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 BIP: ???
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Merkle Sum Sparse Merkle Trees
  Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <[email protected]>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://git
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2021-12-10
  License: BSD-2-Clause

Table of Contents


This document describes a merkle-sum sparse merkle tree (MS-SMT) data structure. This is an augmented version of a sparse merkle tree that includes a sum value which is combined during the internal branch hashing operation. Such trees permit efficient proofs of non-inclusion, while also supporting efficient fault proofs of invalid merkle sum commitments.


This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.


Taro is a Taproot-native asset overlay protocol. Rather than post all asset related data on-chain in OP_RETURN outputs, the protocol instead uses a series of commitments anchored within the Taproot script tree. When handling unique assets, it's important to be able to prove that the former owner (or seller) of the asset is no longer committing to it within their tree. Additionally, when carrying out multi-asset swaps, verifiers need to be able to efficiently verify that no new assets are being created (inflation check). The MS-SMT supports both non-inclusion proofs, and non-inflation proofs.


A merkle sum tree is a merkalized key-value map simulated over a particia merkle tree of depth 256 (as we use sha256 as our hash function). The "base" state of the tree, is a merkle tree with 2^256 leaves, storing an "empty hash". Within this tree, the digests of an empty leaf, and empty internal nodes for each level can be computed ahead of time. The "value" of an empty leaf is zero.

In addition to storing the hash digest of a leaf/branch, an 8-byte value is also stored along side the entry, making each entry 40 bytes in length. The root hash therefore commits to the digest of all items in the leaf, as well as the sum of all the "sum values" in the set of leaves. When combining two branches/leaves, the sum of the left and right leaf/branch is serialized along with the hash digest of the nodes.

When inserting a new key into the tree, at each level, the ith bit of the key is used to traverse left or right down the tree. Due to this traversal, every possible key has a unique location (position wise) within the set of leaves. A non-inclusion proof is the proof that the value at the unique position for a key is empty.

Due to the nature of the mapping, sparse merkle trees are history independent meaning no matter the inserting order, given the same set of keys and values, the same root hash will always be produced. As the size of the tree is intractable, a series of techniques are used to maintain a relevant set of branches and leaves in memory, using a persistent key-value store to store the relevant unique items of the tree. Proofs can be compressed by using a bitmap to indicate if the next node in the proof is an empty hash for that level, or the parent of the item being proved.


We use sha256 as our hash function, and 8-byte sum values.

Building the Empty Hash Map

The map of all empty hashes by level empty_hashes can be pre-computed ahead of time, as:

  • The hash of an empty leaf is empty_hash_1 = sha256(nil, nil)
  • The hash of an empty branch at the second level is empty_hash_2 = sha256(empty_hash_1, empty_hash_1)
  • and so on...
We refer to the map resulting from this route as the empty_hash_map:

build_empty_hash_map() -> map[int][32]byte:

    empty_hash_map = make(map[int][32]byte)
    prior_level_hash = None
    for i in range(256):
        if prior_level_hash is None:
            prior_level_hash = sha256(nil, nil, 0)
            empty_hash_map[i] = prior_level_hash

        empty_hash_map[i] = sha256(prior_level_hash, prior_level_hash, 0)

    return empty_hash_map

=Node Digest Computation

The MS-SMT tree has two types of nodes: leaf nodes and branch nodes.

The digest of a leaf node is a function of the sum_value (encoded as a big-endian integer) of the leaf node and it's actual value:

leaf_node_digest(leaf_node: MerkleSumLeaf) -> [32]byte:
    h = new_sha_writer()

    return h.bytes()

The digest of a branch node commits to the digest of its two children (which may be another branch or a leaf), and also commits to the _sum_ of their respective sum_values:

node_digest(node: Node) -> [32]byte
    match node:
        case MerkleSumLeaf:
            return leaf_node_digest(node)

        case MerkleSumBranch:
            return branch_node_digest(node)

branch_node_digest(left: Node, right: Node) -> [32]byte
    left_digest = node_digest(left)
    right_digest = node_digest(right)
    new_sum = left.sum_value() + right_sum_value()

    h = new_sha_writer()

    return h.bytes()

Looking Up Items

Looking up an item in the tree requires traversal down the tree based on the next bit position of the key itself. We assume the existence of a persistent key-value store that maps the hash of a node to the left and right digests of its children.

