It's a blog project designed for CRUD operations on articles and comments and responsive for all screens, using _ tailwind, ECMA6, React, Redux, Redux toolkit, Rest API, Firebase, OAuth, Node.js, Express.js ,Javascript, MongoDb and Mongoose._
- Add articles and comments.
- Find all articles by an article slug(post name).
- Delete and update articles and comments.
- Localizations: Added support for 2 languages (English and Turkish).
- Login in and sign up using Google.
- Dark mode and light mode.
- Search functionality based on categories, titles, and tags.
- User and Admin roles.
after cloning the project add DB by adding .env file to api file and write this:
and inside api file in the same path write this in the terminal:
npm install
npm run dev
and this message will show in terminal after connecting successfuly to db: **connected to db sccessfully** after that open client file and adding .env file and write this:
and in the same path write this in the terminal:
npm install
npm run dev