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Theia 技术揭秘之布局系统 #84

Pines-Cheng opened this issue Dec 7, 2020 · 2 comments

Theia 技术揭秘之布局系统 #84

Pines-Cheng opened this issue Dec 7, 2020 · 2 comments


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Pines-Cheng commented Dec 7, 2020

  • 基于 PhosphorJS 可以实现 桌面端/Web 端统一实现类桌面的交互
  • 了解 PhosphorJS 的核心组件 Widget 的接口和实现
  • 了解 Theia 是如何基于 PhosphorJS 在 ApplicationShell 中进行页面组装的
  • 了解 Theia 前端界面是如何通过 FrontendApplication.start() 构建的
  • 了解 React 与 PhosphorJS 混写方法

Theia 框架前端 UI 布局和 Services 一样,具备灵活可拓展的特点。VSCode 是内置了一套基本的组件系统,而 Theia 框架的 UI 布局基于 PhosphorJS 框架。 PhosphorJS 提供了包含 widgets、layouts、事件和数据结构的丰富工具包。这使得开发人员能够构建可扩展的、高性能的、类桌面的 Web 应用程序,比如 JupyterLab。

PhosphorJS 作者退休,项目已归档,该项目现在被 Jupyter 团队重命名为 jupyterlab/lumino 继续维护。见 issue:jupyterlab/frontends-team-compass#28




在 PhosphorJS 里运行 React 代码:ermalism/phosphorjs-react-jsx-example



PhosphorJS 布局的核心就在于 Widget

这里的 Widget 和 Flutter 里面的 Widget 还不一样,Flutter 的 Widget 属于声明式 UI(declarative UI),而 PhosphorJS 的 Widget 更像是命令式 UI(imperative UI)。和 Chrome 开发者工具 ChromeDevTools/devtools-frontendWidget 更类似。

关于声明式和命令式 UI 框架也可以阅读:聊聊我对现代前端框架的认知 作为补充。

Widget 的继承

官方提供了一系列 Widget 的继承实现:


- Panel  //  面板,wrapper around PanelLayout
	- BoxPanel  // wrapper around a BoxLayout , 将子 widgets 按照行或列的方式排列
	- SplitPanel  // wrapper around a SplitLayout , arranges its widgets into resizable sections.
	- StackedPanel  // wrapper around a StackedLayout , visible widgets are stacked atop one another
- CommandPalette // displays command items as a searchable palette
- Menu // displays items as a canonical menu
- TabBar // displays titles as a single row or column of tabs
- DockPanel // 提供灵活的 docking area
- MenuBar // canonical menu bar
- ScrollBar // canonical scroll bar
- TabPanel // combines a TabBar and a StackedPanel

并且都实现了 IDisposable 和 IMessageHandler 接口。


Widget 包含以下状态:isDisposed、isAttached、isHidden、isVisible,以及一系列事件驱动的钩子:onCloseRequest、onResize、onUpdateRequest、onFitRequest、onActivateRequest、onBeforeShow、onBeforeHide、onBeforeAttach、onBeforeDetach、onChildAdded 等。

渲染的核心的方法在于 Widget.attach,本质上就是:host.insertBefore(widget.node, ref);

Widget 主要的字段及接口如下:

 * The namespace for the `Widget` class statics.
export declare namespace Widget {
     * Construct a new widget.
     * @param options - The options for initializing the widget.
    constructor(options?: Widget.IOptions);

     * Get the DOM node owned by the widget.
    readonly node: HTMLElement;

    readonly title: Title<Widget>;

    parent: Widget | null;

    layout: Layout | null;

    children(): IIterator<Widget>;

     * Post an `'update-request'` message to the widget.
     * #### Notes
     * This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
    update(): void;

     * Attach a widget to a host DOM node.
     * @param widget - The widget of interest.
     * @param host - The DOM node to use as the widget's host.
     * @param ref - The child of `host` to use as the reference element.
     *   If this is provided, the widget will be inserted before this
     *   node in the host. The default is `null`, which will cause the
     *   widget to be added as the last child of the host.
    function attach(widget: Widget, host: HTMLElement, ref?: HTMLElement | null): void;

Theia 布局构建

Theia 前端页面的启动非常简单:

function start() {
    (window['theia'] = window['theia'] || {}).container = container;

    const themeService = ThemeService.get();

    const application = container.get(FrontendApplication);
    return application.start();

可以看到核心就在于 FrontendApplication.start() 方法,那么这个方法里做了什么?


