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PSA Crypto Testcase checklist

Group Test Function Scenario Return Value Steps Test Case
Library Initialization test_c001 psa_crypto_init Library initialization PSA_SUCCESS Calling this function should return SUCCESS
Applications must call this function before calling any other function in this module. PSA_SUCCESS Try calling crypto operations doing a crypto_init should be successful(can be covered as part of other testcase)
Applications may call this function more than once. Once a call succeeds subsequent calls are guaranteed to succeed. PSA_SUCCESS Try calling multiple crypto init and should return SUCCESS
Applications must call this function before calling any other function in this module. PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Try calling crypto operations without doing a crypto_init should return FAILURE
Key Management test_c002 psa_import_key Import a key in binary format. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Get basic metadata about a key 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Export a key in binary format 5. 2048 RSA keypair
6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Reset the key attributes 7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. EC Public key
10. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with incorrect key type Incorrect key type
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Key data greater than the algorithm size
2. Incorrect key data size
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Calling this function with invalid key handle should return this error
Key Management test_c003 psa_export_key Export a key in binary format PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Get basic metadata about a key 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Export a key in binary format 5. 2048 RSA keypair
6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Reset the key attributes 7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. EC Public key
10. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Calling this function with buffer size less than required Less buffer size
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED Calling this function with with key policy as verify should return this error Key policy as PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Destroyed key slot
Key Management test_c004 psa_export_public_key Export a public key or the public part of a key pair in binary format. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 2048 RSA public key
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 2048 RSA keypair
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. EC Public key
4. Get basic metadata about a key 4. EC keypair
5. Export a key in binary format
6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data
7. Reset the key attributes
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Calling this function with buffer size less than required Less buffer size
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. DES 64 bit key
2. Triple DES 2-Key
3. Triple DES 3-Key
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED Calling this function with with key policy as verify should return this error Key usage as PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Calling this function with invalid key handle should return this error 1. Destroyed key slot
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function with key policy that cannot be exported Invalid key policy usage
PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST Calling this function with empty key slot Empty key slot
Key Management test_c005 psa_destroy_key Destroy a key and restore the slot to its default state. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Get basic metadata about a key 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Destroy a key and restore the slot to its default state 5. 2048 RSA keypair
6. Check that if the key metadata are destroyed 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. EC Public key
10. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error Already destroyed key slot
Message Digests test_c006 psa_hash_compute Calculate the hash (digest) of a message PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Calculate the hash (digest) of a message 2. MD4
3. Check if it matches with the expected values 3. MD5
4. RIPEMD160
5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Calling this function with small buffer size should return this error small buffer size
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with invalid algorithm should return this error Invalid algorithm
Message Digests test_c007 psa_hash_compare Calculate the hash (digest) of a message and compare it with a reference value PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Calculate the hash (digest) of a message and compare it with a reference value 2. MD4
3. MD5
4. RIPEMD160
5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE Calling this function with incorrect expected hash Incorrect expected hash
Calling this function with incorrect expected hash Incorrect expected hash length
Key Derivation test_c008 psa_key_derivation_setup Set up a key derivation operation. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. ECDH + HKDF-SHA-256
2. Set up a key derivation operation
3. Abort the key derivation operation
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Bad key derivation algorithm
2. Invalid Algorithm
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with unsupported parameter should return this error ECDH, unknown KDF
Key Derivation test_c009 psa_key_derivation_input_bytes Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. Step as Info
2. Initialize a key policy structure to a default that forbids all usage of the key 2. Step as salt
3. Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement 3. Step as label
4. Allocate a key slot for a transient key 4. Step as seed
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Step as secret
2. Invalid step
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Key derivation on an aborted operation Aborted operation
Key Attributes test_c010 psa_set_key_id Set the attributes for the key NA 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library Testing only volatile keys and persistence key types will be supported in future release
