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Temporal Shift Module (TSM) is a popular model that attracts more attention at present. The method of moving through channels greatly improves the utilization ability of temporal information without increasing any additional number of parameters and calculation amount. Moreover, due to its lightweight and efficient characteristics, it is very suitable for industrial landing.
This code implemented single RGB stream of TSM networks. Backbone is ResNet-50.
Please refer to the ICCV 2019 paper for details TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding
Please refer to Kinetics-400 data download and preparation k400 data preparation
Please refer to UCF101 data download and preparation ucf101 data preparation
Please download ResNet50_pretrain.pdparams as pretraind model:
wget https://videotag.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleVideo/PretrainModel/ResNet50_pretrain.pdparams
, and fill in the downloaded weight path belowpretrained:
MODEL: framework: "Recognizer2D" backbone: name: "ResNetTSM" pretrained: your weight path
By specifying different configuration files, different data formats/data sets can be used for training. Taking the training configuration of Kinetics-400 data set + 8 cards + frames format as an example, the startup command is as follows (more training commands can be viewed in
).python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_frames.yaml
Training Kinetics-400 dataset of videos format using scripts.
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_videos.yaml
AMP is useful for speeding up training, scripts as follows:
export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 #MB
export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1
export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --amp --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_frames.yaml
- AMP works better with
data format, scripts as follows:
export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 #MB
export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1
export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --amp --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_frames_nhwc.yaml
- For the config file usage,please refer to config.
Load the TSM model we trained on Kinetics-400 TSM_k400.pdparams, or download it through the command line
wget https://videotag.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleVideo-release2.1/TSM/TSM_k400.pdparams
, and fill in the downloaded weight path belowpretrained:
MODEL: framework: "Recognizer2D" backbone: name: "ResNetTSM" pretrained: your weight path
By specifying different configuration files, different data formats/data sets can be used for training. Taking the training configuration of Kinetics-400 data set + 8 cards + frames format as an example, the startup command is as follows (more training commands can be viewed in
).python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_ucf101_frames.yaml
Training UCF-101 dataset of videos format using scripts.
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_ucf101_videos.yaml
AMP is useful for speeding up training, scripts as follows:
export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 #MB export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1 export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1 python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --amp --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_ucf101_frames.yaml
AMP works better with
data format, scripts as follows:export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 #MB export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1 export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1 python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" --log_dir=log_tsm main.py --amp --validate -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_ucf101_frames_nhwc.yaml
Put the weight of the model to be tested into the output/TSM/
directory, the test command is as follows
python3 main.py --test -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm.yaml -w output/TSM/TSM_best.pdparams
When the test configuration uses the following parameters, the evaluation accuracy on the validation data set of Kinetics-400 is as follows:
backbone | Sampling method | Training Strategy | num_seg | target_size | Top-1 | checkpoints |
ResNet50 | Uniform | NCHW | 8 | 224 | 71.06 | TSM_k400.pdparams |
When the test configuration uses the following parameters, the evaluation accuracy on the validation data set of UCF-101 is as follows:
backbone | Sampling method | Training Strategy | num_seg | target_size | Top-1 | checkpoints |
ResNet50 | Uniform | NCHW | 8 | 224 | 94.42 | TSM_ucf101_nchw.pdparams |
ResNet50 | Uniform | NCHW+AMP | 8 | 224 | 94.40 | TSM_ucf101_amp_nchw.pdparams |
ResNet50 | Uniform | NHWC+AMP | 8 | 224 | 94.55 | TSM_ucf101_amp_nhwc.pdparams |
To get model architecture file TSM.pdmodel
and parameters file TSM.pdiparams
, use:
python3.7 tools/export_model.py -c configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_frames.yaml \
-p data/TSM_k400.pdparams \
-o inference/TSM
- Args usage please refer to Model Inference.
python3.7 tools/predict.py --input_file data/example.avi \
--config configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_k400_frames.yaml \
--model_file inference/TSM/TSM.pdmodel \
--params_file inference/TSM/TSM.pdiparams \
--use_gpu=True \
- The model reads the
data in the Kinetics-400 data set, first divides each piece of video data intonum_seg
segments, and then uniformly extracts 1 frame of image from each segment to obtain sparsely samplednum_seg
video frames. Then do the same random data enhancement to thisnum_seg
frame image, including multi-scale random cropping, random left and right flips, data normalization, etc., and finally zoom totarget_size
- Use Momentum optimization algorithm training, momentum=0.9
- Using L2_Decay, the weight attenuation coefficient is 1e-4
- Using global gradient clipping, the clipping factor is 20.0
- The total number of epochs is 50, and the learning rate will be attenuated by 0.1 times when the epoch reaches 20 and 40
- The learning rate of the weight and bias of the FC layer are respectively 5 times and 10 times the overall learning rate, and the bias does not set L2_Decay
- Dropout_ratio=0.5
- Initialize the weight of the FC layer with the normal distribution of Normal(mean=0, std=0.001), and initialize the bias of the FC layer with a constant of 0
- TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding, Ji Lin, Chuang Gan, Song Han