ROS drivers and sample nodes for Daheng cameras and iniVation cameras
cd /splitter_driver/utils/Galaxy_Linux-x86_Gige-U3_32bits-64bits_1.5.2303.9221
sudo ./
When you do not see any error message in the installation and the end shown as below, your installation is compelete.
All configurations will take effect after the system is rebooted.
If you don't want to reboot the system for a while,
you will need to unplug and replug the camera before using SDK.
- After your installation, You need to replug Galaxy USB3 device before using SDK.
- Don't install the SDK in a folder which path has chinese characters, or SDK may not work.
ROS drivers and sample nodes for iniVation cameras and DV software infrastructure.
The code depends on DV software libraries, these libraries need to be installed for the ROS nodes to compile. Enable the appropriate iniVation PPA depending on your Ubuntu distribution:
- For Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inivation-ppa/inivation-bionic
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dv-processing dv-runtime-dev gcc-10 g++-10
- For Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inivation-ppa/inivation
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dv-processing dv-runtime-dev gcc-10 g++-10
Some extra ROS dependencies might also be needed:
# Example for ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt install python3-catkin python3-catkin-tools ros-noetic-catkin ros-noetic-camera-info-manager
The project is build using catkin tools, run the following commands from your catkin workspace:
# Run in your catkin workspace root directory
catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-10 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-10
After the build, source your environment to load the information about the new packages, connect your camera to the computer and validate the build by running visualization sample:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dv_ros_visualization event_visualization.launch
You should see a preview of events coming from the iniVation camera connected to your computer.
The message types for events are designed to be compatible with the types available in
rpg_dvs_ros repository, so the communication is possible with all nodes
developed using those event message types (Event and EventArray). The capture_node
is designed to be a more general
node replacing the individual nodes for each type of iniVation camera (davis_ros_driver
, dvs_ros_driver
, and dvxplorer_ros_driver
The repository contains multiple projects:
- dv_ros_msgs - Basic data types for the cameras
- dv_ros_messaging - C++ headers required to use dv-processing in ROS nodes
- dv_ros_capture - Camera driver node (supports live camera data streaming and aedat4 file playback)
- dv_ros_accumulation - Event stream to frame accumulation
- dv_ros_aedat4 - Convert aedat4 files to rosbags
- dv_ros_runtime_modules - DV runtime modules for integration with ROS
- dv_ros_visualization - Simple visualization of events
- dv_ros_tracker - Lucas-Kanade feature trackers for event and image streams
roslaunch strttc_daheng mono_time_surface_sync_with_image.launch
roslaunch dv_ros_visualization event_visualization_nail.launch
You must give usb permission!Such as sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
roslaunch stm2ros stm2ros.launch
- Record rosbag:
rosbag record /capture_node/events /image_raw /visualization_node/image /groundtruth_ttc --tcpnodelay
- Whenever you reset stm32 you have to stop running stm2ros.launch
rosbag record /capture_node/events /image_raw /visualization_node/image /single_laser --tcpnodelay