diff --git a/Chromium Web Store.crx b/Chromium Web Store.crx index 03acca5..5f8cfca 100644 Binary files a/Chromium Web Store.crx and b/Chromium Web Store.crx differ diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/de/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/de/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 67e952c..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/de/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "The title of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Ermöglicht die Installation und die halbautomatische Aktualisierung für Erweiterungen aus dem Chrome Web Store (oder aus anderen Quellen) auf Chromium-basierten Browsern.", - "description": "The description of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Aktualisiere Einstellungen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Ignorierte Erweiterungen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Import/Export", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Automatisch nach Erweiterungs-Aktualisierung suchen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Klicken Sie auf das Chromium Web Store-Abzeichen, um eine manuelle Aktualisierungsprüfung durchzuführen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Nach Aktualisierung für Chrome Web Store-Erweiterungen suchen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Wird Google kontaktieren, um nach Aktualisierungen zu suchen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Nach Aktualisierung für Erweiterungen suchen, die nicht aus dem Chrome Web Store sind.", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Funktioniert nur, wenn die Erweiterung automatische Aktualisierungen unterstützt", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Nie nach Aktualisierungen für diese Erweiterung suchen", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Alle $delayInMinutes$ Minuten auf Aktualisierungen prüfen", - "description": "delayInMinutes will be a field that can be edited by the user", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Alle installieren", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Prüfe auf Aktualisierungen...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Alle Erweiterungen sind auf dem neuesten Stand!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "$extName$: Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen", - "description": "extName will be the name of the extension that failed to update.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "Die folgenden Erweiterungen wurden aus dem Chrome Web Store entfernt", - "description": "Will be shown above list of removed extensions." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Diese Erweiterung könnte aufgrund eines Verstoßes gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen entfernt worden sein.", - "description": "Shown when hovering over popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Alle Erweiterungen aktualisieren.", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Zu Chromium hinzufügen", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Aus Chromium entfernen", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/en/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/en/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index e45d4fe..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/en/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "The title of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Enables installation and semi-automatic updating for extensions from the Chrome Web Store (or elsewhere) on Chromium based browsers.", - "description": "The description of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Update options", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Ignored extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Import/Export", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Automatically check for extension updates", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Click the Chromium Web Store badge to perform a manual check", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Check for updates to Chrome Web Store extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Will contact Google to check for updates", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Check for updates to non-Chrome Web Store extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Only works if extension supports auto-updating", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Never check for updates to this extension", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Check for updates every $delayInMinutes$ minutes", - "description": "delayInMinutes will be a field that can be edited by the user", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Install All", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportDescription": { - "message": "Save the text here to a file to export. To import paste that text here and press $installButton$", - "description": "installButton is the text on the button, defined in options_importExportInstallAllButton", - "placeholders": { - "installButton": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Checking for updates...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "All extensions are up to date!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "$extName$ Update Failed", - "description": "extName will be the name of the extension that failed to update.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "The following extensions have been removed from the Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Will be shown above list of removed extensions." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "These may have been removed due to a violation of the Terms of Service.", - "description": "Shown when hovering over popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Update all extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Add to Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Remove from Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/fr/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/fr/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3a2e309..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "Le nom de l'extension, affiché dans le Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Active l'installation et la mise à jour semi-automatique des extensions installées depuis le Chrome Web Store (ou d'ailleurs) sur les navigateurs basés sur Chromium.", - "description": "La description de l'extension, affichée dans le Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Options de mise à jour", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Extensions ignorées", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Importer/Exporter", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Vérifier automatiquement les mises à jour des extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Cliquez sur le badge Chromium Web Store pour lancer une vérification manuelle", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Rechercher des mises à jour pour les extensions installées depuis le Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Contactera Google pour rechercher des mises à jour", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Recherche des mises à jour pour les extensions installées hors du Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Ne fonctionne que si l'extension supporte les mises à jour automatiques", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Ne jamais rechercher de mise à jour pour cette extension", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Rechercher les mises à jour toutes les $delayInMinutes$ minutes", - "description": "delayInMinutes est le champ qui peut être édité par l'utilisateur", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Tout installer", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Recherche de mises à jour...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Toutes les extensions sont à jour!