Minimum device: Xbox Series X/S
- Streams (External URL)
- HLS (.m3u8)
- DASH (.mpd)
- MP4 (.mp4)
- AssetPlay (Streaming Assets folder)
- MP4 (.mp4)
- AVI (.avi)
- MKV (.mkv)
- Local Play (Any local folder)
- MP4 (.mp4)
- AVI (.avi)
- MKV (.mkv)
- RawImage (Unity UI)
- RenderTexture (Unity Asset)
- Material Override (Material's MainTexture)
- Volume Control
- Mute Volume
- Start Player
- Pause Media
- Resume Media
- Stop Media
- Close Player
- Seek
- AutoPlay
- Loop
- Maximize Screen
- Run In Background
- 360 Media Playback
- Video with transparency (Chroma Shader)
- Video Spread (World Space Shader)
- Play Video on multiple objects
- H.264
- MPEG-4
The NexPlayer Plugin for Unity supports UWP Builds for Xbox Series X/S.
It's required to set the Target Platform as Universal Windows Platform in the Unity Build Settings configuration as shown in the image below:
In order to allow the UWP app to access the internet, the capability option InternetClient needs to be checked in the Unity player settings.
These configurations can be set in the following Unity section: File → Build Settings → Player Settings (Universal Windows Platform) → Publishing Settings.
Then, proceed with the build normally by clicking on File → Build Settings → Build. This will launch a File Explorer window asking for a destination folder. Create a folder next to the Assets directory of the project, and choose this folder as the destination folder of the build. Unity has now created a new Visual Studio solution that will be used to deploy the UWP program.
Open the newly generated solution in the build folder, and then change the target platform to x64. You can deploy the UWP program to Xbox by changing Target device to Remote Machine.