diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/.gitignore b/neural_seq_qa/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# clion workspace.
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/README.md b/neural_seq_qa/README.md
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+++ b/neural_seq_qa/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering
+This model implements the work in the following paper:
+Peng Li, Wei Li, Zhengyan He, Xuguang Wang, Ying Cao, Jie Zhou, and Wei Xu. Dataset and Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering. [arXiv:1607.06275](https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06275).
+If you use the dataset/code in your research, please cite the above paper:
+ author = {Li, Peng and Li, Wei and He, Zhengyan and Wang, Xuguang and Cao, Ying and Zhou, Jie and Xu, Wei},
+ title = {Dataset and Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering},
+ journal = {arXiv:1607.06275v2},
+ year = {2016},
+ url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06275v2},
+# Installation
+1. Install PaddlePaddle v0.10.5 by the following commond. Note that v0.10.0 is not supported.
+ ```bash
+ # either one is OK
+ # CPU
+ pip install paddlepaddle
+ # GPU
+ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
+ ```
+2. Download the [WebQA](http://idl.baidu.com/WebQA.html) dataset by running
+ ```bash
+ cd data && ./download.sh && cd ..
+ ```
+All the hyperparameters are defined in `config.py`. The default values are aligned with the paper.
+# Training
+Training can be launched using the following command:
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python train.py 2>&1 | tee train.log
+# Validation and Test
+WebQA provides two versions of validation and test sets. Automatic validation and test can be lauched by
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python val_and_test.py models [ann|ir]
+* `models`: the directory where model files are stored. You can use `models` if `config.py` is not changed.
+* `ann`: using the validation and test sets with annotated evidence.
+* `ir`: using the validation and test sets with retrieved evidence.
+Note that validation and test can run simultaneously with training. `val_and_test.py` will handle the synchronization related problems.
+Intermediate results are stored in the directory `tmp`. You can delete them safely after validation and test.
+The results should be comparable with those shown in Table 3 in the paper.
+# Inferring using a Trained Model
+Infer using a trained model by running:
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python infer.py \
+ 2>&1 | tee infer.log
+* `MODEL_FILE`: a trained model produced by `train.py`.
+* `INPUT_DATA`: input data in the same format as the validation/test sets of the WebQA dataset.
+* `OUTPUT_FILE`: results in the format specified in the WebQA dataset for the evaluation scripts.
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/config.py b/neural_seq_qa/config.py
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+++ b/neural_seq_qa/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import math
+__all__ = ["TrainingConfig", "InferConfig"]
+class CommonConfig(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # network size:
+ # dimension of the question LSTM
+ self.q_lstm_dim = 64
+ # dimension of the attention layer
+ self.latent_chain_dim = 64
+ # dimension of the evidence LSTMs
+ self.e_lstm_dim = 64
+ # dimension of the qe.comm and ee.comm feature embeddings
+ self.com_vec_dim = 2
+ self.drop_rate = 0.05
+ # CRF:
+ # valid values are BIO and BIO2
+ self.label_schema = "BIO2"
+ # word embedding:
+ # vocabulary file path
+ self.word_dict_path = "data/embedding/wordvecs.vcb"
+ # word embedding file path
+ self.wordvecs_path = "data/embedding/wordvecs.txt"
+ self.word_vec_dim = 64
+ # saving model & logs:
+ # dir for saving models
+ self.model_save_dir = "models"
+ # print training info every log_period batches
+ self.log_period = 100
+ # show parameter status every show_parameter_status_period batches
+ self.show_parameter_status_period = 100
+ @property
+ def label_num(self):
+ if self.label_schema == "BIO":
+ return 3
+ elif self.label_schema == "BIO2":
+ return 4
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("wrong value for label_schema")
+ @property
+ def default_init_std(self):
+ return 1 / math.sqrt(self.e_lstm_dim * 4)
+ @property
+ def default_l2_rate(self):
+ return 8e-4 * self.batch_size / 6
+ @property
+ def dict_dim(self):
+ return len(self.vocab)
+class TrainingConfig(CommonConfig):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(TrainingConfig, self).__init__()
+ # data:
+ # training data path
+ self.train_data_path = "data/data/training.json.gz"
+ # number of batches used in each pass
+ self.batches_per_pass = 1000
+ # number of passes to train
+ self.num_passes = 25
+ # batch size
+ self.batch_size = 120
+ # the ratio of negative samples used in training
+ self.negative_sample_ratio = 0.2
+ # the ratio of negative samples that contain golden answer string
+ self.hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio = 0.25
+ # keep only first B in golden labels
+ self.keep_first_b = False
+ # use GPU to train the model
+ self.use_gpu = False
+ # number of threads
+ self.trainer_count = 1
+ # random seeds:
+ # data reader random seed, 0 for random seed
+ self.seed = 0
+ # paddle random seed, 0 for random seed
+ self.paddle_seed = 0
+ # optimizer:
+ self.learning_rate = 1e-3
+ # rmsprop
+ self.rho = 0.95
+ self.epsilon = 1e-4
+ # model average
+ self.average_window = 0.5
+ self.max_average_window = 10000
+class InferConfig(CommonConfig):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(InferConfig, self).__init__()
+ self.use_gpu = False
+ self.trainer_count = 1
+ self.batch_size = 120
+ self.wordvecs = None
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/data/download.sh b/neural_seq_qa/data/download.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1cae249385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/data/download.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+if [[ -d data ]] && [[ -d embedding ]] && [[ -d evaluation ]]; then
+ echo "data exist"
+ exit 0
+ wget -c http://paddlepaddle.bj.bcebos.com/dataset/webqa/WebQA.v1.0.zip
+if [[ `md5sum -c md5sum.txt` =~ 'OK' ]] ; then
+ unzip WebQA.v1.0.zip
+ mv WebQA.v1.0/* .
+ rmdir WebQA.v1.0
+ rm WebQA.v1.0.zip
+ echo "download data error!" >> /dev/stderr
+ exit 1
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/data/md5sum.txt b/neural_seq_qa/data/md5sum.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14b74c3ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/data/md5sum.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+b129df2a4eb547d8b398721dd7ed6cc6 WebQA.v1.0.zip
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/index.html b/neural_seq_qa/index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering
+This model implements the work in the following paper:
+Peng Li, Wei Li, Zhengyan He, Xuguang Wang, Ying Cao, Jie Zhou, and Wei Xu. Dataset and Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering. [arXiv:1607.06275](https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06275).