The following routine specifies the lookup algorithm:

lookup_item(key [32]byte, db KVStore) -> MerkleSumLeaf:

    root_hash, _ = db.fetch_root_hash()
    current_branch = root_hash

    value_hash, value_sum = None
    for i in range(256):
        if bit_index(i, key) == 0:
            current_branch, _ = db.get_children(current_branch)
            _, current_branch = db.get_children(current_branch)

    return MerkleSumLeaf(current_branch.hash, current_branch)

Inserting Items

Inserting items into the tree entails traversing the tree until we arrive at the position for the leaf, then bubbling up (hashing and summing) the change all the way up the tree.

insert_item(key [32]byte, value []byte, sum_value int64, db KVStore) -> None:
    root_hash, _ = db.fetch_root_hash()
    current_branch = root_hash

    insertion_path = []
    value_hash, value_sum = None
    for i in range(256):
        if bit_index(i, key) == 0:
            current_branch, sibling = db.get_children(current_branch)
            sibling, current_branch, = db.get_children(current_branch)

    db.insert(current_branch.parent_hash, MerkleSumLeaf(key, value, sum_value))

    for i in range(256):
       updated_sum = sum_value + inclusion_path[-1].value

       sibling_node = insertion_path[-1]
       if bit_index(i, key) == 0:
           updated_value = sha256(value, sibling_node.sum_value, updated_sum)

           db.insert(key=updated_value, value=(sibling_node, value))
           updated_value = sha256(insertion_path[-1].hash, value, updated_sum)

           db.insert(key=updated_value, value=(value, sibling_node))
       value = updated_value
       sum_value = updated_sum


    return None

Deleting Items

Deleting an item is identical to insertion, but we delete the item in the tree by setting its value to the empty hash.

delete_item(key [32]byte, db KVStore) -> None:
    return insert_item(key, nil, 0, db)

Creating Inclusion & Non-Inclusion Proofs

An inclusion proof of an item proves that the item is found in the tree, and has a certain sum value. A non-inclusion tree proves the opposite: that an item is not found within the tree.

Generating an inclusion or non inclusion proof entails walking down the tree and obtaining all the sibling hashes and their sum values:

gen_merkle_proof(key [32]byte, db KVStore) -> []MerkleSumNode
    root_hash, _ = db.fetch_root_hash()
    current_branch = root_hash

    proof_nodes = []
    value_hash, value_sum = None
    for i in range(256):
        if bit_index(i, key) == 0:
            current_branch, sibling = db.get_children(current_branch)
            sibling, current_branch, = db.get_children(current_branch)

    return proof_nodes

A plain proof is always a series of 256 merkle sum elements. However we can compress proofs by using an extra bitmap that indicates if the proof contents are an empty hash or not.

compress_merkle_proof(proof []MerkleSumNode) -> CompressedProof:
   compressed_proof = new_compressed_proof(

   for i, proof_node in proof:
       if proof_node == empty_hash_map[i]:

   return compressed_proof

Verifying Inclusion & Non-Inclusion Proofs

In order to verify a proof, we need to confirm that if starting at the proof, if we hash and sum up the tree, then we'll end up at the same root hash and sum value.

Before proofs are verified, the proof should first be decompressed:

decompress_merkle_proof(compressed_proof CompressedProof) -> []MerkleSumNode:
    proof = []MerkleSumNode{}

    for i in range(256):
        if compressed_proof.bit_at(index=i) == 1:
            compressed_proof = drop_1(compressed_proof.proof)

    return proof

With the proof decompressed, we verify the proof by hashing and summing up each level.

verify_merkle_proof(proof []MerkleSumNode, root MerkleSumNode, 
    key [32]byte, value []byte, value_sum int64) -> bool:

    for i in range(256):
        if bit_index(i, key) == 0:
            value = sha256(proof[-1-i], value, proof[1-i].sum, value_sum)
            value = sha256(value, proof[-1-i], value.sum, value_sum)

    return root.hash == value && root.sum == value_sum

Caching Optimizations


Test Vectors


Backwards Compatibility

Reference Implementation