diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f5f097e..6da7b1d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,23 +1,31 @@ -![Logo](https://github.com/posidron/posidron.github.io/raw/master/static/images/laniakea.png) +

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-[![Build -Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/MozillaSecurity/laniakea.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/MozillaSecurity/laniakea) +

+Laniakea is a utility for managing EC2 instances at AWS and aids in setting up a fuzzing cluster. +

+ +

+Build Status +IRC +


-``` +```bash pip install laniakea ``` Add your AWS credentials to a custom profile inside your ~/.boto configuration file. -``` +```ini [profile laniakea] aws_access_key_id = aws_secret_access_key = ``` Complement the provided **images.json** file with your AWS AMI information (see `laniakea -h` for location). -``` +```json # Example: an on-demand instance "default": { "image_id":"ami-", @@ -49,39 +57,39 @@ Please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit to learn more about

Basic Usage Examples

Run N on-demand instances with a custom -userdata script -``` +```bash laniakea -create-on-demand -tags Name=peach -userdata userdata/peach.private.sh ``` Run N spot instances with a custom -userdata script and a -max-spot-price of $0.05 -``` +```bash laniakea -create-spot -tags Name=peach -image-name peach -userdata userdata/peach.private.sh -image-args count=10 ``` Show which instances are running and are tagged with the name 'peach' -``` +```bash laniakea -status -only tag:Name=peach instance-state-code=16 ``` **Hint** Filters support wildcards. Example: "tag:Name=peach-*" would be suitable to list all instances having the word "peach" as prefix of a tag name. For a list of available filters refer to http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeInstances.html Terminate all running instances which are tagged with the name 'peach' -``` +```bash laniakea -terminate -only tag:Name=peach ``` Scale down and terminate the oldest N running instances -``` +```bash laniakea -terminate N -only tag:Name=peach ``` Terminate a specific instance by id -``` +```bash laniakea -status -only tag:Name=peach instance-id=i-9110fa9e ``` List available macros in a UserData script -``` +```bash laniakea -list-userdata-macros -userdata userdata/peach.pit.sh ```