+If you use the dataset/code in your research, please cite the above paper:
+ author = {Li, Peng and Li, Wei and He, Zhengyan and Wang, Xuguang and Cao, Ying and Zhou, Jie and Xu, Wei},
+ title = {Dataset and Neural Recurrent Sequence Labeling Model for Open-Domain Factoid Question Answering},
+ journal = {arXiv:1607.06275v2},
+ year = {2016},
+ url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06275v2},
+# Installation
+1. Install PaddlePaddle v0.10.5 by the following commond. Note that v0.10.0 is not supported.
+ ```bash
+ # either one is OK
+ # CPU
+ pip install paddlepaddle
+ # GPU
+ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
+ ```
+2. Download the [WebQA](http://idl.baidu.com/WebQA.html) dataset by running
+ ```bash
+ cd data && ./download.sh && cd ..
+ ```
+All the hyperparameters are defined in `config.py`. The default values are aligned with the paper.
+# Training
+Training can be launched using the following command:
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python train.py 2>&1 | tee train.log
+# Validation and Test
+WebQA provides two versions of validation and test sets. Automatic validation and test can be lauched by
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python val_and_test.py models [ann|ir]
+* `models`: the directory where model files are stored. You can use `models` if `config.py` is not changed.
+* `ann`: using the validation and test sets with annotated evidence.
+* `ir`: using the validation and test sets with retrieved evidence.
+Note that validation and test can run simultaneously with training. `val_and_test.py` will handle the synchronization related problems.
+Intermediate results are stored in the directory `tmp`. You can delete them safely after validation and test.
+The results should be comparable with those shown in Table 3 in the paper.
+# Inferring using a Trained Model
+Infer using a trained model by running:
+PYTHONPATH=data/evaluation:$PYTHONPATH python infer.py \
+ 2>&1 | tee infer.log
+* `MODEL_FILE`: a trained model produced by `train.py`.
+* `INPUT_DATA`: input data in the same format as the validation/test sets of the WebQA dataset.
+* `OUTPUT_FILE`: results in the format specified in the WebQA dataset for the evaluation scripts.
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/infer.py b/neural_seq_qa/infer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14bda05a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/infer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import paddle.v2 as paddle
+import reader
+import utils
+import network
+import config
+from utils import logger
+class Infer(object):
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ self.conf = conf
+ self.settings = reader.Settings(
+ vocab=conf.vocab, is_training=False, label_schema=conf.label_schema)
+ # init paddle
+ # TODO(lipeng17) v2 API does not support parallel_nn yet. Therefore, we
+ # can only use CPU currently
+ paddle.init(use_gpu=conf.use_gpu, trainer_count=conf.trainer_count)
+ # define network
+ self.tags_layer = network.inference_net(conf)
+ def infer(self, model_path, data_path, output):
+ test_reader = paddle.batch(
+ paddle.reader.buffered(
+ reader.create_reader(data_path, self.settings),
+ size=self.conf.batch_size * 1000),
+ batch_size=self.conf.batch_size)
+ # load the trained models
+ parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
+ utils.open_file(model_path, "r"))
+ inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
+ output_layer=self.tags_layer, parameters=parameters)
+ def count_evi_ids(test_batch):
+ num = 0
+ for sample in test_batch:
+ num += len(sample[reader.E_IDS])
+ return num
+ for test_batch in test_reader():
+ tags = inferer.infer(
+ input=test_batch, field=["id"], feeding=network.feeding)
+ evi_ids_num = count_evi_ids(test_batch)
+ assert len(tags) == evi_ids_num
+ print >> output, ";\n".join(str(tag) for tag in tags) + ";"
+def parse_cmd():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("model_path")
+ parser.add_argument("data_path")
+ parser.add_argument("output", help="'-' for stdout")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main(args):
+ conf = config.InferConfig()
+ conf.vocab = utils.load_dict(conf.word_dict_path)
+ logger.info("length of word dictionary is : %d." % len(conf.vocab))
+ if args.output == "-":
+ output = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ output = utils.open_file(args.output, "w")
+ infer = Infer(conf)
+ infer.infer(args.model_path, args.data_path, output)
+ output.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(parse_cmd())
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/network.py b/neural_seq_qa/network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fb19022b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+import math
+import paddle.v2 as paddle
+import reader
+__all__ = ["training_net", "inference_net", "feeding"]
+feeding = {
+ reader.Q_IDS_STR: reader.Q_IDS,
+ reader.E_IDS_STR: reader.E_IDS,
+ reader.QE_COMM_STR: reader.QE_COMM,
+ reader.EE_COMM_STR: reader.EE_COMM,
+ reader.LABELS_STR: reader.LABELS
+def get_embedding(input, word_vec_dim, wordvecs):
+ """
+ Define word embedding
+ :param input: layer input
+ :type input: LayerOutput
+ :param word_vec_dim: dimension of the word embeddings
+ :type word_vec_dim: int
+ :param wordvecs: word embedding matrix
+ :type wordvecs: numpy array
+ :return: embedding
+ :rtype: LayerOutput
+ """
+ return paddle.layer.embedding(
+ input=input,
