A powerful and easy to use http and websocket routing system for javascript.
const RestNio = require('restnio');
const Dog = require('./dog');
let dogSite = new RestNio((router, restnio) => {
router.get('/', () => 'INDEX OF DOGSITE'); // If you go to the site you get this index.
router.redirect('/index.html', '/'); // Redirect standard index to the root.
router.use(restnio.serve('./README.md', {cache: true})); // Serve the static page README.md to /README.md (cached)
router.use('/img', restnio.serve('C:/www/images/')); // Serve all images from folder to /img (not cached)
// When you go to /gettoken a special token will be signed that gives the user permission to
// the rights: dog.claim en dog.feed.fido, when sending the token in header, for the time specified.
router.get('/gettoken', () => restnio.token.grant(['dog.claim', 'dog.feed.fido']));
router.post('/claimdog', {
// Before claimdog is executed, all parameter checks
// will be executed.
params: {
name: {
required: true,
type: 'string'
age: {
required: true,
type: 'number',
checks: [
// To claim a dog you need certain rights.
// In this case a simple 'dog.claim' will do.
// RestNio gives this right if the client send a valid token in the token header.
permissions: [
// If the rights and the parameters check out, the routing function is executed.
func: (params) => {
// A new dog is created using (in this case) a bookshelf.js model.
// A dog normally expects a name and an age. Since the parameters
// are an exact match for bookshelf we can just pass them in.
return new Dog(params).save();
// GET, POST, All reacts to all HTTP request types.
// Parameters can be given both in URL or using request / body parameters.
router.all('/dog/:name/feed', {
// In this case you need the specific right contianing the name of the
// dog to feed it.
permissions: ['dog.feed.:name'],
func: (params) => {
Dog.where(params).fetch().then(dog => dog.feed());
// If an error is given it is directly send to the client.
// You could handle custom errors.
// Another simple example using path params.
router.all('/$name/hi', (params) => `${params.name} is een aardig persoon.`);
// You can nest routers.
// This also makes it easy to split routers in different files.
router.use('/derp', (router) => {
// The / is now pointing to /derp/
router.get('/', () => 'derpindex');
// The /name points to /derp/name
router.get('/name', () => 'kasper');
}, true);
}, {
// Restnio options.
port: 80,
auth: {
type: 'jwt',
algorithm: 'HS256',
secret: 'dogshite',
sign: {
expiresIn: '1h',
issuer: 'RestNio'
verify: {
issuer: ['RestNio', '7kasper']
Although this project is almost ready for release, there is still work in progress. Some functionality might change and documentation / tutorials are still missing.