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nikizadehgfdl committed May 24, 2016
2 parents 53991cd + eff04b1 commit 41e9b4c
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Showing 7 changed files with 851 additions and 117 deletions.
33 changes: 16 additions & 17 deletions SIS_tracer_advect.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,14 +223,15 @@ subroutine advect_tracer(Tr, h_prev, h_end, uhtr, vhtr, ntr, dt, G, IG, CS) ! (,
uhr(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; vhr(:,:,:) = 0.0
hprev(:,:,:) = landvolfill
h_neglect = IG%H_subroundoff
! Initialize domore_u and domore_v to .false.; they will be reevaluated later.
domore_u(:,:) = .false. ; domore_v(:,:) = .false.

!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(ncat,is,ie,js,je,domore_k,uhr,vhr,uhtr,vhtr,dt, &
!$OMP hprev,G,h_prev,h_end,isd,ied,jsd,jed,uh_neglect, &
!$OMP h_neglect,vh_neglect,ntr,Tr,domore_u,domore_v)
!$OMP do
do k=1,ncat
do j=js,je; domore_u(j,k) = .false.; enddo
do j=js-1,je; domore_v(j,k) = .false.; enddo
! Put the remaining (total) thickness fluxes into uhr and vhr.
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie ; uhr(I,j,k) = dt*uhtr(I,j,k) ; enddo ; enddo
do J=js-1,je ; do i=is,ie ; vhr(i,J,k) = dt*vhtr(i,J,k) ; enddo ; enddo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -491,11 +492,20 @@ subroutine advect_scalar(scalar, h_prev, h_end, uhtr, vhtr, dt, G, IG, CS) ! (,
max_iter = 3
if (CS%dt > 0.0) max_iter = 2*INT(CEILING(dt/CS%dt)) + 1

! This initializes the halos of uhr and vhr because pass_vector might do
! calculations on them, even though they are never used.
! This initializes the halos of uhr and vhr because pass_vector might do
! calculations on them, even though they are never used.
uhr(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; vhr(:,:,:) = 0.0
hprev(:,:,:) = landvolfill
h_neglect = IG%H_subroundoff

! Initialize domore_u and domore_v. Curiously, the value used for
! initialization does not matter to the solutions, because if .false.
! they are reevaluated after the first halo update (and always on the first
! iteration, and if .true. a number of fluxes are exactly 0 anyway. Of the
! two choices, .false. is more efficient in that it avoids extra
! calculations of 0 fluxes.
domore_u(:,:) = .false. ; domore_v(:,:) = .false.

!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,ncat,domore_k,uhr,vhr,uhtr,vhtr,dt,G, &
!$OMP hprev,h_prev,h_end,isd,ied,jsd,jed,uh_neglect, &
!$OMP h_neglect,vh_neglect,domore_u,domore_v)
Expand All @@ -504,19 +514,8 @@ subroutine advect_scalar(scalar, h_prev, h_end, uhtr, vhtr, dt, G, IG, CS) ! (,

! Put the remaining (total) thickness fluxes into uhr and vhr.
! Initialise domore_u, domore_v
do j=js,je
domore_u(j, k) = .false.
do I=is-1,ie
uhr(I,j,k) = dt*uhtr(I,j,k)
do J=js-1,je
domore_v(j, k) = .false.
do i=is,ie
vhr(i,J,k) = dt*vhtr(i,J,k)
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie ; uhr(I,j,k) = dt*uhtr(I,j,k) ; enddo ; enddo
do J=js-1,je ; do i=is,ie ; vhr(i,J,k) = dt*vhtr(i,J,k) ; enddo ; enddo
! Find the previous total mass (or volume) of ice, but in the case that this
! category is now dramatically thinner than it was previously, add a tiny
! bit of extra mass to avoid nonsensical tracer concentrations. This will
Expand Down
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions SIS_tracer_flow_control.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
module SIS_tracer_flow_control
!* GNU General Public License *
!* This file is a part of MOM. *
!* *
!* MOM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and *
!* are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License *
!* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
!* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
!* *
!* MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
!* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public *
!* License for more details. *
!* *
!* For the full text of the GNU General Public License, *
!* write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
!* 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *
!* or see: *