+ size=word_vec_dim,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="wordvecs", is_static=True, initializer=lambda _: wordvecs))
+def encoding_question(question, q_lstm_dim, latent_chain_dim, word_vec_dim,
+ drop_rate, wordvecs, default_init_std, default_l2_rate):
+ """
+ Define network for encoding question
+ :param question: question token ids
+ :type question: LayerOutput
+ :param q_lstm_dim: dimension of the question LSTM
+ :type q_lstm_dim: int
+ :param latent_chain_dim: dimension of the attention layer
+ :type latent_chain_dim: int
+ :param word_vec_dim: dimension of the word embeddings
+ :type word_vec_dim: int
+ :param drop_rate: dropout rate
+ :type drop_rate: float
+ :param wordvecs: word embedding matrix
+ :type wordvecs: numpy array
+ :param default_init_std: default initial standard deviation
+ :type default_init_std: float
+ :param default_l2_rate: default l2 rate
+ :type default_l2_rate: float
+ :return: question encoding
+ :rtype: LayerOutput
+ """
+ # word embedding
+ emb = get_embedding(question, word_vec_dim, wordvecs)
+ # question LSTM
+ wx = paddle.layer.fc(
+ act=paddle.activation.Linear(),
+ size=q_lstm_dim * 4,
+ input=emb,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_q_hidden1.w0",
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate),
+ bias_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_q_hidden1.wbias", initial_std=0, l2_rate=default_l2_rate))
+ q_rnn = paddle.layer.lstmemory(
+ input=wx,
+ bias_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_q_rnn1.wbias", initial_std=0, l2_rate=default_l2_rate),
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_q_rnn1.w0",
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate))
+ q_rnn = paddle.layer.dropout(q_rnn, drop_rate)
+ # self attention
+ fc = paddle.layer.fc(
+ act=paddle.activation.Tanh(),
+ size=latent_chain_dim,
+ input=q_rnn,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_attention_layer1.w0",
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate),
+ bias_attr=False)
+ weight = paddle.layer.fc(
+ size=1,
+ act=paddle.activation.SequenceSoftmax(),
+ input=fc,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_attention_weight.w0",
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate),
+ bias_attr=False)
+ scaled_q_rnn = paddle.layer.scaling(input=q_rnn, weight=weight)
+ q_encoding = paddle.layer.pooling(
+ input=scaled_q_rnn, pooling_type=paddle.pooling.Sum())
+ return q_encoding
+def encoding_evidence(evidence, qe_comm, ee_comm, q_encoding, e_lstm_dim,
+ word_vec_dim, com_vec_dim, drop_rate, wordvecs,
+ default_init_std, default_l2_rate):
+ """
+ Define network for encoding evidence
+ :param qe_comm: qe.ecomm features
+ :type qe_comm: LayerOutput
+ :param ee_comm: ee.ecomm features
+ :type ee_comm: LayerOutput
+ :param q_encoding: question encoding, a fixed-length vector
+ :type q_encoding: LayerOutput
+ :param e_lstm_dim: dimension of the evidence LSTMs
+ :type e_lstm_dim: int
+ :param word_vec_dim: dimension of the word embeddings
+ :type word_vec_dim: int
+ :param com_vec_dim: dimension of the qe.comm and ee.comm feature embeddings
+ :type com_vec_dim: int
+ :param drop_rate: dropout rate
+ :type drop_rate: float
+ :param wordvecs: word embedding matrix
+ :type wordvecs: numpy array
+ :param default_init_std: default initial standard deviation
+ :type default_init_std: float
+ :param default_l2_rate: default l2 rate
+ :type default_l2_rate: float
+ :return: evidence encoding
+ :rtype: LayerOutput
+ """
+ def lstm(idx, reverse, inputs):
+ """LSTM wrapper"""
+ bias_attr = paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_e_hidden%d.wbias" % idx,
+ initial_std=0,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate)
+ with paddle.layer.mixed(size=e_lstm_dim * 4, bias_attr=bias_attr) as wx:
+ for i, input in enumerate(inputs):
+ param_attr = paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_e_hidden%d.w%d" % (idx, i),
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate)
+ wx += paddle.layer.full_matrix_projection(
+ input=input, param_attr=param_attr)
+ e_rnn = paddle.layer.lstmemory(
+ input=wx,
+ reverse=reverse,
+ bias_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_e_rnn%d.wbias" % idx,
+ initial_std=0,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate),
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_e_rnn%d.w0" % idx,
+ initial_std=default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate))
+ e_rnn = paddle.layer.dropout(e_rnn, drop_rate)
+ return e_rnn
+ # share word embeddings with question
+ emb = get_embedding(evidence, word_vec_dim, wordvecs)
+ # copy q_encoding len(evidence) times
+ q_encoding_expand = paddle.layer.expand(
+ input=q_encoding, expand_as=evidence)
+ # feature embeddings
+ comm_initial_std = 1 / math.sqrt(64.0)
+ qe_comm_emb = paddle.layer.embedding(
+ input=qe_comm,
+ size=com_vec_dim,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_cw_embedding.w0",
+ initial_std=comm_initial_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate))
+ ee_comm_emb = paddle.layer.embedding(
+ input=ee_comm,
+ size=com_vec_dim,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_eecom_embedding.w0",
+ initial_std=comm_initial_std,
+ l2_rate=default_l2_rate))
+ # evidence LSTMs
+ first_layer_extra_inputs = [q_encoding_expand, qe_comm_emb, ee_comm_emb]
+ e_rnn1 = lstm(1, False, [emb] + first_layer_extra_inputs)
+ e_rnn2 = lstm(2, True, [e_rnn1])
+ e_rnn3 = lstm(3, False, [e_rnn2, e_rnn1]) # with cross layer links
+ return e_rnn3
+def define_data(dict_dim, label_num):
