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Environment variables

The vast majority of configurations for the environment are stored in config_${user}.sh. You can manipulate the values of some environment variables with allowed values as in this table and it is recommended modifying or adding variables in config_${user}.sh config file instead of exporting them in the shell. By doing that, it is assured that they are persisted.

Name Option Allowed values Default
MAX_SURGE_VALUE This variable defines if controlplane should scale-in or scale-out during upgrade. 0 (scale-in) or 1 (scale-out) 1
EPHEMERAL_CLUSTER Tool for running management/ephemeral cluster. minikube, kind, tilt "kind" when using docker as the container runtime (the default on Ubuntu), "minikube" otherwise
IP_STACK Choose whether the "external" libvirt network will use IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4+IPv6. This network is the primary network interface for the virtual bare metal hosts. Note that this only sets up the underlying network, and fully provisioning IPv6 kubernetes clusters is not yet automated. If IPv6 is enabled, DHCPv6 will be available to the virtual bare metal hosts. "v4", "v6", "v4v6" (dual-stack)) v4
EXTERNAL_VLAN_ID If the "external" network is tagged, this is the VLAN id for the network, set on the network interface for the bare metal hosts. "" or 1-4096 ""
EXTERNAL_SUBNET_V4 When using IPv4 stack, this is the subnet used on the "external" libvirt network, created as the primary network interface for the virtual bare metalhosts. IPv4 CIDR
EXTERNAL_SUBNET_V6 When using IPv6 stack, this is the subnet used on the "external" libvirt network, created as the primary network interface for the virtual bare metalhosts. IPv6 CIDR fd55::/64
BARE_METAL_PROVISIONER_SUBNET_IPV6_ONLY Configure provisioning network for single-stack ipv6 "true", "false" false
BARE_METAL_PROVISIONER_NETWORK Assign a subnet to the provisioner network. If ironic is the provisioner then the Ironic API's will be accessible in this network. IPv4 CIDR
SSH_PUB_KEY This SSH key will be automatically injected into the provisioned host by the clusterctl environment template files. ~/.ssh/
CONTAINER_RUNTIME Select the Container Runtime "docker", "podman" "docker" on ubuntu, "podman" otherwise
IPA_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED Enables the use of the Ironic Python Agent Downloader container to download IPA archive "true", "false "true"
USE_LOCAL_IPA Enables the use of locally supplied IPA archive. This condition is handled by BMO and this has effect only when IPA_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED is "false", otherwise IPA_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED takes precedence. "true", "false" "false"
LOCAL_IPA_PATH This has effect only when USE_LOCAL_IPA is set to "true", points to the directory where the IPA archive is located. This variable is handled by BMO. "arbitrary directory path" ""
BMO_RUN_LOCAL Run a local baremetal operator instead of deploying in Kubernetes "true", "false" "false"
CAPM3_RUN_LOCAL Run a local CAPM3 operator instead of deploying in Kubernetes "true", "false" "false"
SKIP_RETRIES Do not retry on failure during verifications or tests of the environment. This should be false. It could only be set to false for verifications of a dev env deployment that fully completed. Otherwise failures will appear as resources are not ready. "true", "false" "false"
SKIP_APPLY_BMH Do not apply the BMHs. used usually when the BMHs will be applied later in the tests. "true", "false" "false"
TEST_TIME_INTERVAL Interval between retries after verification or test failure (seconds) 10
TEST_MAX_TIME Number of maximum verification or test retries 120
BMO_ROLLOUT_WAIT Number of minutes(Until max 10m that is the default value of deployment.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds) to wait for BMO rollout 5
BMC_DRIVER Set the BMC driver "ipmi", "redfish", "redfish-virtualmedia" "mixed"
BMORELEASEBRANCH BMO Release branch "main", "release-0.5", "release-0.6", "release-0.8" Set via jjb for CI, for local dev it gets default value based on CAPM3 branch
BOOT_MODE Set libvirt firmware and BMH bootMode "legacy", "UEFI", "UEFISecureBoot" "legacy"
IMAGE_OS OS of the image to boot the nodes from, overriden by IMAGE_* if set "centos", "cirros", "FCOS", "ubuntu", "flatcar" "centos"
IMAGE_NAME Image for target hosts deployment "CENTOS_9_NODE_IMAGE_K8S_${KUBERNETES_VERSION}.qcow2"
IMAGE_LOCATION Location of the image to download${KUBERNETES_VERSION}
IMAGE_USERNAME Image username for ssh "metal3"
CONTAINER_REGISTRY Registry to pull metal3 container images from ""
DOCKER_HUB_PROXY Registry to pull docker hub images from ""
