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Segmentation fault in sampling multi-processing code #308

jinhongyii opened this issue Sep 22, 2023 · 8 comments

Segmentation fault in sampling multi-processing code #308

jinhongyii opened this issue Sep 22, 2023 · 8 comments


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I encounter a segfault when profiling a program with 2 process, each controlling 1 gpu. Here's the backtrace:

�[01;34m[omnitrace][dl][11012] omnitrace_main
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][omnitrace_init_tooling] Instrumentation mode: Sampling

      ______   .___  ___. .__   __.  __  .___________..______          ___       ______  _______
     /  __  \  |   \/   | |  \ |  | |  | |           ||   _  \        /   \     /      ||   ____|
    |  |  |  | |  \  /  | |   \|  | |  | `---|  |----`|  |_)  |      /  ^  \   |  ,----'|  |__
    |  |  |  | |  |\/|  | |  . `  | |  |     |  |     |      /      /  /_\  \  |  |     |   __|
    |  `--'  | |  |  |  | |  |\   | |  |     |  |     |  |\  \----./  _____  \ |  `----.|  |____
     \______/  |__|  |__| |__| \__| |__|     |__|     | _| `._____/__/     \__\ \______||_______|

    omnitrace v1.10.3 (x86_64-linux-gnu, compiler: GNU v11.4.0, rocm: v5.7.x)�[0m
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012] /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid has a value of 4. Disabling PAPI (requires a value <= 2)...
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012] In order to enable PAPI support, run 'echo N | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid' where N is <= 2
�[0m�[0m[280.480] Configured tracing session 1, #sources:1, duration:0 ms, #buffers:1, total buffer size:1024000 KB, total sessions:1, uid:0 session name: ""
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11023][omnitrace_init_tooling] Instrumentation mode: Sampling

      ______   .___  ___. .__   __.  __  .___________..______          ___       ______  _______
     /  __  \  |   \/   | |  \ |  | |  | |           ||   _  \        /   \     /      ||   ____|
    |  |  |  | |  \  /  | |   \|  | |  | `---|  |----`|  |_)  |      /  ^  \   |  ,----'|  |__
    |  |  |  | |  |\/|  | |  . `  | |  |     |  |     |      /      /  /_\  \  |  |     |   __|
    |  `--'  | |  |  |  | |  |\   | |  |     |  |     |  |\  \----./  _____  \ |  `----.|  |____
     \______/  |__|  |__| |__| \__| |__|     |__|     | _| `._____/__/     \__\ \______||_______|

    omnitrace v1.10.3 (x86_64-linux-gnu, compiler: GNU v11.4.0, rocm: v5.7.x)�[0m
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11023] /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid has a value of 4. Disabling PAPI (requires a value <= 2)...
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11023] In order to enable PAPI support, run 'echo N | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid' where N is <= 2
�[0m�[0m[281.460] Configured tracing session 1, #sources:1, duration:0 ms, #buffers:1, total buffer size:1024000 KB, total sessions:1, uid:0 session name: ""

�[01;33m[omnitrace][11012][505] Signal 11 caught : Segmentation fault (Address not mapped to object [0x8])
�[01;31m### ERROR ### [omnitrace][PID=11012][TID=505] signal=11 (SIGSEGV) segmentation violation. code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR :: Address not mapped), address of faulting memory reference: 0x8�[01;31m
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] __sigaction +0x50
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] OnUnload +0x3ea18
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] roctracer_open_pool +0xdbe
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] roctracer_open_pool +0x15f3
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] _ZNKSt10error_code23default_error_conditionEv +0x33
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] _ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES5_St9_IdentityIS5_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS5_EE17_M_emplace_uniqueIJRA14_KcEEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_EbEDpOT_ +0x3bd0f2
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] _ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES5_St9_IdentityIS5_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS5_EE17_M_emplace_uniqueIJRA14_KcEEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_EbEDpOT_ +0x3beaf1
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] pthread_condattr_setpshared +0x513
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] __xmknodat +0x230