+ """
+ Define data layers
+ :param dict_dim: number of words in the vocabulary
+ :type dict_dim: int
+ :param label_num: label numbers, BIO:3, BIO2:4
+ :type label_num: int
+ :return: data layers
+ :rtype: tuple of LayerOutput
+ """
+ question = paddle.layer.data(
+ name=reader.Q_IDS_STR,
+ type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(dict_dim))
+ evidence = paddle.layer.data(
+ name=reader.E_IDS_STR,
+ type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(dict_dim))
+ qe_comm = paddle.layer.data(
+ name=reader.QE_COMM_STR,
+ type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(2))
+ ee_comm = paddle.layer.data(
+ name=reader.EE_COMM_STR,
+ type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(2))
+ label = paddle.layer.data(
+ name=reader.LABELS_STR,
+ type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(label_num),
+ layer_attr=paddle.attr.ExtraAttr(device=-1))
+ return question, evidence, qe_comm, ee_comm, label
+def define_common_network(conf):
+ """
+ Define common network
+ :param conf: network conf
+ :return: CRF features, golden labels
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ # define data layers
+ question, evidence, qe_comm, ee_comm, label = \
+ define_data(conf.dict_dim, conf.label_num)
+ # encode question
+ q_encoding = encoding_question(question, conf.q_lstm_dim,
+ conf.latent_chain_dim, conf.word_vec_dim,
+ conf.drop_rate, conf.wordvecs,
+ conf.default_init_std, conf.default_l2_rate)
+ # encode evidence
+ e_encoding = encoding_evidence(
+ evidence, qe_comm, ee_comm, q_encoding, conf.e_lstm_dim,
+ conf.word_vec_dim, conf.com_vec_dim, conf.drop_rate, conf.wordvecs,
+ conf.default_init_std, conf.default_l2_rate)
+ # pre-compute CRF features
+ crf_feats = paddle.layer.fc(
+ act=paddle.activation.Linear(),
+ input=e_encoding,
+ size=conf.label_num,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_output.w0",
+ initial_std=conf.default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=conf.default_l2_rate),
+ bias_attr=False)
+ return crf_feats, label
+def training_net(conf):
+ """
+ Define training network
+ :param conf: network conf
+ :return: CRF cost
+ :rtype: LayerOutput
+ """
+ e_encoding, label = define_common_network(conf)
+ crf = paddle.layer.crf(
+ input=e_encoding,
+ label=label,
+ size=conf.label_num,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(
+ name="_crf.w0",
+ initial_std=conf.default_init_std,
+ l2_rate=conf.default_l2_rate),
+ layer_attr=paddle.attr.ExtraAttr(device=-1))
+ return crf
+def inference_net(conf):
+ """
+ Define training network
+ :param conf: network conf
+ :return: CRF viberbi decoding result
+ :rtype: LayerOutput
+ """
+ e_encoding, label = define_common_network(conf)
+ ret = paddle.layer.crf_decoding(
+ input=e_encoding,
+ size=conf.label_num,
+ param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr(name="_crf.w0"),
+ layer_attr=paddle.attr.ExtraAttr(device=-1))
+ return ret
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/reader.py b/neural_seq_qa/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e55e77b601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+import sys
+import random
+from itertools import izip
+import json
+import traceback
+from datapoint import DataPoint, Evidence, EecommFeatures
+import utils
+from utils import logger
+__all__ = [
+ "LABELS_STR", "QE_COMM_STR", "EE_COMM_STR", "Settings", "create_reader"
+# slot names
+Q_IDS_STR = "q_ids"
+E_IDS_STR = "e_ids"
+LABELS_STR = "labels"
+QE_COMM_STR = "qe.comm"
+EE_COMM_STR = "ee.comm"
+Q_IDS = 0
+E_IDS = 1
+QE_COMM = 3
+EE_COMM = 4
+NO_ANSWER = "no_answer"
+class Settings(object):
+ """
+ class for storing settings
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ vocab,
+ is_training,
+ label_schema="BIO2",
+ negative_sample_ratio=0.2,
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio=0.25,
+ keep_first_b=False,
+ seed=31425926):
+ """
+ Init function
+ :param vocab: word dict
+ :type vocab: dict
+ :param is_training: True for training
+ :type is_training: bool
+ :param label_schema: label schema, valid values are BIO and BIO2,
+ the default value is BIO2
+ :type label_schema: str
+ :param negative_sample_ratio: the ratio of negative samples used in
+ training, the default value is 0.2
+ :type negative_sample_ratio: float
+ :param hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio: the ratio of negative samples
+ that contain golden answer string, the default value is 0.25
+ :type hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio: float
+ :param keep_first_b: only keep the first B in golden tag sequence,
+ the default value is False
+ :type keep_first_b: bool
+ :param seed: random seed, the default value is 31425926
+ :type seed: int
+ """
+ self.negative_sample_ratio = negative_sample_ratio
+ self.hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio = hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio
+ self.keep_first_b = keep_first_b
+ self.is_training = is_training
+ self.vocab = vocab
+ # set up label schema
+ if label_schema == "BIO":
+ B, I, O1, O2 = 0, 1, 2, 2
+ elif label_schema == "BIO2":
+ B, I, O1, O2 = 0, 1, 2, 3
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("label_schema should be BIO/BIO2")
+ self.B, self.I, self.O1, self.O2 = B, I, O1, O2
+ self.label_map = {
+ "B": B,
+ "I": I,
+ "O1": O1,
+ "O2": O2,
+ "b": B,
+ "i": I,
+ "o1": O1,
+ "o2": O2
+ }
+ self.label_num = len(set((B, I, O1, O2)))
+ # id for OOV
+ self.oov_id = 0
+ # set up random seed
+ random.seed(seed)