IRONIC_IMAGE Container image for local ironic services "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/metal3-io/ironic"
VBMC_IMAGE Container image for vbmc container "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/metal3-io/vbmc"
SUSHY_TOOLS_IMAGE Container image for sushy-tools container "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/metal3-io/sushy-tools"
FAKE_IPA_IMAGE Container image for fakeIPA container "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/metal3-io/fake-ipa"
FKAS_IMAGE Container image for fkas container "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/metal3-io/metal3-fkas"
CAPM3_VERSION Version of Cluster API provider Metal3 "v1beta1" "v1beta1"
CAPI_VERSION Version of Cluster API "v1beta1" "v1beta1"
CLUSTER_APIENDPOINT_IP API endpoint IP for target cluster "x.x.x.x" "${EXTERNAL_SUBNET_VX}.249"
CLUSTER_APIENDPOINT_PORT API endpoint port for target cluster "6443"
BARE_METAL_PROVISIONER_INTERFACE Cluster provisioning Interface "ironicendpoint" "ironicendpoint"
POD_CIDR Pod CIDR "x.x.x.x/x" ""
NODE_HOSTNAME_FORMAT Node hostname format. This is a format string that must contain exactly one %d format field that will be replaced with an integer representing the number of the node. "node-%d" "node-%d"
KUBERNETES_VERSION Kubernetes version "x.x.x" "1.31.0"
UPGRADED_K8S_VERSION Upgraded Kubernetes version "x.x.x" "1.31.0"
KUBERNETES_BINARIES_VERSION Version of kubelet, kubeadm and kubectl "x.x.x-xx" or "x.x.x" same as KUBERNETES_VERSION
KUBERNETES_BINARIES_CONFIG_VERSION Version of kubelet.service and 10-kubeadm.conf files "vx.x.x" "v0.13.0"
LIBVIRT_DOMAIN_TYPE Which hypervisor to use for the virtual machines libvirt domain, default to kvm. It is possible to switch to qemu in case nested virtualization is not available, although it's considered experimental at this stage of development. "kvm", "qemu" "kvm"
NUM_NODES Set the number of virtual machines to be provisioned. This VMs will be further configured as controlplane or worker Nodes. Note that CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT and WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT should sum to this value. 2
FAKE_NODES_FILE Path to save fake nodes generated in json file. "/opt/metal3-dev-env/fake_nodes.json"
CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT Set the controlplane replica count in the target cluster. 1
WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT Set the worker replica count in the target cluster. 1
VM_EXTRADISKS Add extra disks to the virtual machines provisioned. By default the size of the extra disk is set in the libvirt Ansible role to 8 GB "true", "false" "false"
VM_EXTRADISKS_FILE_SYSTEM Create file system to the extra disk. "ext4", "xfs" "ext4"
VM_EXTRADISKS_MOUNT_DIR Mount the extra disk to a directory on a host. "/mnt/disk2"
VM_TPM_EMULATOR Add TPM2.0 emulator to VMs. "true", "false" "false"
NODES_PLATFORM Select the platform used to simulate the Baremetal hosts. "libvirt", "fake" "libvirt"
TARGET_NODE_MEMORY Set the default memory size in MB for the virtual machines provisioned. 4096
CLUSTER_NAME Set the name of the target cluster test1
IRONIC_TLS_SETUP Enable TLS for Ironic and inspector "true", "false" "true"
IRONIC_BASIC_AUTH Enable HTTP basic authentication for Ironic and inspector "true", "false" "true"
IRONIC_CA_CERT_B64 Base 64 encoded CA certificate of Ironic
IRONIC_CACERT_FILE Path to the CA certificate of Ironic /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.pem
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_CACERT_FILE Path to the CA certificate of Ironic inspector /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.pem
IRONIC_CAKEY_FILE Path to the CA key of Ironic /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.key
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_CAKEY_FILE Path to the CA key of Ironic inspector /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.key
IRONIC_CERT_FILE Path to the certificate of Ironic /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic.crt
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_CERT_FILE Path to the CA certificate of Ironic inspector /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-inspector.crt
IRONIC_KEY_FILE Path to the certificate key of Ironic /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic.key
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_KEY_FILE Path to the certificate key of Ironic inspector /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-inspector.key
IRONIC_USERNAME Username for Ironic basic auth
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_USERNAME Username for Ironic inspector basic auth
IRONIC_PASSWORD Password for Ironic basic auth