psa_set_key_lifetime 2. Check if all the attributes are initialized to zero
psa_set_key_type 3. Setup the attributes for the key
psa_set_key_bits 4. Check if all the attributes are as per the input
psa_set_key_usage_flags 5. Reset the attributes
psa_set_key_algorithm 6. Check if all the attributes are erased
psa_get_key_id Get the attributes for the key
Message Digests test_c011 psa_hash_start Start a multipart hash operation. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Abort the hash operation 3. MD5
4. RIPEMD160
5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA512
9. SHA512_224
10. SHA512_256
11. SHA3_224 1
2. SHA3_256 1
3. SHA3_384 1
4. SHA3_512
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with unsupported algorithm should return error Invalid hash algorithm
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function again after setup Multiple setup calls after one another
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Invalid algorithm
2. CTR algorithm
Message Digests test_c012 psa_hash_update Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation 3. MD5
4. Abort the hash operation 4. RIPEMD160
5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Calling this function without calling the psa_hash_setup() should return error Operation handle without setup
2. Calling this function with completed operation handle should return error Completed operation handle
Message Digests test_c013 psa_hash_verify Finish the calculation of the hash of a message and compare it with an expected value. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation 3. MD5
4. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message and compare it with an expected value 4. RIPEMD160
5. Abort the hash operation 5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function with inactive operation handle should return error 1. Inactive operation handle
Calling this function with invalid operation handle should return error 2. Invalid operation handle
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE Calling this function with incorrect expected value should return error 1. Incorrect expected hash value
2. Incorrect expected hash length
Message Digests test_c014 psa_hash_finish Finish the calculation of the hash of a message. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation 3. MD5
4. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message 4. RIPEMD160
5. Compare it with the expected value 5. SHA1
6. Abort the hash operation 6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with an inactive operation handle should return error Inactive operation handle
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Calling this function with a hash buffer whose size is less than the algorithm output should return error Buffer size less than required
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function with completed operation handle completed operation handle
Message Digests test_c015 psa_hash_abort Abort a hash operation. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Abort a hash operation 3. MD5
4. RIPEMD160
5. SHA1
6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA384
9. SHA512
Generation test_c016 psa_generate_key Generate a key or key pair PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. DES
3. Generate a key or key pair 3. ECC
4. Get basic metadata about a key 4. RSA
5. Check if key type and key length matches
6. Export a key in binary format
7. Check if the metadata matches
8. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid usage flags invalid usage flags
PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Calling this function with pre-occupied key slot should return this error Pre-occupied key slot
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function to generate only public key should return this error 1. Key type as public key
2. Invalid key type
Generation test_c017 psa_generate_random Generate random bytes PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte data
2. Generate random bytes Run several times to ensure that every output byte will be nonzero at least once 2. 24 Byte data
3. Check that no more than bytes have been overwritten 3. 32 Byte data
4. Check that every byte was changed to nonzero at least once. 4. 64 Byte data
5. 128 Byte data
6. 256 Byte data
7. 512 Byte data
8. 1000 Byte data
9. 1024 Byte data
Key Derivation test_c018 psa_key_derivation_input_key Provide an input for key derivation in the form of a key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte key
2. Setup the attributes for the key
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Set up a key derivation operation
5. Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement
6. Abort the key derivation operation
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED Calling this function with incorrect data 1. Invalid usage
2. Incorrect key algorithm
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Step as label
2. Step as info
3. Step as seed
4. Step as salt
5. Input key type as AES (not derive)
6. Key type a RSA public key
7. Key type as RSA Keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Calling this function with destroyed key handle 1. No key in slot
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function without setup should return this error
Key Derivation test_c019 psa_key_derivation_key_agreement Perform a key agreement and use the shared secret as input to a key derivation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. ECDH SECP256R1
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. ECDH SECP384R1
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Set up a key agreement operation
5. Perform a key agreement
6. Abort
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Invalid step
2. Invalid usage
3. KDF instead of a key agreement algorithm
4. Public key on different curve
5. Public key instead of private key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Zero as key slot
2. Empty key handle
Key Derivation test_c020 psa_key_derivation_output_bytes Read some data from a key derivation operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. Key
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. Info
3. Import the key if the derivation input is key
4. Set up a key derivation operation