+ # booking message
+ logger.info("negative_sample_ratio: %f", negative_sample_ratio)
+ logger.info("hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio: %f",
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio)
+ logger.info("keep_first_b: %s", keep_first_b)
+ logger.info("data reader random seed: %d", seed)
+class SampleStream(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename, settings):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.settings = settings
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.load_and_filter_samples(self.filename)
+ def load_and_filter_samples(self, filename):
+ def remove_extra_b(labels):
+ if labels.count(self.settings.B) <= 1: return
+ i = 0
+ # find the first B
+ while i < len(labels) and labels[i] == self.settings.O1:
+ i += 1
+ i += 1 # skip B
+ # skip the following Is
+ while i < len(labels) and labels[i] == self.settings.I:
+ i += 1
+ # change all the other tags to O2
+ while i < len(labels):
+ labels[i] = self.settings.O2
+ i += 1
+ def filter_and_preprocess_evidences(evidences):
+ for i, evi in enumerate(evidences):
+ # convert golden labels to labels ids
+ if Evidence.GOLDEN_LABELS in evi:
+ labels = [self.settings.label_map[l] \
+ for l in evi[Evidence.GOLDEN_LABELS]]
+ else:
+ labels = [self.settings.O1] * len(evi[Evidence.E_TOKENS])
+ # determine the current evidence is negative or not
+ answer_list = evi[Evidence.GOLDEN_ANSWERS]
+ is_negative = len(answer_list) == 1 \
+ and "".join(answer_list[0]).lower() == NO_ANSWER
+ # drop positive evidences that do not contain golden answer
+ # matches in training
+ is_all_o1 = labels.count(self.settings.O1) == len(labels)
+ if self.settings.is_training and is_all_o1 and not is_negative:
+ evidences[i] = None # dropped
+ continue
+ if self.settings.keep_first_b:
+ remove_extra_b(labels)
+ evi[Evidence.GOLDEN_LABELS] = labels
+ def get_eecom_feats_list(cur_sample_is_negative, eecom_feats_list,
+ evidences):
+ if not self.settings.is_training:
+ return [item[EecommFeatures.EECOMM_FEATURES] \
+ for item in eecom_feats_list]
+ positive_eecom_feats_list = []
+ negative_eecom_feats_list = []
+ for eecom_feats_, other_evi in izip(eecom_feats_list, evidences):
+ if not other_evi: continue
+ eecom_feats = eecom_feats_[EecommFeatures.EECOMM_FEATURES]
+ if not eecom_feats: continue
+ other_evi_type = eecom_feats_[EecommFeatures.OTHER_E_TYPE]
+ if cur_sample_is_negative and \
+ other_evi_type != Evidence.POSITIVE:
+ continue
+ if other_evi_type == Evidence.POSITIVE:
+ positive_eecom_feats_list.append(eecom_feats)
+ else:
+ negative_eecom_feats_list.append(eecom_feats)
+ eecom_feats_list = positive_eecom_feats_list
+ if negative_eecom_feats_list:
+ eecom_feats_list += [negative_eecom_feats_list]
+ return eecom_feats_list
+ def process_tokens(data, tok_key):
+ ids = [self.settings.vocab.get(token, self.settings.oov_id) \
+ for token in data[tok_key]]
+ return ids
+ def process_evi(q_ids, evi, evidences):
+ e_ids = process_tokens(evi, Evidence.E_TOKENS)
+ labels = evi[Evidence.GOLDEN_LABELS]
+ qe_comm = evi[Evidence.QECOMM_FEATURES]
+ sample_type = evi[Evidence.TYPE]
+ ret = [None] * 5
+ ret[Q_IDS] = q_ids
+ ret[E_IDS] = e_ids
+ ret[LABELS] = labels
+ ret[QE_COMM] = qe_comm
+ eecom_feats_list = get_eecom_feats_list(
+ sample_type != Evidence.POSITIVE,
+ evi[Evidence.EECOMM_FEATURES_LIST], evidences)
+ if not eecom_feats_list:
+ return None
+ else:
+ ret[EE_COMM] = eecom_feats_list
+ return ret
+ with utils.DotBar(utils.open_file(filename)) as f_:
+ for q_idx, line in enumerate(f_):
+ # parse json line
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(line)
+ except Exception:
+ logger.fatal("ERROR LINE: %s", line.strip())
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ continue
+ # convert question tokens to ids
+ q_ids = process_tokens(data, DataPoint.Q_TOKENS)
+ # process evidences
+ evidences = data[DataPoint.EVIDENCES]
+ filter_and_preprocess_evidences(evidences)
+ for evi in evidences:
+ if not evi: continue
+ sample = process_evi(q_ids, evi, evidences)
+ if sample: yield q_idx, sample, evi[Evidence.TYPE]
+class DataReader(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def _next(self):
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def next(self):
+ data_point = self._next()
+ return self.post_process_sample(data_point)
+ def post_process_sample(self, sample):
+ ret = list(sample)
+ # choose eecom features randomly
+ eecom_feats = random.choice(sample[EE_COMM])
+ if not isinstance(eecom_feats[0], int):
+ # the other evidence is a negative evidence
+ eecom_feats = random.choice(eecom_feats)
+ ret[EE_COMM] = eecom_feats
+ return ret
+class TrainingDataReader(DataReader):
+ def __init__(self, sample_stream, negative_ratio, hit_ans_negative_ratio):
+ super(TrainingDataReader, self).__init__()
+ self.positive_data = []
+ self.hit_ans_negative_data = []
+ self.other_negative_data = []
+ self.negative_ratio = negative_ratio
+ self.hit_ans_negative_ratio = hit_ans_negative_ratio
+ self.p_idx = 0
+ self.hit_idx = 0
+ self.other_idx = 0
+ self.load_samples(sample_stream)
+ def add_data(self, positive, hit_negative, other_negative):
+ if not positive: return
+ self.positive_data.extend(positive)
+ for samples, target_list in \
+ zip((hit_negative, other_negative),
+ (self.hit_ans_negative_data, self.other_negative_data)):
+ if not samples: continue
+ # `0" is an index, further refer to _next_negative_data()
+ target_list.append([samples, 0])
+ def load_samples(self, sample_stream):
+ logger.info("loading data...")