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "La mise à jour de $extName$ a échouée", - "description": "extName sera le nom de l'extension qui a échoué à être mis à jour.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "Les extensions suivantes ont été retirées du Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Sera affiché au dessus de la liste des extensions retirées." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Ces extensions peuvent avoir été retirées à cause d'une violation des conditions générales d'utilisation.", - "description": "Affiché en survolant popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Mettre à jour toutes les extensions", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Ajouter à Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Supprimer de Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/it/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/it/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1747b3a..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/it/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "Il titolo dell'estensione, mostrato nel Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Permette di installare ed aggiornare in modo semiautomatico estensioni del Chrome Web Store", - "description": "La descrizione dell'estensione, mostrata nel Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Opzioni di aggiornamento", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Estensioni ignorate", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Importa/Esporta", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Controlla automaticamente se ci sono aggiornamenti delle estensioni", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Clicca sul badge del Chromium Web Store per fare un controllo manuale degli aggiornamenti", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Controlla gli aggiornamenti per estensioni del Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Contatterà Google per controllare gli aggiornamenti", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Controlla gli aggiornamenti per estensioni che non vengono dal Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Funziona solo se l'estensione supporta l'auto-aggiornamento", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Non controllare mai se ci sono aggiornamenti per questa estensione", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Controlla se ci sono aggiornamenti ogni $delayInMinutes$ minuti", - "description": "delayInMinutes sarà un valore che può essere modificato dall'utente", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Installa tutto", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Controllando se ci sono aggiornamenti...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Tutte le estensioni sono aggiornate!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "L'aggiornamento di $extName$ non è riuscito", - "description": "extName sarà il nome dell'estensione che non è stato possibile aggiornare.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "Le seguenti estensioni sono state rimosse dal Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Sarà mostrato sopra alla lista delle estensioni rimosse." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Queste potrebbero essere state rimosse per una violazione dei Termini di Servizio", - "description": "Mostrato quando si passa sopra a popup_removedExtensions" - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Aggiorna tutte le estensioni", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Aggiungi a Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Rimuovere da Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/pl/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/pl/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index d2f5e0f..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/pl/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "Nazwa rozszerzenia, pokazywana w Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Umożliwia instalację oraz półautomatyczną aktualizację dla rozszerzeń z Chrome Web Store (albo skądś indziej) na przeglądarkach bazujących na Chromium.", - "description": "Opis rozszerzenia, pokazywany w Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Zaktualizuj opcje", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Ignorowane rozszerzenia", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Import/Eksport", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Automatycznie sprawdzaj aktualizacje rozszerzeń", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Kliknij na ikonę Chromium Web Store, aby manualnie sprawdzić", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Sprawdź aktualizacje rozszerzeń Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Skontaktujemy się z Google, aby sprawdzić aktualizacje", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Sprawdź aktualizacje dla rozszerzeń spoza Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Działa tylko wtedy, jeżeli rozszerzenie wspiera automatyczne aktualizacje", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Nigdy nie sprawdzaj aktualizacji dla tego rozszerzenia", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Sprawdzaj aktualizacje co $delayInMinutes$ minut", - "description": "delayInMinutes will be a field that can be edited by the user", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Zainstaluj wszystko", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Wszystkie rozszerzenia są aktualne!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "Aktualizacja $extName$ nieudana", - "description": "extName będzie nazwą rozszerzenia, któremu nie udało się zaktualizować.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "Następujące rozszerzenia zostały usunięte z Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Will be shown above list of removed extensions. (Machine translated)" - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Mogły zostać usunięte z powodu naruszenia Warunków korzystania z usługi.", - "description": "Shown when hovering over popup_removedExtensions. (Machine translated)" - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Zaktualizuj wszystkie rozszerzenia", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Dodaj do Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Usuń z Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index b4a46e7..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "O título da extensão, exibido na Loja Web de Chrome." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Permite a instalação e atualização semi-automática de extensões da Loja Web de Chrome (ou outra localidade) em navegadores baseados no Chromium.", - "description": "A descrição da extensão, exibida na Loja Web de Chrome." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Opções de atualização", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Extensões ignoradas", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Importar/Exportar", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Buscar automaticamente por atualizações de extensões", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Clique no ícone da Loja Web de Chromium para efectuar uma verificação manual", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Verificar se há atualizações das extensões na Loja Web de Chrome", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Conectará ao Google para buscar por atualizações", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Buscar por atualizações das extensões fora da Loja Web de Chrome", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Só funcionará se a extensão suportar a auto-atualização", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Nunca buscar por atualizações para esta extensão", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Buscar por atualizações a cada $delayInMinutes$ minutos", - "description": "delayInMinutes será um campo que pode ser editado pelo usuário", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Instalar tudo", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "buscando por atualizações...