// packages/core/src/browser/frontend-application.ts
export class FrontendApplication {
     * Start the frontend application.
     * Start up consists of the following steps:
     * - start frontend contributions
     * - attach the application shell to the host element
     * - initialize the application shell layout
     * - reveal the application shell if it was hidden by a startup indicator
    async start(): Promise<void> {
        await this.startContributions();
        this.stateService.state = 'started_contributions';

        const host = await this.getHost();
        await animationFrame();
        this.stateService.state = 'attached_shell';

        await this.initializeLayout();
        this.stateService.state = 'initialized_layout';
        await this.fireOnDidInitializeLayout();

        await this.revealShell(host);
        this.stateService.state = 'ready';

     * Attach the application shell to the host element. If a startup indicator is present, the shell is
     * inserted before that indicator so it is not visible yet.
    protected attachShell(host: HTMLElement): void {
        const ref = this.getStartupIndicator(host);
        Widget.attach(, host, ref);  // 本质是调用  host.insertBefore(widget.node, ref);



     * General options for the application shell. These are passed on construction and can be modified
     * through dependency injection (`ApplicationShellOptions` symbol).
    export interface Options extends Widget.IOptions {
        bottomPanel: BottomPanelOptions;
        leftPanel: SidePanel.Options;
        rightPanel: SidePanel.Options;
    export interface BottomPanelOptions extends SidePanel.Options {

     * The default values for application shell options.
    export const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = Object.freeze(<Options>{
        bottomPanel: Object.freeze(<BottomPanelOptions>{
            emptySize: 140,
            expandThreshold: 160,
            expandDuration: 0,
            initialSizeRatio: 0.382
        leftPanel: Object.freeze(<SidePanel.Options>{
            emptySize: 140,
            expandThreshold: 140,
            expandDuration: 0,
            initialSizeRatio: 0.191
        rightPanel: Object.freeze(<SidePanel.Options>{
            emptySize: 140,
            expandThreshold: 140,
            expandDuration: 0,
            initialSizeRatio: 0.191

在 ApplicationShell 中初始化并拼装。

// packages/core/src/browser/shell/application-shell.ts
 * The application shell manages the top-level widgets of the application. Use this class to
 * add, remove, or activate a widget.
export class ApplicationShell extends Widget {
     * Construct a new application shell.
        @inject(DockPanelRendererFactory) protected dockPanelRendererFactory: () => DockPanelRenderer,
        @inject(StatusBarImpl) protected readonly statusBar: StatusBarImpl,
        @inject(SidePanelHandlerFactory) sidePanelHandlerFactory: () => SidePanelHandler,
        @inject(SplitPositionHandler) protected splitPositionHandler: SplitPositionHandler,
        @inject(FrontendApplicationStateService) protected readonly applicationStateService: FrontendApplicationStateService,
        @inject(ApplicationShellOptions) @optional() options: RecursivePartial<ApplicationShell.Options> = {}
    ) {
        super(options as Widget.IOptions);
        this.addClass(APPLICATION_SHELL_CLASS); = 'theia-app-shell';