+ last_q_id, positive, hit_negative, other_negative = None, [], [], []
+ for q_id, sample, type_ in sample_stream:
+ if not last_q_id and q_id != last_q_id:
+ self.add_data(positive, hit_negative, other_negative)
+ positive, hit_negative, other_negative = [], [], []
+ last_q_id = q_id
+ if type_ == Evidence.POSITIVE:
+ positive.append(sample)
+ elif type_ == Evidence.HIT_ANS_NEGATIVE:
+ hit_negative.append(sample)
+ elif type_ == Evidence.OTHER_NEGATIVE:
+ other_negative.append(sample)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("wrong type: %s" % str(type_))
+ self.add_data(positive, hit_negative, other_negative)
+ # we are not sure whether the input data is shuffled or not
+ # so we shuffle them
+ random.shuffle(self.positive_data)
+ random.shuffle(self.hit_ans_negative_data)
+ random.shuffle(self.other_negative_data)
+ # set thresholds
+ if len(self.positive_data) == 0:
+ logger.fatal("zero positive sample")
+ raise ValueError("zero positive sample")
+ zero_hit = len(self.hit_ans_negative_data) == 0
+ zero_other = len(self.other_negative_data) == 0
+ if zero_hit and zero_other:
+ logger.fatal("zero negative sample")
+ raise ValueError("zero negative sample")
+ if zero_hit:
+ logger.warning("zero hit_ans_negative sample")
+ self.hit_ans_neg_threshold = 0
+ else:
+ self.hit_ans_neg_threshold = \
+ self.negative_ratio * self.hit_ans_negative_ratio
+ self.other_neg_threshold = self.negative_ratio
+ if zero_other:
+ logger.warning("zero other_negative sample")
+ self.hit_ans_neg_threshold = self.negative_ratio
+ logger.info("loaded")
+ def next_positive_data(self):
+ if self.p_idx >= len(self.positive_data):
+ random.shuffle(self.positive_data)
+ self.p_idx = 0
+ self.p_idx += 1
+ return self.positive_data[self.p_idx - 1]
+ def _next_negative_data(self, idx, negative_data):
+ if idx >= len(negative_data):
+ random.shuffle(negative_data)
+ idx = 0
+ # a negative evidence is sampled in two steps:
+ # step 1: sample a question uniformly
+ # step 2: sample a negative evidence corresponding to the question
+ # uniformly
+ # bundle -> (sample, idx)
+ bundle = negative_data[idx]
+ if bundle[1] >= len(bundle[0]):
+ random.shuffle(bundle[0])
+ bundle[1] = 0
+ bundle[1] += 1
+ return idx + 1, bundle[0][bundle[1] - 1]
+ def next_hit_ans_negative_data(self):
+ self.hit_idx, data = self._next_negative_data(
+ self.hit_idx, self.hit_ans_negative_data)
+ return data
+ def next_other_negative_data(self):
+ self.other_idx, data = self._next_negative_data(
+ self.other_idx, self.other_negative_data)
+ return data
+ def _next(self):
+ rand = random.random()
+ if rand <= self.hit_ans_neg_threshold:
+ return self.next_hit_ans_negative_data()
+ elif rand < self.other_neg_threshold:
+ return self.next_other_negative_data()
+ else:
+ return self.next_positive_data()
+class TestDataReader(DataReader):
+ def __init__(self, sample_stream):
+ super(TestDataReader, self).__init__()
+ self.data_generator = iter(sample_stream)
+ def _next(self):
+ q_idx, sample, type_ = self.data_generator.next()
+ return sample
+def create_reader(filename, settings, samples_per_pass=sys.maxint):
+ if settings.is_training:
+ training_reader = TrainingDataReader(
+ SampleStream(filename, settings), settings.negative_sample_ratio,
+ settings.hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio)
+ def wrapper():
+ for i, data in izip(xrange(samples_per_pass), training_reader):
+ yield data
+ return wrapper
+ else:
+ def wrapper():
+ sample_stream = SampleStream(filename, settings)
+ return TestDataReader(sample_stream)
+ return wrapper
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/test/test_reader.py b/neural_seq_qa/test/test_reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c3725b503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/test/test_reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+import itertools
+import math
+import logging
+# set up python path
+topdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..")
+import sys
+sys.path += [topdir, os.path.join(topdir, "data", "evaluation")]
+import reader
+import utils
+formatter = logging.Formatter(
+ "[%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s",
+ datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S')
+ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+class Vocab(object):
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ word_dict_path = os.path.join(topdir, "data", "embedding",
+ "wordvecs.vcb")
+ return utils.load_dict(word_dict_path)
+class NegativeSampleRatioTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def check_ratio(self, negative_sample_ratio):
+ for keep_first_b in [True, False]:
+ settings = reader.Settings(
+ vocab=Vocab().data,
+ is_training=True,
+ label_schema="BIO2",
+ negative_sample_ratio=negative_sample_ratio,
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio=0.25,
+ keep_first_b=keep_first_b)
+ filename = os.path.join(topdir, "test", "trn_data.gz")
+ data_stream = reader.create_reader(filename, settings)
+ total, negative_num = 5000, 0
+ for _, d in itertools.izip(xrange(total), data_stream()):
+ labels = d[reader.LABELS]
+ if labels.count(0) == 0:
+ negative_num += 1
+ ratio = negative_num / float(total)
+ self.assertLessEqual(math.fabs(ratio - negative_sample_ratio), 0.01)
+ def runTest(self):
+ for ratio in [1., 0.25, 0.]:
+ self.check_ratio(ratio)
+class KeepFirstBTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def runTest(self):
+ for keep_first_b in [True, False]:
+ for label_schema in ["BIO", "BIO2"]:
+ settings = reader.Settings(
+ vocab=Vocab().data,
+ is_training=True,
+ label_schema=label_schema,
+ negative_sample_ratio=0.2,
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio=0.25,
+ keep_first_b=keep_first_b)
+ filename = os.path.join(topdir, "test", "trn_data.gz")
+ data_stream = reader.create_reader(filename, settings)
+ total, at_least_one, one = 1000, 0, 0
+ for _, d in itertools.izip(xrange(total), data_stream()):
+ labels = d[reader.LABELS]
+ b_num = labels.count(0)
+ if b_num >= 1:
+ at_least_one += 1
+ if b_num == 1:
+ one += 1
+ self.assertLess(at_least_one, total)
+ if keep_first_b:
+ self.assertEqual(one, at_least_one)
+ else:
+ self.assertLess(one, at_least_one)
+class DictTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def runTest(self):
+ settings = reader.Settings(
+ vocab=Vocab().data,
+ is_training=True,
+ label_schema="BIO2",
+ negative_sample_ratio=0.2,
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio=0.25,
+ keep_first_b=True)
+ filename = os.path.join(topdir, "test", "trn_data.gz")
+ data_stream = reader.create_reader(filename, settings)
+ q_uniq_ids, e_uniq_ids = set(), set()
+ for _, d in itertools.izip(xrange(1000), data_stream()):
+ q_uniq_ids.update(d[reader.Q_IDS])
+ e_uniq_ids.update(d[reader.E_IDS])
+ self.assertGreater(len(q_uniq_ids), 50)
