPUTPATH      [Required]  Specifies the folder/path where to store the processed system files.

Subset of but only creates the PCode rom needed by the core for the PCode System.

Syntax: --romPath OUTPUTFILE
Options:     --romPath       [Optional]  Specifies the full path and filename of the MAME Pcode rom file (  Defaults in current folder.
             OUTPUTPATH      [Required]  Specifies the output filename of the processed PCode rom.

This script goes through MAME roms and creates M99 roms out of them.
It utilizes a software list XML file created by Mame to identify the roms, they Paging type and Cartridge/Game/App title.
First create the XML file using mame with the following command (In this example, I used TI99_4A_carts.xml, but you can use whatever you want and can even specify output folder):

mame ti99_4a -listsoftware > TI99_4A_carts.xml

Then run the script:

Syntax: --xmlPath /path/to/TI99_4A_carts.xml --romPath {MameRomPath} --imagePath {outputPath} -d
Options:     --xmlPath       [Optional]  Specifies the full path and filename of the XML file generated by MAME.  Defaults to software.xml in current folder.
             --romPath       [Optional]  Specifies the MAME rom path with TI99 cart roms to convert.  Defaults to current folder.
			 --imagePath     [Optional]  Specifies the output folder where the converted roms will be stored.  Defaults to current folder.
			 -d              [Optional]  Use the Description/Title of the cartridge found in the XML file for output rom filename.  Otherwise it will base it on the rom's zip filename.

Use this script if you want to convert a legacy rom (288k) to the new M99 rom format.
This will not extract system roms/groms, speech rom or Disk dsr.

Syntax: --OutputFile -p InputFile
Options:     --OutputFile    [Optional]  Specifies the filename of the converted rom.  Defaults to using the filename of inputfile with m99 extension.
             -p | --paging   [Optional]  Specify the Paging System it uses 0=Normal, 7=Paged7, 8=378, 9=379, M=MBX, MM=MiniMem.  (Ideal if all the roms use the same Paging System)
             InputFile       [Required]  The 288k rom file you want to convert.