!* *
!* By Andrew Shao, April 2016 *
!* Adapted from MOM6 code MOM_tracer_flow_control.F90 *
!* *
!* This module contains subroutines into which calls to the tracer *
!* specific functions should be called. To add a new tracer the *
!* calls should be added to each of the following subroutines. *
!* Use ice_age_tracer.F90 as a model on which to base new types of *
!* ice tracers. Generally, most tracer packages will want to *
!* define their own tracer control structures which will get *
!* pointed to by the main tracer registry in *
!* SIS_tracer_registry.F90. *
!* *
!* SIS_call_tracer_register: *
!* Allocates the tracer flow control structure and reads the *
!* parameter file SIS_input to identify which tracers will be *
!* included in the current run. Tracer packages should allocate *
!* their tracer arrays here, establish whether the tracer will *
!* be initialized from a restart file, and register the tracer *
!* for the advection module. *
!* *
!* SIS_tracer_flow_control_init: *
!* Sets the initial conditions for the tracer. Also, register *
!* tracer fields for output with the diag_manager. *
!* *
!* SIS_call_tracer_column_fns: *
!* Apply any special treatment of the tracer that may occur in *
!* a vertical column. For example, source and sink terms should *
!* be calculated and applied here *
!* *
!* SIS_call_tracer_stocks: *
!* NOTE: CURRENTLY NOT CALLED. This subroutine is intended to *
!* at some point calculate the inventory of each tracer and *
!* ready it for either output to a file or STDOUT *
!* *
!* SIS_tracer_flow_control_end: *
!* Deallocate arrays and prepare for model finalization *
!* *
!* *

use SIS_diag_mediator, only : time_type, SIS_diag_ctrl
use MOM_error_handler, only : SIS_error=>MOM_error, FATAL, WARNING
use ice_grid, only : ice_grid_type
use SIS_tracer_registry, only : SIS_tracer_registry_type
use SIS_tracer_registry, only : register_SIS_tracer, register_SIS_tracer_pair
use SIS_hor_grid, only : SIS_hor_grid_type

use fms_io_mod, only : restart_file_type
use MOM_file_parser, only : get_param, log_version, param_file_type

#include <SIS2_memory.h>

! Add references to other user-provided tracer modules here.
use ice_age_tracer, only : register_ice_age_tracer, initialize_ice_age_tracer
use ice_age_tracer, only : ice_age_tracer_column_physics
use ice_age_tracer, only : ice_age_stock, ice_age_end
use ice_age_tracer, only : ice_age_tracer_CS

implicit none ; private

public SIS_call_tracer_register, SIS_tracer_flow_control_init
public SIS_call_tracer_column_fns, SIS_call_tracer_stocks, SIS_tracer_flow_control_end

type, public :: SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS ; private
logical :: use_ice_age = .false.
type(ice_age_tracer_CS), pointer :: ice_age_tracer_CSp => NULL()
end type SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS


! The following subroutines and associated definitions provide the
! machinery to register and call the subroutines that initialize
! tracers and apply vertical column processes to tracers.

subroutine SIS_call_tracer_register(G, IG, param_file, CS, diag, TrReg, &
Ice_restart, restart_file, is_restart)
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G
type(ice_grid_type), intent(in) :: IG
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file
type(SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: CS
type(SIS_diag_ctrl), target :: diag
type(SIS_tracer_registry_type), pointer :: TrReg
type(restart_file_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_restart
character(len=*), intent(in) :: restart_file
logical, intent(in) :: is_restart

! Argument: G - The ice model's horizontal grid structure.
! (in) IG - The ice model's grid structure.
! (in) param_file - A structure indicating the open file to parse for
! model parameter values.
! (in/out) CS - A pointer that is set to point to the control structure
! for the tracer flow control
! (in) diag - A structure that is used to regulate diagnostic output.
! (in/out) TrReg - A pointer that is set to point to the control structure
! for the tracer advection and diffusion module.
! (in/out) Ice model restart file to be written to
! (in) Path to the restart file
! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
#include "version_variable.h"
character(len=40) :: mod = "SIS_tracer_flow_control" ! This module's name.

if (associated(CS)) then
call SIS_error(WARNING, "SIS_call_tracer_register called with an associated "// &
"control structure.")
else ; allocate(CS) ; endif