        // Merge the user-defined application options with the default options
        this.options = {
            bottomPanel: {
                ...options.bottomPanel || {}
            leftPanel: {
                ...options.leftPanel || {}
            rightPanel: {
                ...options.rightPanel || {}

        this.mainPanel = this.createMainPanel();
        this.topPanel = this.createTopPanel();
        this.bottomPanel = this.createBottomPanel();

        this.leftPanelHandler = sidePanelHandlerFactory();
        this.leftPanelHandler.create('left', this.options.leftPanel);
        this.leftPanelHandler.dockPanel.widgetAdded.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidAddWidget(widget));
        this.leftPanelHandler.dockPanel.widgetRemoved.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidRemoveWidget(widget));

        this.rightPanelHandler = sidePanelHandlerFactory();
        this.rightPanelHandler.create('right', this.options.rightPanel);
        this.rightPanelHandler.dockPanel.widgetAdded.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidAddWidget(widget));
        this.rightPanelHandler.dockPanel.widgetRemoved.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidRemoveWidget(widget));

        this.layout = this.createLayout();

        this.tracker.currentChanged.connect(this.onCurrentChanged, this);
        this.tracker.activeChanged.connect(this.onActiveChanged, this);

     * Assemble the application shell layout. Override this method in order to change the arrangement
     * of the main area and the side panels.  Layout 创建
    protected createLayout(): Layout {
        const bottomSplitLayout = this.createSplitLayout(
            [this.mainPanel, this.bottomPanel],
            [1, 0],
            { orientation: 'vertical', spacing: 0 }
        const panelForBottomArea = new SplitPanel({ layout: bottomSplitLayout }); = 'theia-bottom-split-panel';

        const leftRightSplitLayout = this.createSplitLayout(
            [this.leftPanelHandler.container, panelForBottomArea, this.rightPanelHandler.container],
            [0, 1, 0],
            { orientation: 'horizontal', spacing: 0 }
        const panelForSideAreas = new SplitPanel({ layout: leftRightSplitLayout }); = 'theia-left-right-split-panel';

        return this.createBoxLayout(
            [this.topPanel, panelForSideAreas, this.statusBar],
            [0, 1, 0],
            { direction: 'top-to-bottom', spacing: 0 }

     * Create the dock panel in the main shell area.  Panel 创建
    protected createMainPanel(): TheiaDockPanel {
        const renderer = this.dockPanelRendererFactory();
        const dockPanel = new TheiaDockPanel({
            mode: 'multiple-document',
            spacing: 0
        }); = MAIN_AREA_ID;
        dockPanel.widgetAdded.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidAddWidget(widget));
        dockPanel.widgetRemoved.connect((_, widget) => this.fireDidRemoveWidget(widget));
        return dockPanel;

Plugin API 里的 Widget 创建

Node/Browser API 的 Widget 创建:通过 WidgetFactory。

    bind(WidgetFactory).toDynamicValue(({ container }) => ({
        createWidget: (identifier: TreeViewWidgetIdentifier) => {
            const child = createTreeContainer(container, {
                contextMenuPath: VIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU,
                globalSelection: true
            return child.get(TreeWidget);

    bind(WidgetFactory).toDynamicValue(({ container }) => ({
        createWidget: (identifier: PluginViewWidgetIdentifier) => {
            const child = container.createChild();
            return child.get(PluginViewWidget);

    bind(WidgetFactory).toDynamicValue(({ container }) => ({
        createWidget: (identifier: ViewContainerIdentifier) =>



Class CommandRegistry 管理命令集合的对象。用于 CommandRegistry 类 statics 的命名空间。

命令注册表可用于填充各种 action-based widgets,如命令 palettes、menus 和 toolbars。

import { CommandRegistry } from '@phosphor/commands'

const commands = new CommandRegistry()

commands.addCommand('cut', {
  label: 'Cut',
  mnemonic: 1,
  icon: 'fa fa-cut',
  execute: () => {

commands.addCommand('default-theme', {
  label: 'Default theme',
  mnemonic: 0,
  icon: 'fa fa-paint-brush',
  execute: () => {
    console.log('Default theme')

let ctxt = new Menu({ commands })
ctxt.addItem({ command: 'copy' })

let toggle = new Toggle({ onLabel: 'Dark', offLabel: 'Light', command: 'dark-toggle', commands: commands }) = 'daylightToggle'