Backtrace (demangled):
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95a42520]
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93854338]
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] /opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/ [0x7fde95d81c2e]
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] /opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/ [0x7fde95d82463]
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde956dc253]
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93f2c8f2]
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93f2e2f1]
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95a94b43]
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95b26a00]
lots of unreadable output
Backtrace (demangled):
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] __sigaction +0x50
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] OnUnload +0x3ea18
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] roctracer_open_pool +0xdbe
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] roctracer_open_pool +0x15f3
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] std::error_code::default_error_condition() const +0x33
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14]) +0x3bd0f2
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14]) +0x3beaf1
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] pthread_condattr_setpshared +0x513
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] __xmknodat +0x230

Backtrace (lineinfo):
    �[01;32m[libc_sigaction.c:?]�[01;31m __restore_rt
    �[01;32m[/opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/]�[01;31m roctracer_open_pool
    �[01;32m[/opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/]�[01;31m roctracer_open_pool
    �[01;32m[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]�[01;31m std::error_code::default_error_condition() const
    �[01;32m[/opt/omnitrace/lib/]�[01;31m std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14])
    �[01;32m[/opt/omnitrace/lib/]�[01;31m std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14])
    �[01;32m[./nptl/./nptl/pthread_create.c:442]�[01;31m start_thread
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012] Finalizing after signal 11 ::  Signal:    SIGSEGV (signal number:  11)                   segmentation violation
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][505][omnitrace_finalize] finalizing...
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][505][omnitrace_finalize] omnitrace/process/11012 : 3.335331 sec wall_clock,  858.572 MB peak_rss,  879.178 MB page_rss, 3.510000 sec cpu_clock,  105.2 % cpu_util [laps: 1]
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][505][omnitrace_finalize] omnitrace/process/11012/thread/2 : 0.000043 sec wall_clock, 0.000043 sec thread_cpu_clock,  100.0 % thread_cpu_util,    0.256 MB peak_rss [laps: 1]
�[0m�[0m�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][505][omnitrace_finalize] Finalizing perfetto...
�[0m�[0m�[01;32m[omnitrace][11012][perfetto]> Outputting '/home/hongyi/mlc-llm/omnitrace-python3-output/2023-09-22_17.03/perfetto-trace-11012.proto' (9540.86 KB / 9.54 MB / 0.01 GB)... �[01;32mDone�[0m
�[01;32m[omnitrace][11012][metadata]> Outputting 'omnitrace-python3-output/2023-09-22_17.03/metadata-11012.json' and 'omnitrace-python3-output/2023-09-22_17.03/functions-11012.json'�[0m
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012][505][omnitrace_finalize] Finalized: 0.119384 sec wall_clock,  125.852 MB peak_rss,   37.208 MB page_rss, 0.100000 sec cpu_clock,   83.8 % cpu_util
�[01;33m[omnitrace][11012] Killing process 11012 with signal 11...
�[01;33m[omnitrace][11012][0] Signal 11 caught : 
�[01;33m[omnitrace][11012][505] Signal 11 caught : Segmentation fault (Signal sent by kill() [0x3eb00002b04])
�[01;31mSegmentation fault (Signal sent by kill() [0x3eb00002b04])
### ERROR ### [omnitrace][PID=11012][TID=505] signal=11 (SIGSEGV) segmentation violation. code: 0 (SI_USER :: Sent by kill(), pthread_kill(), raise(), abort() or alarm()), address of faulting memory reference: 0x3eb00002b04�[01;31m�[0m
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] __sigaction +0x50
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] OnUnload +0x3ea18
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] roctracer_open_pool +0xdbe
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] roctracer_open_pool +0x15f3
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] _ZNKSt10error_code23default_error_conditionEv +0x33
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] _ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES5_St9_IdentityIS5_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS5_EE17_M_emplace_uniqueIJRA14_KcEEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_EbEDpOT_ +0x3bd0f2
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] _ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES5_St9_IdentityIS5_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS5_EE17_M_emplace_uniqueIJRA14_KcEEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS5_EbEDpOT_ +0x3beaf1
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] pthread_condattr_setpshared +0x513
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] __xmknodat +0x230