5. Set the capacity for the generator
6. Provide input as key or data depending on the step
7. Read some data from a key derivation operation
8. Abort the derivation operation
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function with only supportive step 1. Salt
2. Label
3. Seed
4. Aborted operation
PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Calling this function when there are no capacity 1. Requesting greater capacity than available
2. No data available in the operation
Key Derivation test_c021 psa_key_derivation_output_key Derive a key from an ongoing key derivation operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. Key
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. Indo
3. Import the key if the derivation input is key 3. Label
4. Set up a key derivation operation 4. Seed
5. Set the capacity for the generator 5. Salt
6. Provide input as key or data depending on the step 6. DES key export
7. Setup the attributes for the new key 7. ECC keypair
8. Derive a key from an ongoing key derivation operation 9. RSA keypair
9. Abort the derivation operation
PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Calling this function with insufficient data 1. Requesting greater capacity than available
2. No data available in the operation
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function on an aborted operation shoukd return this error Aborted operation
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Generating public key 1. RSA public key
2. ECC public key
Key Derivation test_c022 psa_key_derivation_abort Abort a key derivation operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library
2. Abort the key derivation operation for the different types of initialization
3. Read some data from a key derivation operation with no data in the operation
Key Derivation test_c023 psa_key_derivation_set_capacity Set the maximum capacity of a key derivation operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. Less than operation's capacity
psa_key_derivation_get_capacity Retrieve the current capacity of a key derivation operation 2. Start the key derivation operation 2. Equal to operation's capacity
3. Set the capacity for the generator
4. Get the capacity for the generator
5. Check if the capacity as per the expected value
6. Abort the operation
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error More than operation's capacity
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Calling this function on an aborted operation shoukd return this error 1. Get capacity on an aborted operation
2. Set capacity on an aborted operation
AEAD test_c024 psa_aead_encrypt Process an authenticated encryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. CCM - 16B AES - 13B Nounce & 8B addi data
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
4. Call aead encrypt 4. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
5. Check if the status is expected 5
6. Check if the cipher text and length is as expected
7. Destroy and reset the key
2. Unsupported algorithm
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Operation on a destroyed key handle
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED 1. Small output buffer size
2. Invalid key usage
AEAD test_c025 psa_aead_decrypt Process an authenticated decryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. GCM -16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. CCM - 16B AES - 13B Nounce & 8B addi data
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES CCM
4. Call aead decrypt 4. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
5. Check if the status is expected
6. Check if the cipher text and length is as expected
7. Destroy and reset the key
2. Unsupported algorithm
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer size
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Destroyed key handle
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE 1. Invalid cipher text
2. Invalid cipher text size
Message Authentication Codes test_c026 psa_mac_sign_setup Start a multipart MAC calculation operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 64 Byte HMAC
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation
5. Abort the MAC operation
6. Destroy the key
2. Incompatible HMAC for CMAC
3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)
4. Truncated MAC too small
2. Truncated MAC too large
3. Bad algorithm (not a MAC algorithm)
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Invalid key handle
2. Zero as key handle
Message Authentication Codes test_c027 psa_mac_update Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1.64 Byte HMAC SHA256
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte HMAC SHA512
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation
5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation
6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message
7. Abort a MAC operation
8. Destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Completed operation as input
2. Uninitialized operation as input
Message Authentication Codes test_c028 psa_mac_sign_finish Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. HMAC SHA 224
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. HMAC SHA 256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. HMAC SHA 512
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)
5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation 5. CMAC AES 128
6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message
7. Check if the MAC length matches with the expected length
8. Check if the MAC data matches with the expected data
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message using same operation should return error Aborted operation as input
Message Authentication Codes test_c029 psa_mac_verify_setup PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 64 Byte HMAC
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation
5. Abort the MAC operation
6. Destroy the key
2. Incompatible HMAC for CMAC
3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)
4. Truncated MAC too small
2. Truncated MAC too large
3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Invalid key handle
2. Zero as key handle
Message Authentication Codes test_c030 psa_mac_verify_finish Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message and compare it with an expected value PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. HMAC SHA 224
