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Pablo Ariel Mayobre edited this page Oct 10, 2016 · 7 revisions


Choosing the right colors is the key for a good design. That is why Material-Design has standardized a color palette, yet this palette is HUGE! and you can use any two colors in your project.

To make your life easier Material-Love gives you an easy tool to pick colors by their name.

Require colors.lua

Simply require colors.lua in your project

local color = require "material-love.libs.colors"

Color function

Using color as a function is the same as calling color.main

color.main expects two arguments, the first is the color name and the second is the color variation (if this one is not present it defaults to 500)

The color name should be in the format "red", "cyan", "deep-purple" and such

The color variation should be a number or string indicating the variation 500, "A200", "900" and such

Available colors

colors.lua exposes the whole set of colors, plus all the variation found on this page.


You will find that "white" and "black" colors dont support color variations in color.main, instead you should use color.mono which handles just this two colours.

color.mono also expects a color name (limited to "white" and "black") and a color variation that should be one of the following

  • "full" : The full color, that is with alpha 255
  • "divider": The color used for dividers
  • "disabled": The monochrome color used for disabled items
  • "inactive-icon": The color used when rendering inactive icons
  • "hint-text": The color you should use for hint text
  • "secondary-text": The color used for text that is second in importance
  • "icons": The color used when rendering active icons
  • "text": The color used to draw main text

Check this for info on when to use each color

In addition to this list color.mono also supports Text colors

Text colors

color.mono also exposes text colors, that is which color should be used for each type of text.

The usage is the same, first the color name (either "black" or "white") and then the variation which must be a valid text type, that is:

  • "display": Valid for all the display types (display4, display3, display2 and display1)
  • "headline"
  • "title"
  • "subhead"
  • "body": Valid for both body2 and body1
  • "caption"
  • "menu"
  • "button"

This is based on this part of the spec

Background colors

The background colors for the light and dark color schemes are grey:50 and blue-grey:800 respectively, and you can easily access this colors using the color.background function.

It expects just one argument, "light" or "dark".

Listing colors and their variations

There are two useful functions to list all the colors and all their variations, this are color.list and color.variations

The first one takes no arguments, and returns a table with the colors names as values (numbers as keys).

The second one takes a color name as argument and returns all the available variations as values in a table (numbers as keys). This is useful because some colors dont have alternative colors (A###).

Gamma correction

Gamma correction is now performed internally


The only needed file is libs/colors.lua