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This crate houses a GUI client for Linux and Windows.

Setup (Ubuntu)

To compile natively for x86_64 Linux:

  1. Install rustup
  2. Install pnpm
  3. sudo apt-get install at-spi2-core gcc libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libssl-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev librsvg2-dev pkg-config xvfb

Setup (Windows)

To compile natively for x86_64 Windows:

  1. Install rustup
  2. Install pnpm

Recommended IDE Setup

(From Tauri's default README)


Builds are best started from the frontend tool pnpm. This ensures typescript and css is compiled properly before bundling the application.

See the package.json script for more details as to what's going on under the hood.

# Builds a release exe
pnpm build

# Linux:
# The release exe and deb package are up in the workspace.
stat ../target/release/firezone
stat ../target/release/bundle/deb/*.deb

# Windows:
# The release exe and MSI installer should be up in the workspace.
# The exe can run without being installed
stat ../target/release/Firezone.exe
stat ../target/release/bundle/msi/Firezone_0.0.0_x64_en-US.msi


From this dir:

# This will start the frontend tools in watch mode and then run `tauri dev`
pnpm dev

# You can call debug subcommands on the exe from this directory too
# e.g. this is equivalent to `cargo run -- debug hostname`
cargo tauri dev -- -- debug hostname

# The exe is up in the workspace
stat ../target/debug/Firezone.exe

The app's config and logs will be stored at C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\dev.firezone.client.

Platform support

Ubuntu 20.04 and newer is supported.

Tauri says it should work on Windows 10, Version 1803 and up. Older versions may work if you manually install WebView2

x86_64 architecture is supported at this time. See this issue for aarch64 support.

Threat model

See Security


See Intended behavior