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. HMAC SHA 256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. HMAC SHA 512
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)
5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation 5. CMAC AES 128
6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message and compare with expected value
2. Incorrect expected hash
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Invalid operation as input
Message Authentication Codes test_c031 psa_mac_abort Abort a MAC operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. HMAC SHA 224
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. HMAC SHA 256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. HMAC SHA 512
4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation 4. CMAC AES 128
5. Abort the MAC operation 5. HMAC truncated
6. Destroy the key 6. Multiple abort
7. psa_mac_finish after psa_mac_abort should return failure
Symmetric Ciphers test_c032 psa_cipher_encrypt_setup Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation 4. DES 64 bit key
5. Reset and destroy the key 5. Triple DES 2-Key
6. Triple DES 3-Key
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 1. 16 Byte raw data
2. Unknown cipher algorithm
3. Incompatible key ARC4
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Not a cipher algorithm
2. RSA public key
3. RSA keypair
4. EC Public key
5. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Unallocated key handle
2. Zero as key handle
Symmetric Ciphers test_c033 psa_cipher_decrypt_setup Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation 4. DES 64 bit key
5. Reset and destroy the key 5. Triple DES 2-Key
6. Triple DES 3-Key
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 1. 16 Byte raw data
2. Unknown cipher algorithm
3. Incompatible key ARC4
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Not a cipher algorithm
2. RSA public key
3. RSA keypair
4. EC Public key
5. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Unallocated key handle
2. Zero as key handle
Symmetric Ciphers test_c034 psa_cipher_generate_iv Generate an IV for a symmetric encryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation 4. DES 64 bit key
5. Generate an IV for a symmetric encryption operation 5. Triple DES 2-Key
6. Check that if generated iv length match the expected length 6. Triple DES 3-Key
7. Check that if generated iv are not zero 7. AES - large iv buffer
8. Reset and destroy the key 8. DES - large iv buffer
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 1. AES - small iv buffer
2. DES - small iv buffer
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Completed operation handle
Symmetric Ciphers test_c035 psa_cipher_set_iv Set the IV for a symmetric encryption or decryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption/decryption operation 4. DES 64 bit key
5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption/decryption operation 5. Triple DES 2-Key
6. Reset and destroy the key 6. Triple DES 3-Key
2. DES - small iv buffer
3. AES - large iv buffer
4. DES - large iv buffer
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Setting an IV for a symmetric encryption/decryption operation using the same operator should fail 1. Completed operation handle
Symmetric Ciphers test_c036 psa_cipher_update Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES CBC_NO_PADDING (Short input)
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES CBC_PKCS7
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation 4. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)
5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption operation 5. AES CTR
6. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation 6. DES CBC (nopad)
7. Check if the output length matches the expected length 7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
8. Check if the output data matches the expected data 8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
9. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an invalid cipher operation should fail Invalid operation as input
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer size
Symmetric Ciphers test_c037 psa_cipher_finish Finish encrypting or decrypting a message in a cipher operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES CBC_PKCS7
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation 4. AES CTR
5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption operation 5. DES CBC (nopad)
6. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation 6. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
7. Finish encrypting or decrypting a message in a cipher operation 7. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
8. Check if the output length matches the expected length
9. Check if the output data matches the expected data
10. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an invalid cipher operation should fail Invalid operation as input
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer size
Symmetric Ciphers test_c038 psa_cipher_abort Abort a cipher operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. Encrypt - AES CBC_NO_PADDING
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. Encrypt - AES CBC_PKCS7
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. Encrypt - AES CTR
4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption/decryption operation 4. Encrypt - DES CBC (nopad)
5. Abort a cipher operation 5. Encrypt - 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
6. Multiple abort cipher operation should return success 6. Encrypt - 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
8. Decrypt - AES CBC_PKCS7
9. Decrypt - AES CTR
10. Decrypt - DES CBC (nopad)
11. Decrypt - 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
12. Decrypt - 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
13. psa_cipher_update after psa_cipher_abort should fail
Asymmetric Cryptography test_c039 psa_asymmetric_encrypt Encrypt a short message with a public key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. RSA PKCS1V15
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. RSA OAEP SHA256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. RSA OAEP SHA256 with label
4. Encrypt a short message with a public key 4. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15