+ self.assertGreater(len(e_uniq_ids), 50)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/test/trn_data.gz b/neural_seq_qa/test/trn_data.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcfc4b09c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/neural_seq_qa/test/trn_data.gz differ
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/train.py b/neural_seq_qa/train.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb7178575d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/train.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+import paddle.v2 as paddle
+import reader
+import utils
+import network
+import config
+from utils import logger
+def save_model(trainer, model_save_dir, parameters, pass_id):
+ f = os.path.join(model_save_dir, "params_pass_%05d.tar.gz" % pass_id)
+ logger.info("model saved to %s" % f)
+ with utils.open_file(f, "w") as f:
+ trainer.save_parameter_to_tar(f)
+def show_parameter_init_info(parameters):
+ """
+ Print the information of initialization mean and standard deviation of parameters
+ :param parameters: the parameters created in a model
+ """
+ logger.info("Parameter init info:")
+ for p in parameters:
+ p_val = parameters.get(p)
+ logger.info(("%-25s : initial_mean=%-7.4f initial_std=%-7.4f "
+ "actual_mean=%-7.4f actual_std=%-7.4f dims=%s") %
+ (p, parameters.__param_conf__[p].initial_mean,
+ parameters.__param_conf__[p].initial_std, p_val.mean(),
+ p_val.std(), parameters.__param_conf__[p].dims))
+ logger.info("\n")
+def show_parameter_status(parameters):
+ """
+ Print some statistical information of parameters in a network
+ :param parameters: the parameters created in a model
+ """
+ for p in parameters:
+ abs_val = np.abs(parameters.get(p))
+ abs_grad = np.abs(parameters.get_grad(p))
+ logger.info(
+ ("%-25s avg_abs_val=%-10.6f max_val=%-10.6f avg_abs_grad=%-10.6f "
+ "max_grad=%-10.6f min_val=%-10.6f min_grad=%-10.6f") %
+ (p, abs_val.mean(), abs_val.max(), abs_grad.mean(), abs_grad.max(),
+ abs_val.min(), abs_grad.min()))
+def train(conf):
+ if not os.path.exists(conf.model_save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(conf.model_save_dir, mode=0755)
+ settings = reader.Settings(
+ vocab=conf.vocab,
+ is_training=True,
+ label_schema=conf.label_schema,
+ negative_sample_ratio=conf.negative_sample_ratio,
+ hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio=conf.hit_ans_negative_sample_ratio,
+ keep_first_b=conf.keep_first_b,
+ seed=conf.seed)
+ samples_per_pass = conf.batch_size * conf.batches_per_pass
+ train_reader = paddle.batch(
+ paddle.reader.buffered(
+ reader.create_reader(conf.train_data_path, settings,
+ samples_per_pass),
+ size=samples_per_pass),
+ batch_size=conf.batch_size)
+ # TODO(lipeng17) v2 API does not support parallel_nn yet. Therefore, we can
+ # only use CPU currently
+ paddle.init(
+ use_gpu=conf.use_gpu,
+ trainer_count=conf.trainer_count,
+ seed=conf.paddle_seed)
+ # network config
+ cost = network.training_net(conf)
+ # create parameters
+ # NOTE: parameter values are not initilized here, therefore, we need to
+ # print parameter initialization info in the beginning of the first batch
+ parameters = paddle.parameters.create(cost)
+ # create optimizer
+ rmsprop_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.RMSProp(
+ learning_rate=conf.learning_rate,
+ rho=conf.rho,
+ epsilon=conf.epsilon,
+ model_average=paddle.optimizer.ModelAverage(
+ average_window=conf.average_window,
+ max_average_window=conf.max_average_window))
+ # create trainer
+ trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD(
+ cost=cost, parameters=parameters, update_equation=rmsprop_optimizer)
+ # begin training network
+ def _event_handler(event):
+ """
+ Define end batch and end pass event handler
+ """
+ if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
+ sys.stderr.write(".")
+ batch_num = event.batch_id + 1
+ total_batch = conf.batches_per_pass * event.pass_id + batch_num
+ if batch_num % conf.log_period == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
+ logger.info("Total batch=%d Batch=%d CurrentCost=%f Eval: %s" \
+ % (total_batch, batch_num, event.cost, event.metrics))
+ if batch_num % conf.show_parameter_status_period == 0:
+ show_parameter_status(parameters)
+ elif isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass):
+ save_model(trainer, conf.model_save_dir, parameters, event.pass_id)
+ elif isinstance(event, paddle.event.BeginIteration):
+ if event.batch_id == 0 and event.pass_id == 0:
+ show_parameter_init_info(parameters)
+ ## for debugging purpose
+ #with utils.open_file("config", "w") as config:
+ # print >> config, paddle.layer.parse_network(cost)
+ trainer.train(
+ reader=train_reader,
+ event_handler=_event_handler,
+ feeding=network.feeding,
+ num_passes=conf.num_passes)
+ logger.info("Training has finished.")
+def main():
+ conf = config.TrainingConfig()
+ logger.info("loading word embeddings...")
+ conf.vocab, conf.wordvecs = utils.load_wordvecs(conf.word_dict_path,
+ conf.wordvecs_path)
+ logger.info("loaded")
+ logger.info("length of word dictionary is : %d." % len(conf.vocab))
+ train(conf)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/utils.py b/neural_seq_qa/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28527dedef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import argparse
+import gzip
+import logging
+import sys
+import numpy
+__all__ = [
+ "open_file", "cumsum", "logger", "DotBar", "load_dict", "load_wordvecs"
+logger = logging.getLogger("paddle")
+def open_file(filename, *args1, **args2):
+ """
+ Open a file
+ :param filename: name of the file
+ :type filename: str
+ :return: a file handler
+ """
+ if filename.endswith(".gz"):
+ return gzip.open(filename, *args1, **args2)
+ else:
+ return open(filename, *args1, **args2)
+def cumsum(array):
+ """
+ Caculute the accumulated sum of array. For example, array=[1, 2, 3], the
+ result is [1, 1+2, 1+2+3]
+ :param array: input array
+ :type array: python list or numpy array
+ :return: the accumulated sum of array
+ """
+ if len(array) <= 1:
+ return list(array)
+ ret = list(array)
+ for i in xrange(1, len(ret)):
+ ret[i] += ret[i - 1]
+ return ret
+class DotBar(object):
+ """
+ A simple dot bar
+ """
+ def __init__(self, obj, step=200, dots_per_line=50, f=sys.stderr):
+ """
+ :param obj: an iteratable obj
+ :type obj: a python itertor
+ :param step: print a dot every step iterations
+ :type step: int
+ :param dots_per_line: dots each line
+ :type dots_per_line: int
+ :param f: print dot to f, default value is sys.stderr
+ :type f: a file handler
+ """
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.step = step
+ self.dots_per_line = dots_per_line
+ self.f = f
+ def __enter__(
+ self, ):
+ self.obj.__enter__()
+ self.idx = 0
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ self.f.write("\n")
+ if self.obj is sys.stdin or self.obj is sys.stdout:
+ return
+ self.obj.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ self.idx += 1
+ if self.idx % self.step == 0:
+ self.f.write(".")