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_PASSWORD Password for Ironic inspector basic auth
IRONIC_USE_MARIADB Use MariaDB instead of SQLite. Setting this to "true" does not work with v0.2.0 and older versions of BMO. MariaDB cannot be used without TLS. "true", "false" "false"
REGISTRY_PORT Container image registry port 5000
HTTP_PORT Httpd server port 6180
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_PORT Ironic Inspector port 5050
IRONIC_API_PORT Ironic Api port 6385
RESTART_CONTAINER_CERTIFICATE_UPDATED Enable the ironic restart feature when TLS certificates are updated "true", "false" "true"
NODE_DRAIN_TIMEOUT Set the nodeDrainTimeout for controlplane and worker template '0s'
MARIADB_KEY_FILE Path to the key of MariaDB /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/mariadb.key
MARIADB_CERT_FILE Path to the cert of MariaDB /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/mariadb.crt
MARIADB_CAKEY_FILE Path to the CA key of MariaDB /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.key
MARIADB_CACERT_FILE Path to the CA certificate of MariaDB /opt/metal3-dev-env/certs/ironic-ca.pem
M3PATH Path to clone the Metal3 Development Environment repository $HOME/go/src/
BMOPATH Path to clone the Bare Metal Operator repository $HOME/go/src/
CAPM3PATH Path to clone the Cluster API Provider Metal3 repository $HOME/go/src/
CAPIPATH Path to clone the Cluster API repository $HOME/go/src/
IPAMPATH Path to clone IP Address Manager repository $HOME/go/src/
CAPIREPO Cluster API git repository URL
CAPIBRANCH Cluster API git repository branch to checkout main
CAPICOMMIT Cluster API git commit to checkout on CAPIBRANCH  HEAD
BMOREPO Baremetal Operator git repository URL
BMOBRANCH Baremetal Operator git repository branch to checkout  main
BMOCOMMIT BMO git commit to checkout on BMOBRANCH  HEAD
CAPM3REPO Cluster API Provider Metal3 git repository URL
CAPM3BRANCH Cluster API Provider Metal3 git repository branch to checkout  main
CAPM3COMMIT Cluster API Provider Metal3 git commit to checkout on CAPM3BRANCH HEAD
IPAMREPO IP Address Manager git repository URL
IPAMBRANCH IP Address Manager git repository branch to checkout  main
IPAMCOMMIT IP Address Manager git commit to checkout on IPAMBRANCH  HEAD
IRONIC_IMAGE_PATH Path to clone the Metal3's ironic-image Git repository to /tmp/ironic-image
IRONIC_IMAGE_REPO Metal3's ironic-image Git repository address
IRONIC_IMAGE_BRANCH Metal3's ironic-image Git repository branch main
IRONIC_IMAGE_COMMIT Metal3's ironic-image HEAD
MARIADB_IMAGE_PATH Path to clone the mariadb-image Git repository to /tmp/mariadb-image
MARIADB_IMAGE_REPO mariadb-image Git repository address
MARIADB_IMAGE_BRANCH mariadb-mage branch to checkout main
MARIADB_IMAGE_COMMIT mariadb-image commit to checkout HEAD
FORCE_REPO_UPDATE discard existing directories "true","false" "true"
BUILD_CAPM3_LOCALLY build Cluster API Provider Metal3 based on CAPM3PATH "true","false" "false"
BUILD_IPAM_LOCALLY build IP Address Manager based on IPAMPATH "true","false" "false"
BUILD_BMO_LOCALLY build Baremetal Operator based on BMOPATH "true","false" "false"
 BUILD_CAPI_LOCALLY build Cluster API based on CAPIPATH "true","false" "false"
BUILD_IRONIC_IMAGE_LOCALLY  build the Metal3's ironic-image based on IRONIC_IMAGE_PATH "true","false" "false"
BUILD_MARIADB_IMAGE_LOCALLY build the MariaDB container image based on MARIADB_IMAGE_PATH "true", "false" "false"
IRONIC_FROM_SOURCE installs ironic from source during container image building, if true then the BUILD_IRONIC_IMAGE_LOCALLY will be also set to true  "true","false" "false"
IRONIC_SOURCE absolute path of the ironic source code used to build the ironic services in the ironic container image
IRONIC_INSPECTOR_SOURCE absolute path of the ironic-inspector source code used to build the ironic-inspector services in the ironic container image
SUSHY_SOURCE absolute path of the sushy source code used to build the sushy library in the ironic container image
DHCP_HOSTS A list of ; separated dhcp-host directives for dnsmasq e.g. 00:20:e0:3b:13:af;00:20:e0:3b:14:af
DHCP_IGNORE A set of tags on hosts to be ignored by dnsmasq e.g. tag:!known
ENABLE_NATED_PROVISIONING_NETWORK A single boolean to configure whether provisioner and provisioning networks are in separate subnets and there is NAT betweend them or not "true","false" "false"
CAPI_CONFIG_FOLDER Cluster API config folder path $HOME/.cluster-api/, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cluster-api, $HOME/.config/cluster-api $HOME/.config/cluster-api
IPA_BASEURI IPA downloader will download IPA from this url
IPA_BRANCH The last part of the name of the IPA archive master
IPA_FLAVOR The middle part of the name of the IPA archive centos9

