This is a very basic example to illustrate the separation of concerns and passing a view to a renderer. You should use your DI container and factories to implement this in a way it won't require you to instantiate the objects manually and use them in the correct layers of your architecture.
use Phauthentic/Presentation/Renderer/SimplePHPRender;
use Phauthentic/Presentation/Renderer/TwigRenderer;
use Phauthentic/Presentation/View/View;
$view = (new View())
// Set a single view var
->setViewVar('title', 'Hey there')
// Set multiple view vars
'author' => 'Its me',
'text' => 'Lorem Ipsum...'
// This will render <template-root>/Articles/view.php
// Plain php renderer
$renderer = new SimplePHPRender();
$output = $renderer->renderView($view);
// Twig
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader('/your/template-root/folder');
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader, [
'cache' => sys_get_temp_dir(),
$renderer = new TwigRenderer($twig);
$output = $renderer->renderView($view);
// ...any other renderer you want