+ if self.idx % (self.step * self.dots_per_line) == 0:
+ self.f.write("\n")
+ return self.obj.next()
+def load_dict(word_dict_path):
+ with open_file(word_dict_path) as f:
+ # the first word must be OOV
+ vocab = {k.rstrip("\n").split()[0].decode("utf-8"):i \
+ for i, k in enumerate(f)}
+ return vocab
+def load_wordvecs(word_dict_path, wordvecs_path):
+ vocab = load_dict(word_dict_path)
+ wordvecs = numpy.loadtxt(wordvecs_path, delimiter=",", dtype="float32")
+ assert len(vocab) == wordvecs.shape[0]
+ return vocab, wordvecs
diff --git a/neural_seq_qa/val_and_test.py b/neural_seq_qa/val_and_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0285f8d68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural_seq_qa/val_and_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import time
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+import re
+import utils
+import infer
+import config
+from utils import logger
+def load_existing_results(eval_result_file):
+ evals = {}
+ with utils.open_file(eval_result_file) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line: continue
+ pos = line.find(" ")
+ pass_id, ret = int(line[len("Pass="):pos]), line[pos + 1:]
+ evals[pass_id] = ret
+ return evals
+__PATTERN_CHUNK_F1 = re.compile("chunk_f1=(\d+(\.\d+)?)")
+def find_best_pass(evals):
+ results = []
+ for pass_id, eval_ret in evals.iteritems():
+ chunk_f1 = float(__PATTERN_CHUNK_F1.search(eval_ret).group(1))
+ results.append((pass_id, chunk_f1))
+ results.sort(key=lambda item: (-item[1], item[0]))
+ return results[0][0]
+def eval_one_pass(infer_obj, conf, model_path, data_path, eval_script):
+ if not os.path.exists("tmp"): os.makedirs("tmp")
+ # model file is not ready
+ if not os.path.exists(model_path): return False
+ output_path = os.path.join("tmp", "%s_%s.txt.gz" % (
+ os.path.basename(model_path), os.path.basename(data_path)))
+ with utils.open_file(output_path, "w") as output:
+ try:
+ infer_obj.infer(model_path, data_path, output)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return None
+ cmd = [
+ "python", eval_script, output_path, data_path, "--fuzzy", "--schema",
+ conf.label_schema
+ ]
+ logger.info("cmd: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+ eval_ret = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+ if "chunk_f1" not in eval_ret:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown error in cmd \"%s\"" % " ".join(cmd))
+ return eval_ret
+def run_eval(infer_obj,
+ conf,
+ model_dir,
+ input_path,
+ eval_script,
+ log_file,
+ start_pass_id,
+ end_pass_id,
+ force_rerun=False):
+ if not force_rerun and os.path.exists(log_file):
+ evals = load_existing_results(log_file)
+ else:
+ evals = {}
+ with utils.open_file(log_file, "w") as log:
+ for i in xrange(start_pass_id, end_pass_id + 1):
+ if i in evals:
+ eval_ret = evals[i]
+ else:
+ pass_id = "%05d" % i
+ model_path = os.path.join(model_dir,
+ "params_pass_%s.tar.gz" % pass_id)
+ logger.info("Waiting for model %s ..." % model_path)
+ while True:
+ eval_ret = eval_one_pass(infer_obj, conf, model_path,
+ input_path, eval_script)
+ if eval_ret:
+ evals[i] = eval_ret
+ break
+ # wait for one minute and rerun
+ time.sleep(60)
+ print >> log, "Pass=%d %s" % (i, eval_ret.rstrip())
+ log.flush()
+ return evals
+def parse_cmd():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("model_dir")
+ parser.add_argument("data_type", choices=["ann", "ir"], default="ann")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--val_eval_output", help="validation set evaluation result file")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--tst_eval_output", help="test set evaluation result file")
+ parser.add_argument("--start_pass_id", type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--end_pass_id", type=int, default=24, help="this pass is included")
+ parser.add_argument("--force_rerun", action="store_true")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+__eval_scripts = {
+ "ann": "data/evaluation/evaluate-tagging-result.py",
+ "ir": "data/evaluation/evaluate-voting-result.py",
+__val_data = {
+ "ann": "./data/data/validation.ann.json.gz",
+ "ir": "./data/data/validation.ir.json.gz",
+__tst_data = {
+ "ann": "./data/data/test.ann.json.gz",
+ "ir": "./data/data/test.ir.json.gz",
+def main(args):
+ conf = config.InferConfig()
+ conf.vocab = utils.load_dict(conf.word_dict_path)
+ logger.info("length of word dictionary is : %d." % len(conf.vocab))
+ if args.val_eval_output:
+ val_eval_output = args.val_eval_output
+ else:
+ val_eval_output = "eval.val.%s.txt" % args.data_type
+ if args.tst_eval_output:
+ tst_eval_output = args.tst_eval_output
+ else:
+ tst_eval_output = "eval.tst.%s.txt" % args.data_type
+ eval_script = __eval_scripts[args.data_type]
+ val_data_file = __val_data[args.data_type]
+ tst_data_file = __tst_data[args.data_type]
+ infer_obj = infer.Infer(conf)
+ val_evals = run_eval(
+ infer_obj,
+ conf,
+ args.model_dir,
+ val_data_file,
+ eval_script,
+ val_eval_output,
+ args.start_pass_id,
+ args.end_pass_id,
+ force_rerun=args.force_rerun)
+ best_pass_id = find_best_pass(val_evals)
+ tst_evals = run_eval(
+ infer_obj,
+ conf,
+ args.model_dir,
+ tst_data_file,
+ eval_script,
+ tst_eval_output,
+ start_pass_id=best_pass_id,
+ end_pass_id=best_pass_id,
+ force_rerun=args.force_rerun)
+ logger.info("Best Pass=%d" % best_pass_id)
+ logger.info("Validation: %s" % val_evals[best_pass_id])
+ logger.info("Test : %s" % tst_evals[best_pass_id])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(parse_cmd())