NOTE (BMO/CAPI/CAPM3/IPAM)RELEASE variables are also affecting the BRANCH variables so make sure that RELEASE and BRANCH variables are not conflicting.

Local IPA

The use of local IPA enabled via USE_LOCAL_IPA is only supported on Ubuntu host when EPHEMERAL_CLUSTER is kind cluster and Ironic is directly deployed to the OCI runtime (no K8s pod)

Local images

Environment variables with _LOCAL_IMAGE in their name are used to specify directories that contain the code to build the components locally e.g. CAPM3_LOCAL_IMAGE.

Additional networks

By default two libvirt networks are created external and provisioning but in some circumstances it can be useful to define additional secondary networks.

This can also be enabled via environment variables, the EXTRA_NETWORK_NAMES variable defines a list of network names, and then ipv4, ipv6 or dual stack subnets can be defined as in the following example (note that the name prefix in the subnet variables is always uppercase, even if the EXTRA_NETWORK_NAMES are lowercase):

export EXTRA_NETWORK_NAMES="nmstate1 nmstate2"
export NMSTATE1_NETWORK_SUBNET_V6='fd2e:6f44:5dd8:ca56::/120'
export NMSTATE2_NETWORK_SUBNET_V6='fd2e:6f44:5dd8:cc56::/120'

Pinned binaries and packages

By default, we pin downloaded binaries and packages with SHA256 digests. For testing purposes, verification of the digests will be skipped if INSECURE_SKIP_DOWNLOAD_VERIFICATION is set to true.