5. Check if the output length matches with the expected output length
6. Decrypt the cipher text
7. Check if the output length matches with the input length
8. Check if the output matches with the given input data
9. Reset and destroy the key
2. Invalid algorithm
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer
2. Zero as key handle
Asymmetric Cryptography test_c040 psa_asymmetric_decrypt Decrypt a short message with a private key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. RSA KEYPAIR OAEP SHA256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. RSA KEYPAIR OAEP SHA256 with label
4. Decrypt a short message with a private key
5. Check if the output length matches with the expected length
6. Check if the output matches with the expected data
7. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT+E524 1. Invalid key type (RSA public key)
2. Invalid algorithm
3. Invalid key type (AES Key)
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Uninitialized key handle
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer
Asymmetric Cryptography test_c041 psa_sign_hash Sign a hash or short message with a private key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 RAW
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 SHA-256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. ECDSA KEYPAIR SECP256R1 SHA-256
4. Sign a hash or short message with a private key
4. Check if the output length matches with the expected length
5. Check if the output matches with the expected data
6. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Invalid key type (RSA public key)
2. Invalid algorithm
3. Invalid key type (AES Key)
4. Wrong hash size
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Uninitialized key handle
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer
Asymmetric Cryptography test_c042 psa_verify_hash Verify the signature a hash or short message using a public key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 RAW
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 SHA-256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. ECDSA KEYPAIR SECP256R1 SHA-256
4. Verify the signature a hash or short message using a public key 4. RSA public key
5. Reset and destroy the key 5. EC public key
2. Wrong hash size
Wrong signature
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Invalid key type (AES Key)
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer
Key Derivation test_c043 psa_raw_key_agreement Perform a key agreement and return the raw shared secret PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. ECDH SECP256R1
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. ECDH SECP384R1
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Set up a key agreement operation
5. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Not a key agreement alg
2. Public key on different curve
3. Public key instead of private key
4. Unknown KDF
5. Small size buffer
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Uninitialized key handle
Key Management test_c044 psa_copy_key Copy key material from one location to another PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES with constraints
4. Setup the attributes for the target key 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Make a copy of a key 5. 2048 RSA key pair
6. Destroy the source to ensure that this doesn't affect the target 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Export a key in binary format and check if it matches with source material 7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Reset and destroy the key 8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. EC Public key
10. EC key pair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Incompatible target policy(source and target)
2. Incompatible constraint
3. Incompatible target policy
4. Copy on a destroyed source
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 1. Unallocated target key slot
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED Usage set as export (not copy)
Key Management test_c045 psa_hash_clone Clone a hash operation. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. MD2
2. Start a multipart hash operation 2. MD4
3. Clone a hash operation 3. MD5
4. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash source_operation 4. RIPEMD160
5. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message 5. SHA1
6. Abort the hash operation 6. SHA224
7. SHA256
8. SHA512
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Cloning to an active hash operation should be an error 1. Active clone hash
2. Aborted operator
Message Authentication Codes test_c046 psa_mac_compute Calculate the MAC (message authentication code) of a message. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. HMAC SHA 224
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. CMAC AES 128
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte
4. Calculate the MAC (message authentication code) of a message 4. HMAC SHA 512
5. Check if the MAC length and data matches with the expected values 5. HMAC SHA 256
6. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with unsupported values 1. Incompactible HMAC for CMAC
2. Invalid usage
3. Truncated MAC too small
4. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error 1. Invalid key type
2. Truncated MAC too large
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Destroyed key handle
Message Authentication Codes test_c047 psa_mac_verify Calculate the MAC of a message and compare it with a reference value PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. HMAC SHA 224
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. HMAC SHA 256
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. HMAC SHA 512
4. Calculate and verify MAC with reference value 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)
5. Reset and destroy the key 5. CMAC AES 128
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Calling this function with unsupported values 1. Incompactible HMAC for CMAC
2. Invalid usage
3. Truncated MAC too small
4. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)
2. Incorrect expected MAC
2. Invalid key type
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Destroyed key handle
Symmetric Ciphers test_c048 psa_cipher_encrypt Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES CBC_PKCS7