! Read all relevant parameters and write them to the model log.
call log_version(param_file, mod, version, "")
call get_param(param_file, mod, "USE_ICE_AGE_TRACER", CS%use_ice_age, &
"If true, use the concentration based age tracer package.", &

! Add other user-provided calls to register tracers for restarting here. Each
! tracer package registration call returns a logical false if it cannot be run
! for some reason. This then overrides the run-time selection from above.

if (CS%use_ice_age) CS%use_ice_age = &
register_ice_age_tracer(G, IG, param_file, CS%ice_age_tracer_CSp, &
diag, TrReg, Ice_restart, restart_file, is_restart)

end subroutine SIS_call_tracer_register

subroutine SIS_tracer_flow_control_init(day, G, IG, param_file, CS, is_restart)
type(time_type), target, intent(in) :: day
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G
type(ice_grid_type), intent(in) :: IG
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file
type(SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: CS
logical, intent(in) :: is_restart
! This subroutine calls all registered tracer initialization
! subroutines.

! Arguments:
! (in) day - Time of the start of the run.
! (in) G - The ice model's horizontal grid structure.
! (in) IG - The ice model's vertical grid structure.
! (in) CS - The control structure returned by a previous call to
! call_tracer_register.
! (in) is_restart - flag for whether tracer should be initialized from restart
if (.not. associated(CS)) call SIS_error(FATAL, "tracer_flow_control_init: "// &
"Module must be initialized via call_tracer_register before it is used.")

! Add other user-provided calls here.
if (CS%use_ice_age) &
call initialize_ice_age_tracer(day, G, IG, CS%ice_age_tracer_CSp, is_restart)

end subroutine SIS_tracer_flow_control_init

subroutine SIS_call_tracer_column_fns(dt, G, IG, CS, mi, mi_old)
real, intent(in) :: dt
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G
type(ice_grid_type), intent(in) :: IG
type(SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: CS
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZCAT_(IG)), intent(in) :: mi
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZCAT_(IG)), intent(in) :: mi_old
! This subroutine calls all registered tracer column physics
! subroutines.

! Arguments:
! (in) dt - The amount of time covered by this call, in s.
! (in) G - The ice model's grid structure.
! (in) IG - The ice model's vertical grid structure.

if (.not. associated(CS)) call SIS_error(FATAL, "SIS_call_tracer_column_fns: "// &
"Module must be initialized via call_tracer_register before it is used.")
! Add calls to tracer column functions here.
if (CS%use_ice_age) &
call ice_age_tracer_column_physics(dt, G, IG, CS%ice_age_tracer_CSp, mi, mi_old)

end subroutine SIS_call_tracer_column_fns

subroutine SIS_call_tracer_stocks(G, IG, CS, mi)

type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G
type(ice_grid_type), intent(in) :: IG
type(SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: CS
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZCAT_(IG)), intent(in) :: mi

! This subroutine calls all registered tracer packages to enable them to
! add to the surface state returned to the coupler. These routines are optional.

! Arguments:
! (out) stock_values - The integrated amounts of a tracer on the current
! PE, usually in kg x concentration.
! (in) G - The ocean's grid structure.
! (in) IG - The ocean's vertical grid structure.
! (in) CS - The control structure returned by a previous call to
! call_tracer_register.

character(len=200), dimension(MAX_FIELDS_) :: names, units
character(len=200) :: set_pkg_name
real, dimension(MAX_FIELDS_) :: stocks
integer :: nstocks, m

if (.not. associated(CS)) call SIS_error(FATAL, "SIS_call_tracer_stocks: "// &
"Module must be initialized via call_tracer_register before it is used.")

nstocks = 0
stocks = 0.0
! Add other user-provided calls here.
if (CS%use_ice_age) then
call ice_age_stock(nstocks, stocks, names, units, G, IG, &
CS%ice_age_tracer_CSp, mi)

if(nstocks>0) then
do m=1,nstocks
write(*,'(A,"Total ",A,A,ES24.16)') &

end subroutine SIS_call_tracer_stocks

subroutine SIS_tracer_flow_control_end(CS)
type(SIS_tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: CS

if (CS%use_ice_age) call ice_age_end(CS%ice_age_tracer_CSp)

if (associated(CS)) deallocate(CS)
end subroutine SIS_tracer_flow_control_end

end module SIS_tracer_flow_control

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