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Todas as extensões são atualizadas!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "Atualização de $extName$ falhou", - "description": "extName será o nome da extensão que não foi atualizada.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "As seguintes extensões foram removidas da Loja Web de Chrome", - "description": "Will be shown above list of removed extensions." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Poderia ter sido devido à violação dos Termos de Serviço.", - "description": "Shown when hovering over popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Atualizar todas as extensões", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Adicionar ao Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Remover do Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index c23d94b..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "The title of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Permite a instalação e a atualização semi-automática das extensões a partir da Chrome Web Store (ou outra loja), nos navegadores baseados em Chromium.", - "description": "The description of the extension, displayed in the Chrome Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Opções de atualização", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Extensões ignoradas", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Importar/Exportar", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Procurar automaticamente por atualizações das extensões", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Clique no ícone Chromium Web Store para executar uma verificação manual", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Procurar atualizações na Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Ao executar esta ação, enviará dados à Google", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Procurar atualizações para as extensões que não pertençam à Chrome Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Apenas funcional se a extensão permitir a atualização automática", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Nunca procurar atualizações para esta extensão", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Procurar por atualizações a cada $delayInMinutes$ minutos", - "description": "delayInMinutes will be a field that can be edited by the user", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Instalar tudo", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "A procurar atualizações...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "As suas extensões estão atualizadas!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "Falha ao atualizar $extName$", - "description": "extName will be the name of the extension that failed to update.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "As extensões abaixo indicadas foram removidas da Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Will be shown above list of removed extensions." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "As extensões podem ter sido removidas por violarem os Termos do Serviço.", - "description": "Shown when hovering over popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Atualizar todas as extensões", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Adicionar ao Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Remover do Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/ru/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/ru/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index a70bbf4..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extension_Name": { - "message": "Chromium Web Store", - "description": "Название расширения, отображаемое в Web Store." - }, - "extension_Description": { - "message": "Включает установку и полуавтоматическое обновление расширений из Chrome Web Store (или других сайтов) в браузерах, основанных на Chromium.", - "description": "Описание расширения, отображаемое в Web Store." - }, - - "options_updateHeading": { - "message": "Настройки обновлений", - "description": "" - }, - "options_ignoredExtensionsHeading": { - "message": "Исключенные расширения", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportHeading": { - "message": "Импорт/Экспорт", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdate": { - "message": "Автоматически проверять обновления расширений", - "description": "" - }, - "options_autoUpdateTooltip": { - "message": "Нажмите на ярлык Chromium Web Store, чтобы выполнить ручную проверку", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstore": { - "message": "Проверять обновления расширений из Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Для проверки обновлений требуется подключение к серверам Google", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstore": { - "message": "Проверять обновления расширений не из Web Store", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateNonWebstoreTooltip": { - "message": "Работает только в том случае, если расширение поддерживает автоматическое обновление", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "Никогда не проверять обновления для этого расширения", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "Проверять наличие обновлений каждые $delayInMinutes$ минут", - "description": "delayInMinutes - поле, содержимое которого может изменять пользователь", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "Установить все", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "Проверка обновлений...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "Обновлений расширений нет!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "$extName$: не удалось обновить", - "description": "extName - название расширения, которое не удалось обновить.", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_removedExtensions": { - "message": "Данные расширения были удалены из Chrome Web Store", - "description": "Отображается вверху списка удаленных расширений." - }, - "popup_removedExtensionsTooltip": { - "message": "Они могли быть удалены из-за нарушения Условий использования.", - "description": "Отображается при наведении на popup_removedExtensions." - }, - "contextMenu_updateAll": { - "message": "Обновить все расширения", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_addButton": { - "message": "Добавить в Chromium", - "description": "" - }, - "webstore_removeButton": { - "message": "Удалить из Chromium", - "description": "" - } -} diff --git a/en_nolocale/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/en_nolocale/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 020bbf5..0000000 --- a/en_nolocale/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -{ - 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"message": "仅支持自动更新的扩展有效", - "description": "" - }, - "options_neverCheckTooltip": { - "message": "从不检查这个扩展的更新", - "description": "" - }, - "options_updateDelay": { - "message": "每隔 $delayInMinutes$ 分钟检查一个更新", - "description": "delayInMinutes 将是用户可以编辑的一个字段", - "placeholders": { - "delayInMinutes": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "options_importExportInstallAllButton": { - "message": "安装全部", - "description": "" - }, - "options_importExportDescription": { - "message": "保存这里的文本到一个用来导出的文件。 要导入则把文本粘贴到这里并按下 $installButton$", - "description": "installButton 是按钮上的文本,在 options_importExportInstallAllButton 中定义", - "placeholders": { - "installButton": { - "content": "$1" - } - } - }, - "popup_checkingForUpdates": { - "message": "正在检查更新...", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_allUpToDate": { - "message": "所有扩展都是最新的!", - "description": "" - }, - "popup_updateFailed": { - "message": "$extName$ 更新失败", - "description": "extName 将是未能更新的扩展的名称。", - "placeholders": { - "extName": { - "content": "$1" - } - 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