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)
4. Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher 4. AES CTR
5. Check if the output matches the expected value 5. AES CTR (short input)
6. Reset and destroy the key 6. DES CBC (nopad)
7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer size
Symmetric Ciphers test_c049 psa_cipher_decrypt Decrypt a message using a symmetric cipher. PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES CBC_PKCS7
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)
4. Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher 4. AES CTR
5. Check if the output matches the expected value 5. AES CTR (short input)
6. Reset and destroy the key 6. DES CBC (nopad)
7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)
PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Small output buffer size
Key Management test_c050 psa_open_key Open a handle to an existing persistent key PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Save the details of current check, key id and key handle value in NV memory 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Reset the system 5. 2048 RSA keypair
6. After reset, get the values of check, key id and key handle value before the system was reset from NV 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Get the attributes of the imported key and check if it matches the given value 7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Export a key in binary format 8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. Check the value of the exported key 9. EC Public key
10. Reset and destroy the key 10. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Key data greater than the algorithm size
Key Management test_c051 psa_close_key Close a key handle PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. 16 Byte AES
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. 24 Byte AES
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. 32 Byte AES
4. Close the key handle 4. 2048 RSA public key
5. Check if all the attributes are erased 5. 2048 RSA keypair
6. Open the key handle and retrieve the data 6. DES 64 bit key
7. Triple DES 2-Key
8. Triple DES 3-Key
9. EC Public key
10. EC keypair
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Closing an empty key handle
AEAD test_c052 psa_aead_encrypt_setup Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation
5. Destroy the key
6. Abort the AEAD operation
2. Unsupported Algorithm
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Destroyed key handle
AEAD test_c053 psa_aead_decrypt_setup Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Destroy the key
6. Abort the AEAD operation
2. Unsupported Algorithm
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Destroyed key handle
AEAD test_c054 psa_aead_generate_nonce Generate a random nonce for an authenticated encryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Generate a random nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Check that if generated iv are non zero
7. Destroy the key
8. Reset the key attributes
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Call generate a random nonce twice
2. Aborted operation
AEAD test_c055 psa_aead_set_nonce Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption or decryption operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Reset and destroy the key
2. Large nonce size
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Call set nonce twice
2. Aborted operation
AEAD test_c056 psa_aead_set_lengths Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD
7. Abort the AEAD operation
8. Reset and destroy the key
2. Zero plaintext size
3. Invalid lengths
4. Vey large lengths
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE 1. Failed operation
2. Aborted operation
AEAD test_c057 psa_aead_update_ad Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD
7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation
8. Reset and destroy the key
2. Zero plaintext size
3. Invalid lengths
4. Vey large lengths
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Inactive AEAD operation
AEAD test_c058 psa_aead_update Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD
7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation
8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation
9. Compare the output and its length with the expected values
10. Abort the AEAD operation
11. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Zero plaintext size
2. Input length overflows plaintext length
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Inactive AEAD operation
AEAD test_c059 psa_aead_finish Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD
7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation
8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation
9. Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation
10. Compare the output and its length with the expected values
11. Abort the AEAD operation
12. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1. Zero plaintext size
2. Input length overflows plaintext length
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Inactive AEAD operation
AEAD test_c060 psa_aead_abort Abort an AEAD operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Abort the AEAD operation
6. Reset and destroy the key
AEAD test_c061 psa_aead_verify Finish authenticating and decrypting a message in an AEAD operation PSA_SUCCESS 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library 1. AES-CCM
2. Setup the attributes for the key 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4
3. Import the key data into the key slot 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data
4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation
5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation
6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD
7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation
8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation
9. Finish decrypting a message in an AEAD operation
10. Compare the output and its length with the expected values
11. Abort the AEAD operation
12. Reset and destroy the key
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT Input length is less than plaintext length
PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE Inactive operator


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