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Zeioth edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 11 revisions

A list of all plugins included in NormalNivm.


See here

-- Core behaviors
-- Things that add new behaviors.

--    Sections:
--       -> yazi file browser      [yazi]
--       -> project.nvim           [project search + auto cd]
--       -> trim.nvim              [auto trim spaces]
--       -> stickybuf.nvim         [lock special buffers]
--       -> mini.bufremove         [smart bufdelete]
--       -> smart-splits           [move and resize buffers]
--       -> better-scape.nvim      [esc]
--       -> toggleterm.nvim        [term]
--       -> session-manager        [session]
--       -> spectre.nvim           [search and replace in project]
--       -> neotree file browser   [neotree]
--       -> nvim-ufo               [folding mod]
--       -> nvim-neoclip           [nvim clipboard]
--       -> zen-mode.nvim          [distraction free mode]
--       -> suda.vim               [write as sudo]
--       -> vim-matchup            [Improved % motion]
--       -> hop.nvim               [go to word visually]
--       -> nvim-autopairs         [auto close brackets]
--       -> lsp_signature.nvim     [auto params help]
--       -> nvim-lightbulb         [lightbulb for code actions]
--       -> distroupdate.nvim      [distro update]


See here

-- User interface
-- Things that make the GUI better.

--    Sections:
--       -> tokyonight                  [theme]
--       -> astrotheme                  [theme]
--       -> alpha-nvim                  [greeter]
--       -> nvim-notify                 [notifications]
--       -> mini.indentscope            [guides]
--       -> heirline-components.nvim    [ui components]
--       -> heirline                    [ui components]
--       -> telescope                   [search]
--       -> telescope-fzf-native.nvim   [search backend]
--       -> smart-splits                [window-dimming]
--       -> dressing.nvim               [better ui elements]
--       -> noice.nvim                  [better cmd/search line]
--       -> nvim-web-devicons           [icons | ui]
--       -> lspkind.nvim                [icons | lsp]
--       -> nvim-scrollbar              [scrollbar]
--       -> mini.animate                [animations]
--       -> highlight-undo              [highlights]
--       -> which-key                   [on-screen keybinding]

Dev core

See here

-- Dev core
-- Things that are just there.

--    Sections:
--       ## TREE SITTER
--       -> nvim-treesitter                [syntax highlight]
--       -> nvim-ts-autotag                [treesitter understand html tags]
--       -> ts-comments.nvim               [treesitter comments]
--       -> markdown.nvim                  [markdown highlights]
--       -> nvim-highlight-colors          [hex colors]

--       ## LSP
--       -> nvim-java                      [java support]
--       -> mason-lspconfig                [auto start lsp]
--       -> nvim-lspconfig                 [lsp configs]
--       -> mason.nvim                     [lsp package manager]
--       -> SchemaStore.nvim               [mason extra schemas]
--       -> none-ls-autoload.nvim          [mason package loader]
--       -> none-ls                        [lsp code formatting]
--       -> garbage-day                    [lsp garbage collector]
--       -> lazydev                        [lua lsp for nvim plugins]

--       -> nvim-cmp                       [auto completion engine]
--       -> cmp-nvim-buffer                [auto completion buffer]
--       -> cmp-nvim-path                  [auto completion path]
--       -> cmp-nvim-lsp                   [auto completion lsp]
--       -> cmp-luasnip                    [auto completion snippets]


See here

-- Dev
-- Things you actively use for coding.

--    Sections:
--       ## SNIPPETS
--       -> luasnip                        [snippet engine]
--       -> friendly-snippets              [snippet templates]

--       ## GIT
--       -> gitsigns.nvim                  [git hunks]
--       -> fugitive.vim                   [git commands]

--       ## ANALYZER
--       -> aerial.nvim                    [symbols tree]
--       -> litee-calltree.nvim            [calltree]

--       -> dooku.nvim                     [html doc generator]
--       -> markdown-preview.nvim          [markdown previewer]
--       -> markmap.nvim                   [markdown mindmap]

--       -> neural                         [chatgpt code generator]
--       -> copilot                        [github code suggestions]
--       -> guess-indent                   [guess-indent]

--       ## COMPILER
--       -> compiler.nvim                  [compiler]
--       -> overseer.nvim                  [task runner]

--       ## DEBUGGER
--       -> nvim-dap                       [debugger]

--       ## TESTING
--       -> neotest.nvim                   [unit testing]
--       -> nvim-coverage                  [code coverage]

--       -> guttentags_plus                [auto generate C/C++ tags]
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