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Juho Inkinen edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Before a text is pre-processed by an analyzer and passed to a backend the text can be modified by applying a transform to it. A transform can consist of multiple individual transforms that are applied sequentially. The specification for an individual transform is the name of a transform followed by possible arguments in parentheses, and multiple transforms can be given by separating them with commas. For example transform=filter_lang,limit(5000).

limit transform

Truncates an input document to a given length. It takes the number of characters to retain as parameter.

This transform can be advantageous in case of long documents that have an abstract and/or introduction as it enables the backend to consider only those representative parts of the text. For example for JYU theses a good value for limit is 5000.

filter_lang transform

Filters out sentences of the text whose language is different than the project language. It can take text_min_length and/or sentence_min_length keyword parameters.

Generally, any text-parts in a "foreign" language are just useless or act as noise distracting analyzers and backends. When the limit transform is used the effect of these disadvantages can become more serious: for a document that has abstracts in two or even three languages (which is typical for theses) the retained text can mostly be in "foreign" languages.

The language detection is performed with Compact Language Detector v3 via pycld3. pycld3 is an optional dependency of Annif and can be installed with pip install .[pycld3]. Detection and filtering is performed sentence-by-sentence. Because language detection for short sentences is unreliable, all sentences shorter than the sentence_min_length parameter value (in characters, by default 50) bypass the filtering. Also, if the whole text is shorter than text_min_length (by default 500) it bypasses the language filtering as one.

When filter_lang is combined with the limit transform, for performance reasons it can be useful to apply an initial limit transform to avoid passing unnecessary amount of text to the language detection, for example with a transform setting like transform=limit(15000),filter_lang,limit(5000).

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