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Nikolai V. Chr edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 31 revisions



Once you have selected cannon and master-arm switch is ON and the MFD WPN page is set to EEGS, a timer will start and after around two seconds you will get the Enhanced Envelope Gun Sight (EEGS) funnel on the HUD. Keep you targets wingtips so that they touch the sides of the funnel, and keep your aircraft attitude movement stable for around one second, then fire a burst. This will give you the best chance of hitting. The sides of the funnel is computed for a 35 ft wingspan, so if you are aiming at a larger or smaller aircraft you need to compensate for that. The 35 ft wingspan can be changed on the MAN page in the DED.


Once you have selected cannon and master-arm switch is ON and the MFD WPN page is set to STRF, fly near ground to get a pipper aim on the HUD, for prediction of where your rounds will hit.


First mount some armament. Secondly make sure masterarm (key 'm') is enabled. Thirdly select the arm (use 'w' key or click buttons 'A-A' or 'A-G' under the HUD). Fourthly make sure a target is designated, unless you want to use unguided bombs in CCIP mode, then a target is not needed.


  • For GBU-12 and GBU-24 make sure laser is armed.
  • Release mode can be set with WPN page, options are CCIP and CCRP.
    • CCRP: When getting close to target a vertical line will appear in the HUD. Align flight path indicator on the line, when a small horizontal line on that line starts dropping down and reaches another line then it's time to release (key 'e' or 'trigger').
    • CCIP: A line from FPM to a round pipper is displayed when close enough to the ground, maneuver the pipper to be over the target and release (key 'e' or 'trigger').
  • SGL or PAIR mode can be set on WPN MFD page.
    • SGL: single release.
    • PAIR: double release.
  • RP (ripple release) can be set on WPN MFD page.
    • The number is how many subsequent releases should be done.
    • If RP is greater than 1, then you can also in same MFD page set distance in ft between releases.

AGM-154A JSOW (Joint Standoff Weapon)

  • Long range guided glide bomb. Can be launched by either inputting GPS coordinates in the "Program Target" dialog for a desired spot, or against a TOO (Target Of Opportunity) with a targeting pod (TGP) lock. Operational range varies from 70 NM max with GPS to about 34 NM max with TGP lock. Optimal release envelopes are as follows:
    • GPS lock: Release at or above FL420 with speed at or above M1.6 (70 NM and closer).
    • TGP lock (TOO): Release at or above FL340 with speed at or above M1.3 (34 NM and closer).

A/A missiles

These are AIM-7 (Fox 1), AIM-120 (Fox 3) and AIM-9 (Fox 2).

The Fox 1 AIM-7 require you to keep the target locked (STT) during its entire flight.

For the Fox 3 AIM-120 the same goes except for the last 10 NM, where it goes into fire'n'forget mode.

AIM-9 is fire and forget its whole flight. It can also be launched visually in BORE mode when radar is off. Just place the target within the big cross on the HUD and it will get an IR lock or look at the target with HMCS.

AIM-9 has greater range if it is cooled, that can be done on the MFD WPN page. Coolant fluid don't last for longer than 30 mins though, so do this some minutes before you expect a "Within Visual Range" fight.

The trigger can be held for 2 seconds to fire AIM-9 or AIM-120 without a lock in MADDOG mode, where it will lock onto anyone it sees in its flightpath.



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