Widgets 与 React

将 React 组件封装成 Widget 组件


  1. extends Widget
  2. 在 onUpdateRequest 生命周期中ReactDOM.render JSX 到 widget node

然后当作自定义的 Widget 使用即可。

Theia 已提供抽象组件 ReactWidgt 供参考:packages/core/src/browser/widgets/react-widget.tsx

 * Copyright (C) 2018 TypeFox and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
 * Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
 * Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
 * with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0

import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import * as React from 'react';
import { injectable, unmanaged } from 'inversify';
import { DisposableCollection, Disposable } from '../../common';
import { BaseWidget, Message } from './widget';
import { Widget } from '@phosphor/widgets';

export abstract class ReactWidget extends BaseWidget {

    protected readonly onRender = new DisposableCollection();

    constructor(@unmanaged() options?: Widget.IOptions) {
        this.scrollOptions = {
            suppressScrollX: true,
            minScrollbarLength: 35,
        this.toDispose.push(Disposable.create(() => {

    protected onUpdateRequest(msg: Message): void {
        ReactDOM.render(<React.Fragment>{this.render()}</React.Fragment>, this.node, () => this.onRender.dispose());

     * Render the React widget in the DOM.
     * - If the widget has been previously rendered,
     * any subsequent calls will perform an update and only
     * change the DOM if absolutely necessary.
    protected abstract render(): React.ReactNode;

将 Widget 封装成 React 组件

  1. 创建 widget 组件
  2. 通过 React.createProtal() 将 this.props.children 渲染到 widget.node
  3. 将直接使用 React 组件
  4. 父组件通过 context 传递自身方法,在 componentDidMount 生命周期中,通过 parent.receiveChild(this.widget) 将当前组件 widget 渲染
import * as PropTypes from "prop-types";
import * as React from "react";
import {createPortal} from "react-dom";

import {Widget} from "@phosphor/widgets/lib/widget";

import {Title} from "@phosphor/widgets/lib/title";


import {WidgetParentContext, IWidgetParent} from "./Common";

export interface IWidgetProps {
  title?: Partial<Title.IOptions<Widget>>;

export default class ReactWidget extends React.PureComponent<IWidgetProps, {}> {
  private widget: Widget;

  // TODO: aah why isn't this working
  // Some indication that this may be unstable (i.e. worked on 16.6.3 but not 16.6.1)
  static contextType = WidgetParentContext;
  contextType = WidgetParentContext;

  private storedContext: IWidgetParent;

  constructor(props) {
    this.widget = new Widget();

    ReactWidget.setTitleKeys(this.widget, {}, props);

  componentDidMount() {
    let parent = this.storedContext;
    if (!parent) throw new Error("ReactWidget must be wrapped in a container component (BoxPanel, SplitPanel, etc.)");


  componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IWidgetProps) {
    ReactWidget.setTitleKeys(this.widget, prevProps, this.props);

  static setTitleKeys(widget: Widget, prevProps: IWidgetProps, props: IWidgetProps) {
    let titleKeys: (keyof Title.IOptions<Widget>)[] = ["caption", "className", "closable", "dataset", "icon", "iconClass", "iconLabel", "label", "mnemonic"];

    for (let k of titleKeys) {
      if ((prevProps.title || {})[k as any] !== (props.title || {})[k as any]) {
        widget.title[k as any] = props.title[k as any];

  render() {
    return createPortal(
                  {(value) => { this.storedContext = value; return null; }}

或者参考:Run a PhosphorJS DockerPanel with Widgets INSIDE a React component


@Pines-Cheng Pines-Cheng added the IDE label Dec 7, 2020
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Pines-Cheng commented Mar 7, 2023


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