Everyone is free to contribute to Music Bot to add features and/or fix any kind of issue encountered with it. You'll have to follow a basic set of rules when you are submitting a pull request to the repository.
- No messy, unreadable code. Code must be readable and not messy for the average human that tries to read it and understand it further.
- Additions, removals and fixes should be detailed. The pull request should state what changes you are proposing to be merged into the codebase.
- No malicious code of any kind. If you submit a pull request that contains any kind of malicious code (malicious NPM packages or malicious TS code) you will be suspended from submitting issues and pull requests to the repository.
- No spammy, useless and time-consuming pull requests. We have a life outside of developing and being online, so please value time when you are submitting a pull request.
- No code that is against the Discord API. If you submit a pull request with code that is against the rules of the Discord API Guidelines, the pull request will be closed, no questions asked.
You are advised to submit TypeScript code that is performant and not slow. Music Bot is built to be fast, which means performant and fast code should be merged to further improve on the current smoothness and speed of the current codebase the Music Bot is built on currently.