Backtrace (demangled):
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95a42520]
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93854338]
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] /opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/ [0x7fde95d81c2e]
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] /opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/ [0x7fde95d82463]
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde956dc253]
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93f2c8f2]
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] /opt/omnitrace/lib/ [0x7fde93f2e2f1]
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95a94b43]
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fde95b26a00]
lots of unreadable output
Backtrace (demangled):
[PID=11012][TID=505][0/9] __sigaction +0x50
[PID=11012][TID=505][1/9] OnUnload +0x3ea18
[PID=11012][TID=505][2/9] roctracer_open_pool +0xdbe
[PID=11012][TID=505][3/9] roctracer_open_pool +0x15f3
[PID=11012][TID=505][4/9] std::error_code::default_error_condition() const +0x33
[PID=11012][TID=505][5/9] std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14]) +0x3bd0f2
[PID=11012][TID=505][6/9] std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14]) +0x3beaf1
[PID=11012][TID=505][7/9] pthread_condattr_setpshared +0x513
[PID=11012][TID=505][8/9] __xmknodat +0x230

Backtrace (lineinfo):
    �[01;32m[libc_sigaction.c:?]�[01;31m __restore_rt
    �[01;32m[/opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/]�[01;31m roctracer_open_pool
    �[01;32m[/opt/rocm-5.7.0/lib/]�[01;31m roctracer_open_pool
    �[01;32m[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]�[01;31m std::error_code::default_error_condition() const
    �[01;32m[/opt/omnitrace/lib/]�[01;31m std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14])
    �[01;32m[/opt/omnitrace/lib/]�[01;31m std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::string >, bool> std::_Rb_tree<std::string, std::string, std::_Identity<std::string >, std::less<std::string >, std::allocator<std::string>>::_M_emplace_unique<char const (&) [14]>(char const (&) [14])
    �[01;32m[./nptl/./nptl/pthread_create.c:442]�[01;31m start_thread
�[0m�[0m�[01;34m[omnitrace][11012] Finalizing after signal 11 ::  Signal:    SIGSEGV (signal number:  11)                   segmentation violation

I once thought it might be the same cause with #304 , but the error message and backtrace are different, so I'm not sure.

The command I use is omnitrace-sample python3
I'm using rocm 5.7 in ubuntu 22.04.

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Can you set the environment variable OMNITRACE_VERBOSE=2 or run with omnitrace-sample -v 2 -- python3 and provide the log? Also either set OMNITRACE_MONOCHROME=ON / --monochrome to get rid of the color characters when you post the backtrace

I’m looking for where the error happens in the OnUnload function.

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After the segfault, omnitrace repeatedly outputs

[omnitrace][23016][506][offload_buffer] Offloading 2048 samples for thread 3 to /tmp/omnitrace-python3-output/25407/sampling-23016.dat...

I don't know when it stops, so I kill omnitrace.

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any update on this?

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Is your library that is built against ROCm, /home/hongyi/mlc-llm/dist/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-q4f16_1-tp2/, built for ROCm 5.7?

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yes. It's built on the same machine I do profiling, and there is only one ROCm version 5.7 on it, so I think it is.

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Given that looks like a python wheel and that ROCm 5.7 was just released recently, that might explain it. Omnitrace tends to encounter issues like this when there is a mismatch between the minor version of ROCm at runtime and the version it was built against.

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Thanks. I'll try again after you release Omnitrace pre-built for ROCm 5.7.

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This was likely fixed in #309 and/or using ROCm 5.7. Also, make sure you have OMNITRACE_CRITICAL_TRACE=OFF, there is still a data race there (critical tracing will be removed soon as it was incomplete due to it being superseded by causal profiling)

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